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Old 08-05-2014, 07:43 PM   #44 (permalink)
Ravaora Silverkin
St. Mungo's Healer
Ravaora Silverkin's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Getting a syringe
Posts: 120

SPOILER!!: Mr. Wheelchair and his defender
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
This lounge was an unfamiliar place to Sherman, seeing as he'd had no reason to come here before and couldn't bother the trouble with his wheelchair. He was a bit late, what with having to navigate new territory with his rolling seat and whatnot. But surely it wouldn't matter?

He wasn't actually sure what all the ruckus was about, just that it was mandatory. And that meant show up or he'd get in trouble. Somehow.

So there he was. His turn now?
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post


Did she...just infer that he was crazy? Anthony was getting smoldering looks right now. His eyes narrowed to practically slits before he slowly turned his head towards the woman. Out of all the honking daffodils he had ever met, this one was by far the worst offender.

And now he had regretted asking. He could wait. Really. Or leave and never come back.

"............let what go?" There was something he very much wanted to let go right now, but it went against his morals.

Oh for the love of gardenia. RUN SHERMAN. Only the old man couldn't really do that so it was more like ROLL SHERMAN.

"Actually, this gentleman and myself have our appointments set with Mr. Cresswell."

Was he playing dumb? In denial? Unsure what she meant? Perhaps Ravaora would have to speak as slowly to him as she did a few patience that had earlier appointments. How wide spread was this epidemic and which one were they spreading?? So fascinating yet tragic. The bodies would begin piling up if she didn't get to work. "The stress, Love. Get rid of aaaalll that anxiety. Feel your muscles loosening." And on that note, why was he not following?

Hmm, clearly it was a cerebral malfunction. He truly wasn't processing a thing she said, was he. Parasites in the brain, most likely or the stress eating away at the neurons--

HANG ON!! "No no no." Ravaora clutched tightly to the handles of the elderly man's wheelchair. "This one is gravely ill, knocking on death's door and will be seeing no one but ME. How long has he been unable to walk?" She turned to old man and spoke exaggeratedly slow once more. "It. Is. Alright. SIR." In case he was hard of hearing too. "We'll get you walking again in NO TIME." No walking meant a muscular problem obviously brought on from a lack of exercise and poor diet. They'd get this one up and about in no time. Ravaora began wheeling him toward the room, no time for protests. "And I suggest you come too unless you want to drop dead." Unless he diiiiiiiiid. DID HE???? Clearly OOPS struck again.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Was the shouting really necessary? Vic looked shocked, if anything, at the woman who didn't seem to appreciate the fact that he was getting closer to her. Well, TOUGH life, ma'am, it was her job to get close and cozy with sick people, no? "Whoa whoa." he said, freeing his shirt from her grip and giving her an uncertain smile, but still followed her to what he assumed would be the exam room. He was having second thoughts about her professionalism, though. Look at the way she grabbed his shirt and was pulling him with her. Not to mention that shouting from before.

... maybe, she was the sick one?? St. Mungo's mental section was missing a patient? Oh he ought to check on this once he got this over with. "I mean, aside from that, I'm really fine." He insisted, trying to get her to talk more.

Was that an involuntary tick? Was it? Ravaora noticed the wincing and knew immediately that this man's nervous system was failing. Pretty soon he'd be in a wheelchair too or carted off to St. Mungo's if they caught it quickly enough. This was even more serious than she thought--no, than she DARED to imagine.

"Repetitive speech with the use of 'whoa' twice." Had he already forgotten he'd uttered it? An advanced stage of the disease. Merlin's beard help them all if he got into the wider public. His sudden draw back had her eyeing him even more seriously. "Afraid of contact as well...." She muttered, drawing on little ideas here and there as to what would definitively be the cause of his melt down.

"And rambling." She noted as they got into the room. Offering explanations where there need not be any. The dark circles under his eyes as well......"How well are you sleeping?" And while she asked she reached for the closet thing on her table and hurled it at him. Just like that. Throwing missiles.

SPOILER!!: Mr. Lee
Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
Lawrence was getting impatient at the long wait. People were filing into the room and that meant that he would either have to wait a long time or the Healer would be late for his appointment. Then he noticed someone looking at him. For an unusually long time.

Was she a healer? No wonder most of the department heads were not happy about the health check business. Healers appeared to be weirdos, and even though Lawrence hated to use the word 'weirdo', he just had to. "Good day to you too," he greeted the lady. The ministry advisor maintained the distance, incase she was - well.

"I'm from this level. Er, minister's office." Not the muggle technology centre. "I believe I have an appointment for a quarter past eleven? The name's Lawrence Lee." He said. Now, he did not have all day, so..

Minister's Office, Level 1, central point of the chaos she was willing to bet. That was where decrees came from, such a STRESSFUL job it was and it would break most people, in fact, it had broken this man right here. His internal self was long shattered but he did not know. What a shame in life this was.

"Yes, I'll be seeing you right now. Please step into the room. Have no fear, we've seen worse cases than your own. In no time we should have you fixed, just have to pinpoint what's wrong first."

Because something was wrong, did he know? DID HE KNOW HE WAS DYING???

SPOILER!!: Emily
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Curiosity killed the cat, and roadkill was ever so interesting, so naturally she had to have a look.

