-   Term 61: May - August 2022 (
-   -   Unlocked Door (

Felixir 05-06-2022 02:29 AM

Unlocked Door
Not far from the Entrance Hall, down a corridor, and around a couple of corners, lies a tucked away and seldom used hallway. Though in the past this part of the castle has always been accessible - the chamber at the other end used for storage for the past several years - the door to the hallway is now shut tight and locked, and clearly marked 'DO NOT ENTER'.

Otherwise it appears to be a door like any other in the school. There is, however, a strange, faintly unsettling aura which lingers here; nothing intense, but certainly persistent.

All the same, there are no rules against loitering outside this door. Congregate here if you wish, and be prepared for the consequences if you try to force your way inside. Staff reserve the right to be highly suspicious of frequent visitors.

feeheeheeny 05-06-2022 07:29 PM

for anyone/everyone!!!!!!
They had hardly been back to school for a full day and Fox was already losing it. Summer had come and gone in the blink of an eye, and even though it wasn't like the weather had drastically changed since returning to school, the whole ambiance of this place felt cold. Couldn't they, y'know, consider remodeling, warming up the place a bit? The portraits around the castle could only do so much to make it feel homey, and sometimes the castle felt more like their prison than a boarding school.

Suppose it was at one point for some of the older kids, though, wasn't it?

All the more reason to add some life and color to it. And, really, he should have suggested this to the art club by now - that they get permission from the headmaster to use the castle as their canvas. Spice things up a bit. It could be beautiful, it could be personal, it could be everything this place needed to feel a little less like... well... Hogwarts, with all its tendencies to induce nightmares in its habitants.

For now, and just as it had been in his prior five years at this school, Fox intended to be a one-boy revolutionary. A little tasteful graffiti here, some indiscrete words of wisdom there. All with higher purposes, whether or not they were clear to passersby, but always worth the risk of being caught. Still, he sought to fly under the radar throughout his schooling, so when he had his first taste of free time, he opted to scout the ground floor for absolutely no other reason whatsoever and definitely not because Kazmi had indicated that there were places they weren't allowed to go around here somewhere!!!

He steered clear of the staff room as he explored and greeted an insentient statue or two he passed like they were old friends. But as he neared another hallway, he faltered, his eyes lighting up.

"OI!" he shouted back down the hallway from where he came, seeking to attract anyone in the vicinity to come quick. "THERE'S A 'DO NOT ENTER' SIGN DOWN THIS WAY." He was smiling at it, perplexed, looking back and forth between it and back the way he came to see if someone would come ruminate with him. What had been beyond this door before? Someone had to remember in great detail, but it sure wasn't him.

astrocat 05-06-2022 08:21 PM

"It probably means that we can't enter," Ash said helpfully. To tell the truth, Ash hadn't been around here often- she just knew that it had been a hallway going somewhere she didn't need to be. She had no strong desire to go there anyway, since certain Things had made her steer clear from places that were unused, undiscovered, and creepy. She'd been in places like that.

She slouched against the wall and observed Fox. Well, not just Fox. The surroundings in general. Was he thinking of finding a way in? Ash didn't recommend it. It was creepy, and Kazmi had said it was off-limits, and since he was one of the few adults she respected... she thought he must have a good reason for making them stay out. Didn't need any classmates dying this year. She could see why the locked door was interesting though. Even she was curious about it.

Pulling a post-it out of her pocket, she scribbled a few words and stuck it to the door(Congratulations! You have found the first easter egg!). She smiled faintly and turned back to Fox. "What do you think is behind it? I think it's either a terrible monster, a lot of evil paperwork, or... a planar portal to a magical forest."

FearlessLeader19 05-06-2022 09:58 PM


Why did that shouting remind her of one Reagan Anders? That girl’s big mouth rivaled anyone who was loud and this time it was no different. The Slytherin followed the sound of the shouts, very much aware that she was being led in the direction of that forbidden part of the Castle Kazmi had informed them about.

Twirling her charm bracelet which adorned her right wrist, Aria surveyed the scene before her. A Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw, she quickly observed, noting the familiar faces. “Oh, I think it could be an ancient wizarding relic.” Beaming, Aria shrugged. “But who knows! The possibilities are endless. Also… hi, friends!’’

Chelliephone 05-06-2022 10:49 PM

The words 'DO NOT' were like a calling card to the small Gryffindor. So while she'd been ATTEMPTING to find herself a loo in this giant castle, the location and the reason it was a necessity was entirely forgotten as she SPRINTED to find the call. Were they going to find something cool!? WOULD IT BE A BASILISK? Oh she was SO hopeful she was going to encounter one while she was here!! And she would name it Bastian and it would be her bestest friend and Papa would HAVE to let her take it home.

