Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 04-02-2012, 10:55 AM   #368 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Sage Ransom-Kruus
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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Kurumi bit her lip, subconsciously, when Lewis apologized to her. He really didn't have a reason to. Wasn't this all her fault? If Treyen was right, which he almost always was, Kurumi had blocked choice. Her heart stung a little, thinking about that. She somehow knew that this wasn't true. She was sure that she would have remembered something like...a kiss...and her eyes even trailed downwards on to Lewis' lips, lingering there for just a moment before shaking her head. "No...I'm the one who should be sorry," she pouted, her eyes lifting upwards to meet his green gaze again. Kurumi hated this. Seeing him hurt because of her.

She bit her lip again and turned her gaze down towards the floor.

"M-Maybe it would be better if..." But her sentence was interrupted by a certain feline who had been released. Vanilla rubbed up against Kurumi's legs and began to purr loudly. Cats were good at reading people, distracting them from thoughts and things they were going to do. Perhaps Vanilla had sensed that what Kurumi was about to say wasn't what she really wanted? Or perhaps it was more not what Lewis wanted? Either way, Kurumi hadn't finished her thought and was instead giggling as Vanilla begged for attention.

She crouched down to scratch Vanilla behind the ears and looked up when Lewis spoke again. She smiled, thankful that the conversation had moved along a bit. Maybe they could both...just forget for a moment. Go back to how things had been before. Something inside Kurumi stirred that that thought. There was no going back now. "Well, as long as you don't burn the kitchen down we won't have a problem," she laughed, trying to keep the conversation at least somewhat light. "Next to the common room, this is the place I spend the most time." Her smile softened a bit more, as did her eyes as the confusion lessened - but not because it wasn't there inside. " a passion of mine. A reminder that I am more than just a witch. Something that..." makes me feel connected to my mother. She bit her lip again, hopefully preventing Lewis from seeing the slight quivering that happened.

She stood up now, leaving Vanilla to do whatever it was she was going to do, and picked up her cooking recipe book again. "I...think I was," she said, confusion back on her face. All the signs were pointing to her doing so at least. Only...she couldn't remember what she wanted to bake. "I...usually come here to bake for birthdays...but...the only one on my calendar is...mine." There were a few bookmarks and notes on various chocolate recipes, so she must have been planning on baking something with chocolate while she had been eating breakfast. "Do chocolate?" she asked, looking up at him now and frowning slightly. She really wished that he wouldn't look that way and she really wanted to reach out and take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. She even move a little to do so, but decided to act upon it by walking up beside him to show him the recipes. "I...I want to make you something, for helping me study for my Potions OWL." Her cheeks were flushing now and her hand pushed some of her long black hair off her neck as she ran her fingers through it. It would be weird of him to help her bake something that was meant for him, wouldn't it? Unless... "You taught me about could teach you something about baking?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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