Thread: Astronomy One
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Old 09-05-2012, 09:38 PM   #80 (permalink)
Presley Black
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Xavier Rodriguez Fullmer
First Year
Dancing Through Life

SPOILER!!: Jayden
Originally Posted by HazelStone101 View Post

"'Morning, Elliot! You get good sleep?" She asked, before turning to the girl next to her. "Hi! I'm Jayden, nice to meet you..." She introduced herself quietly, so as not to disturb her teacher or other classmates. "Presley, right?" Jayden smiled, extending her hand for the older Raven to shake.



Presley smiled genuinely at Elliot's friend. The fish girl that Elliot had had the fued with two years ago. She shook the girls hand. "Presley Black" She emphasized her last name. She was still a descendent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, no matter what her father might want. "It's nice to meet you too, Jayden."

SPOILER!!: professor
Originally Posted by Marion Burbage View Post
Marion couldn't help but staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare at the girl who had just walked into her classroom. A girl who had ooooooooobviously not read the rules for her classroom and she immediately walked towards the girl with hurried steps.

Clank clank clank clank.

"10 points for arriving in class out of uniform," she exclaimed, waving her hands in a shoo-ing manner. "Now if you would pleeeeeeeease go back to your common room and change into the proper attire." The girl was lucky she didn't take another 5 points for failing to read her classroom rules!

She miiiiiiiiiiight change her mind if the girl protested however.

Presley was furious! With herself, fr forgetting to read the rules, and losing points for Ravenclaw, and with the professor for caring so much. Pres wanted to say Don't you know who I am? In the real world, I matter so much more than you ever will. But she didn't. She couldn't lose more points. All of Ravenclaw would be furious with her. They were still in the negatives.

So Presley smiled sweetly. "I'm so sorry, Professor Burbage. I've just been so caught up in coming back that I forgot to read the rules. I'll go change this instant and be right back." After all, the Astronomy tower wasn't that far from her common room. And truthfully, she had entirely forgotten about uniforms in her year at Beauxbatons. She stood up, sending a sharp glare at Jayden, so the girl wouldn't be tempted to steal Presley's seat.

SPOILER!!: Elliot
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post

Elliot glanced the very snazzy Presley. "Hey, Pres. Why are you so dressed up? Where's your uniform?" she asked, and her blue eyes flickered to the front of the room...hopefully the professor wouldn't notice. Great.

But she did send a smirk to her friend. "You're very smiley today. I'll have to fix that." She chuckled a little evilly to herself and saw jayden take a seat next to Presley.

Elliot merely glared at Presley..GREAT THANKS PRES! UGH. More point loss for the claws..JUST GREAT.

She would forgive Presley...later. She then nodded atthe professor, still not daring to take any of that....drink. Soda, muggle drinks.

And Elliot started to talk to her. Um...not dressed up Elliot! Dressed normally. By Presley standards this was practically casual attire. And after the professor yelled at her, even Elliot was sending evil glares at Presley. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm not smiley anymore." And with that, Presley strode out of the room to change and come back.
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