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Old 09-26-2013, 11:34 PM   #10 (permalink)
Hey Ju

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Scarlett Mordaunt
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brenna Kavanaugh
Second Year

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Default #4

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura watched as Sophie came into the room and listen to her, whilst eating her chocolate, she was enjoying it loads and she was thinking about a lot of different things but she was also watching her friend doing her work, she had done hers with Nerida not that long ago.

Laura was just eating one of her chocolate frogs when suddenly Sophie stopped and came over to her, she wanted her to help her out with something well that was what friends were for right, they helped each other out and Laura was a good friend so she would help her friend out, finishing off her chocolate and leaving a few out in case Sophie wanted one later, she got off her bed and went over to Sophie's and looked at the items.

Laura didn't want to throw anything at Sophie because if she hurt her friend she wouldn't forgive herself ever and she did have a deadly right arm, she loved throwing things. "Okay I think I see what you want me to do." Laura grabbed Sophie's pencil case and without warning threw it at Sophie, she just hoped her friend was ready.
ALRIGHT! This was exciting!!

Still facing the wall, Sophie was trying her best not to bounce up and down. She was SO excited about all of this. Charms were awesome! TOO awesome! She just wanted to go about and hug them all, but that would be difficult because they weren't actual things that could be hugged. All she could do was keep practising and casting them all over. Which was far from being a problem, really! Woooooooooo!!

OHWAIT. Focus. She needed to be alert! Constant vigilance! Or something like that. "Lovely!" She told Laura as her friend agreed to help her out. Brilliant, brilliant!! She was ready! The brunette held her wand up, ready to turn on spot whenever she felt it was time. Any minute now...

SOMETHING WAS COMING HER WAY! "Arresto Momentum!" Sophie said loudly and firmly as she turn around and waved her wand in the general direction of her bed, Laura and the flying object. They were all just behing her, so it wasn't hard, really. And looooooooooook at that! The pencil case was slowing down! "Oh, hello!" She jokingly greeted the object as she reached out and grabbed it. "Thanks, Laura!" She smiled at her friend, not really caring that much about the fact she had not done it nonverbally this time. It had been her intention, true, but whatever. For some reason she was happy she had been attentive enough to turn around at the right time before the object could hit her face. "This is a brilliant spell, isn't it??" She said cheerfully, walking back to her bed and reorganizing her things. "I just can't get enough of Charms! Honestly!" She beeeeeamed!

Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
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