Emily was aware of her appointment time, and had initially opted to ignore it - this was something which required very little skill and next to no need for patience. It would have been only too easy. But considering this was an initiative the whole Ministry was to undertake, and because Gavin had always complained about her diet, and Zeke about her sleeping habits, it seemed only fitting to prove them both wrong and get a clean bill of health.

The Department Head arrived in the technology lounge, observing those gathered there. With her hands in her jacket pockets, and a casual stance, Emily offered the nearest Healer-looking figure a faint smile and announced herself. "Emily Browne, Level Two, I'm scheduled for an appointment in ten." So get on with it. Wow her.

There was noise, and there were familiar faces, neither of which she particularly cared for at the minute. Not when there was work to be done, and this was an inconvenience she could have done without.

Maybe she should have skipped it. Was it too late to leave?

Such. Short. Sentences.

Ravaora walked right up to this one, giving her a once over. Short sentences could only mean 10 things and one by one she would figure out what! Could be anything from too much sugar to a brain degenerating disease that was slowly ruining speech function. Tut tut, the woman might find it a little harder to fulfil her tasks if she could hardly give directions. "Emily Browne, yes? Department Head? Those have priority, step right this way Ma'am." Toward the room where your fate would be sealed.

She had caught her looking around earlier as well. Possibly feeling trapped, like the walls were closing in--or a fear of people, yes! It made sense! The short sentences too in an effort to be done with it. This woman had been scarred. It was heart breakingly tragic at the very least and the healer took the woman's hands in hers. "We will help you get through this. I promise you we're the best at what we do. You will be a new woman." Now chop chop the reformation needed to begin and it couldn't without a diagnosis!

SPOILER!!: Alysson
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Alysson nodded again while her gaze dropped to the book the other woman was holding. "So how long are you here for then?" She asked politely, trying to make smalltalk. And she wanted to see if she talked like that slowly all the time. Ah good, yes, but she DID in fact have an appointment. Or so the book said. Good-

.......excuse me what?!

"I don't believe I'm dying." She gave the Healer a strange look, automatically following her into the adjacent room. Was this check-up really about not DYING? Was anyone sick? Was there some kind of contagious disease going around the Ministry? What had she missed? Why had no one told her?

Why was she looking at her like that? With those craaaazy eyes. It was setting in, wasn't it? Perhaps this one would need restraints while they got the evaluations done...just in case. "We will be here all day." Ravaora commented idly as she began patting at the woman's cheeks. "And will continue to be here until you are all healed and reformed." She sighed heavily, lowering her hands again. "It's just as I thought. Your face is changing colour. We'll need to prescribe you something for it." True. It was all red now. Would she need a mirror?

The healer reached for the clipboard across from her and began scribbling. "Denial as well..." She muttered as she scribbled. "But yes, I like your enthusiasm. You will not die so long as we are here! Now tell me, how have you been feeling lately? Stressed? Over worked? Under paid? Unfulfilled? Hmmmmm?" Leaning closer she pulled an eyelid down to check. It wasn't green. Huh. That ruled that out.

SPOILER!!: Simon
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Health Evals?

Simon had seen the department notice...gotten his appointment time at his desk as expected but it was still not on his mind to go. He wasn't one for healers, having only ever gone near one when badly injured from quidditch or the job and the latter was mostly because as security he tended to go near anyone in the ministry. And okay, when he was looked at after being possessed by a pirate ghost for a better part of a school term.

Maybe that was the cause of the reluctance.

Because otherwise he was fine and had nothing to hide. Or rather nothing to find wrong with him. Still...he had noticed others in the department heading in the direction of the technology center and debated, finally leaving to head up there when it was time. With minutes to spare. And his gait casual as he walked to the desk, not revealing any lingering suspicions that typically dwelled in MLE employees.

"Simon Bennett..." he stated simply, giving his name as he waited to be checked in.

The nonchalance on this one was a telling sign, oh yes it was. He didn't understand the grave nature of this situation. He wasn't comprehending or perhaps he simply didn't know what was going on. The man had said his name, he knew that much but the healer had her doubts.

"I do believe you have an appointment yes, please come with me and we can have you sorted out." And poked and prodded and anything else she saw fit.

The examination room was all hers.

SPOILER!!: Tiffany
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Health evaluations.

What. Was this like a... regular thing? They had never done health evaluations at Witch Weekly. So this was strange. Beyond strange. Maybe this was just as normal part of being employed in the ministry. She'd have to ask about that later, but for now the brunette made her way towards the room she was directed to. Luckily, it wasn't that far from her cubicle. Merlin forbid she had to walk up anymore stairs with these heels.

Of course, she did love the heels. Especially the little clunk clunk noises she made- which only grew as she neared the area.

Clunk... Clunk... Clunk... Clunk... Clunk.

As she stood around and waited for her turn, she took out her latest Witch Weekly issue out of her designer handbag and began reading.

Ew. She wore THOSE shoes with THAT hat? Disgusting.


Was this one stress reading?

Ravaora had seen that condition before. The woman was scared before her wits, terrified of what she would find out today and for that reason she was choosing to read. But what was it? What could possibly make people so utterly terrified that they would revert to witch weekly of all things??? Terrible thing this was and she would have to act fast.

"I'm afraid the situation is worst than your reading will be able to handle." She tsked as if disappointedly in life and all of this woman's choices. "Nothing to be done about that now though. You'll have to come with me and we'll see what we can find--pray to merlin we've caught it in time."
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