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Old 06-06-2014, 05:01 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Though she wasn't too convinced he could deliver on what he was promising, she didn't say anything. She just raised her eyebrows at his words, hoping he'd keep the promise. "Just remember you're not the only one who has dreams." she told him softly. Becca's dreams definitely did not involve being a housewife and full time mother. "I'm sure you will. You'd be dancing around the sofa, over the table..." she smirked, but nodded at him saying he'd be back.
He knew she had dreams. Ones that he truely hoped he could make sure happen. He looked up when someone passed Aron and smiled nodding back. "I want to make sure you get every one of those dreams." He said softly back as he looked back to Becca. "Oh indeed I will." He responded with a laugh "I will dance everywhere as I Hoover." He headed for the drinks and returned with two, one for each of them.