I have decided to create this post to hopefully end some of the completely useless questions that I get on a day to day basis in my office. If you read this and still ask some questions that you know I will find completely annoying I will continue the long standing tradition started by Madame Sparrow of putting pictures of ugly people in your signature
Okay so here they are, read them and memorize them:
1. Can I apply to be a professor? The answer is no. The best way to NEVER become a staff member is to ask this question of any Staff here at SS, especially me.
2. Why did you expell/warn/give detention to (put username here)? None of your business. When I punish someone for doing somthing it is for good reason and has been discussed with other staff members before being carried out. It is my least favorite part of this job but it has to be done.
3. Where is the class schedule posted? There is not a posted schedule of classes, so don't ask. You may attend as many classes as you like, whenever you like. Please keep in mind that each Professor will more than likely assign homework for each class and each homework assignment will be worth House Points. Homework is completely voluntary, meaning you don't have to do it (though I'm sure your House mates will appreciate the points).
4. Please keep all question in my office related to the RP in the school. If you have questions about things like catching Snitches or user ID's or anything related to other sections of the site, I would first suggest you go and read the Prefect's Office FAQ's for your answer (I will point you there if you ask and the answer is there and you didn't bother to read it). My office is for School related questions, that's all. If you can't find your answer, then please PM me with your questions. I will delete your post in my office if you continue to do and more than likely give you a warning.
This list will be edited as questions arise, please check it frequently.