Thread: Food Trolley
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Old 08-31-2011, 05:02 PM   #76 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
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A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Kimalia had a sweet tooth, no doubts about that. That is why in the morning she ate less to make room for some caaandy! She walked over humming a bit and looked at all the selections.. Oh, there were just as many to choose from as same as in that Ice cream shop. Now what to buy..

Kimalia shook in surprise to hear someone yell at her. No one ever yelled at Kimalia, she had always been the good girl who did everything right. She did not want to show her confusion on what to do in this new experience, so turning around with a smile her face changed when she saw Daichi.

"Daichi?" She had to blink. He was on the Quidditch team last term with her as chaser. She smiled noticing how she was now a little bit taller than him, but then saw he looked uncomfortable. Forgetting whatever plans she had to tell off someone who dared to yell at her "How was summer, and are you feeling okay?" Who knows, maybe he wasn't feeling well or wanted to act tough.
As the person in front of him turned around, obviously by his yelling he was prepared for a glare or even a yell back but he was blinking in confusion too when he saw a very familiar girl standing in front of him.

And she even knew his name! O___o the girl looked familiar though...really familiar but where had he seen her before?! "Kim..." he began but then stopped. He was so bad at remembering names! "It's..Kim right?" he blushed as he looked unsure at the girl.

Oh good, subject change. "My summer was okay" he smiled before groaning again and rubbed his temple. Pffft like it was NOT okay. He had to say goodbye to his best friend because he graduated AND he couldn't bring Mr.Duckles his plushed duck to school. But for everything else it was okay. "This headache is killing me, i can't wait to be in my dormitory bed at school" he muttered. And now he remembered that Kim..something had been a fellow chaser in the quidditch team last year. "YOU WERE ON THE QUIDDITCH TEAM TOO!" He shouted and pointed at her. "Yay finally i'm meeting a fellow team mate~ " and he groaned in pain again.
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