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Old 08-04-2013, 07:03 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller

Ministry RPG Name:
Kaden L. Fuller
Minister's Office
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

Jake had considered skipping the feast this year. He hadn't been feeling well since the ice cream party and he didn't feel like a feast was the right thing to do right now. But it was the end of the term, and it was a tradition, so he made himself go. He was here at the Gryffindor table, his hand gripping Anya's, and he was actually feeling better than he had in since the party.

As he sat on the bench and looked around, his eyes fell on the Snake table. Jake had thought about stopping by and saying goodbye to Dylan, but had decided not to. Sure, it was sort of sad that his best mate was leaving... but the two were getting a flat together over the summer holiday, which meant that there was no reason for a dramatic goodbye scene. The Gryffindor would leave the Slytherin to his other friends and whatnot. No big deal.

Reaching for a cup, Jake filled it with water and took a drink. It was nice that there were new sets of things here. Apparently the end of term feast was fancy enough for new paper plates and sporks?

Setting down his cup, Jake finally looked around to see his fellow Lions that were at the table. Not nearly a full crowd yet.

everlasting companion
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