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Old 10-08-2011, 06:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Tabitha Mason
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Default A Hobbit at Hogwarts - LotR - Sa13+

I was looking at the list of cross-overs and I discovered that there was none for Lord of the Rings. So I decided to create one.

Disclaimer: Many of the concepts, characters, and settings belong to the brilliant J.K. Rowling. And many of the concepts, ideas, and characters belong to the equally brilliant J. R. R. Tolkein. None of this truly belongs to me, I just simply decided to combine their two briliant ideas.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

Yeah, I guess you can say I have some pretty diverse blood. My mum is a witch, while my dad is one of the lost races of what we like to call ourselves, hobbits.

For those that do not know, hobbits are a cheery folk, originally from Middle Earth. We were prosperous in the Shire, which today is like our Garden of Eden. Then, Men came and decided it would be best to wipe us out. We were scattered, only knowing that we must find a new place to live. A better place.

We failed in that position, I suppose you could say. My clan of about fifty live high in the hills of Scotland. We all come from the line of Frodo Gardner, the eldest son of the famous Samwise Gamgee. And most of us our clan is truly family. So occasionally we create arranged marriages with other clans across Europe. We usually mix with the ones in Ireland or in France.

We are all short with curly hair and large hairy feet that we don’t need shoes for. Unlike men, we have six meals a day. They are; breakfast, second breakfast, Elevensies, dinner, afternoon tea, and supper.

Anyway, you must be curious, how does a Hobbit and a witch fall in love and get married? Well, there’s truly not much to the story. Every hobbit in the clan when they get out of their tweens, which is thirty-three, they are allowed one year out into the world. Well, when it was my dad’s turn, he fell in love. My mum was short and stout with straight black hair and eyes to match; so a short, curly-haired man who seemed out-of-place in shoes might’ve been her only option. My father says she was very kind and intelligent though. I personally wouldn’t know since my mum died during giving birth to me.

My dad never knew my mum was a witch. So that would mean I never knew I was a wizard, until I got… the letter.

I was sitting in our hobbit hole, which was fitted into a side of a mountain, reading a book of the history of the Shire, with my dad sitting near the small fire we had, playing his flute. My dad was a merry fellow, with his rosy face and red hair, and he always was playing his music. His name was Hamfast. Hamfast Gardner.

And now that I think about it, I never gave you my name. It’s Bandobras Gardner, but everyone calls me Bandy. I was named after Bandobras Took, who was always known as the tallest Hobbit until Pippin Took and Merry Brandybuck took that place. I suppose being half-man, I was going to be tall, and by the time I was twenty-two, I was 3’7. And that’s a lot because hobbits grow half as fast than humans. So when I was twenty-two, I had the mind of an eleven-year old.

Well, anyway, so I was sitting, and all of a sudden I heard this tapping on our circular door. Believing it was my cousin Rosie coming to invite me to play outside, even though it was pouring rain, I opened it to tell her that I wasn’t interested when a flying thing covered in feathers came straight into the house. My dad’s music stopped. I closed the door immediately, heart pounding, and turned around to see an owl on the table, staring up at me with large amber eyes. I could’ve screamed, but I remained quiet in shock. In folklore, owls were considered dangerous creatures, who would gobble you up the moment it laid eyes on you. I had never seen an owl in person (or is it in Hobbit?) but I’d seen drawings, and they had always given me the creeps.

But this owl was small, and he was carrying a small piece of parchment in his beak. He looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to take it. I looked at the green ink on the front of the page from where I was standing, and I realized it said the name, Bandobras Gardner. I gulped; it was my name.

I then timidly outstretched my hand, and the owl was slowly moving closer to me. Finally, for what seemed like ages, I grabbed the parchment and unfolded it. It read:

Dear Mr. Gardner,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Then there was a list of spell books and a jumble of magic tools and such. I stared at it in wonder. Not knowing what to do, I laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh. My dad was sitting there in shock, just staring at me, just simply staring. I wish he would stop, but I couldn’t help it.

I finally brought myself to say in between giggles, “I’ve been accepted to a school of magic.”

Now my father began laughing. We were now laughing together. I mean, come on; me being magic?

We were both laughing until we heard a knock on the door. I stopped and decided to open it very cautiously, remembering the last time I opened the door. But luckily this time it wasn’t an owl. It was a Hobbit. Or at least, he was small enough to be a Hobbit. He was an inch taller than me with curly white hair and mustache. But he had shoes on and he didn’t have the normal rosy-colored face. “Hello Mr. Gardner. I suppose you got your letter,” the man said in a squeaky voice.

I nodded, quite unsure of what to do in this moment.

“Good. Let’s sit down and talk about this.”

Last edited by Hera; 07-25-2012 at 11:06 AM. Reason: changed title according to fandom/crossover rules
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