Even if that meant they'd probably need to find a bigger place to live to house it too. It. Would. Be. Worth. It.

Finding a bunch of older students clustered, which just made her even happier since ONE of them was probably all old and experienced and would know how to get in and keep her from DYING, she skidded to a halt near them, hopeful she wasn't going to run into one but truthfully unsure if she wouldn't. "A portal!? What if it's just another giant DOG with three heads?" Wasn't there history of that having happened? "If so, I want to PET it. But do any of you know any musical instruments? I can kind of whistle! Do you think that would work?" She attempted to demonstrate, a pitiful noise escaping though really it was more spittle than anything.

Seeing a post it on the door, Vera wiggled her way through the older students and peeeeeered up at it, a frown settling on her face. "It just says something about Easter eggs. Is there like a giant rabbit behind there?" Because what a let down.

sweetpinkpixie 05-07-2022 08:37 AM

Typically when someone was shouting about something or another, Atlas was the first to head in the opposite direction. Call it a reflex he had unfortunately learned in his first year, this was one Gryffindor that did not go actively looking for trouble. It just so happened to fall upon him unceremoniously on occasion. Professor Holden's office was the only notable exception.

That had been personal AND on purpose.

So, it was with some reluctance that Atlas turned the corner and followed the sound of conversation with something that looked nothing short of a pile of metal and gears in his left hand, a screwdriver in his right, and a curious device covering his right eye (he had forgotten the name of it, but it had been a gift and it was wicked useful in all of his tinkering).

"'s probably just dumb decorations for that dumb dance," he grumbled as he approached the group and overheard enough of the conversation to get the gist of what was being discussed. The dance was coloring Atlas every shade of anxious and insecure, so his pettiness at anything even potentially hinting at it was, well, it was just there. "The headmaster even said at the feast that everything would..." he paused to straighten a bit, attempting to put on his best Headmaster Kazmi expression and adjusted his voice to try and mimic it as well. It helped that his voice had cracked and crinkled and all but lost his cute boyish squeakiness since last term. " revealed is due time..." His shoulders slouched and he shrugged a bit, the movement just enough to cause some of the bits and bobs in his hand to tumble on to the floor with gentle ping pink ting noises.

"So...unless you can convince Peeves to do us a solid and play a prank on staff by slipping on through that door ... best just to wait." Why waste the energy on something that was going to be told to them eventually anyway?

Nordic Witch 05-07-2022 10:46 AM

When people shouted in high pitched voices the wise thing was to go in the opposite direction. Maria did no such thing. She was draw to chaos and loud voices like a magnet so she followed the sounds. After getting lost in the numerous corridors, and getting unhelpful directions from a portrait the little curly haired firstie badger was glad for finding actual real life People!

Rounding the corner she spotted a cluster of students of varying ages up by that door that Headmaster Kazmi had said was off limits. They seemed to be chattering about what could be behind the locked door which was very curious indeed. Hearing Vera guess that it was a giant rabbit Maria chipped in probably unhelpfully. "Hi everyone! It'd be so cool if it was a giant shortsnout dragon or another troll behind the door wouldn't it?." Hogwarts had had problem with a troll eons ago she had read in Hogwart's a history. An easter egg hunt in september was riddiculous.

Watson 05-07-2022 10:47 PM

It all started with a loud “OI” that she had heard and then next she heard a menagerie of different voices down the corridor from her. Huh? What was happening down here?

Lisa followed the voices and found several familiar faces outside of a door. Looking at the door made her feel uncomfortable but also sparked her curiosity. She overheard Aria’s comment about an Ancient Wizarding relic. “A what a what relic?” she asked curiously just catching on to her comment before noticing Atlas, Fox, and Ashley there. Oh and two new faces (Vera and Maria).

Hi ..” she greeted with a slight wriggle of her fingers as she approached the group. Her eyes glued to the door in front of her. She found herself feeling even more uneasy. Not an uneasiness that would make her bolt right away but… something that she didn’t want to ignore. But she knew most of the crowd gathered here. Atlas was here. She offered him a nervous smile before reaching a hand across her body to hold the inside of her elbow.

I.. agree with Atlas.” No surprise there. She usually agreed with the older, cuter Gryffindor. She looked to Maria when she suggested a dragon or a Troll. Eyebrows raised. Now those creatures were particularly interesting. “Maybe its chained up?” she said, elaborating on the thought. “Kind of cruel to do that to a creature.” Her stomach flip flopped. She wasn’t sure if it was door or the fact that a crush was here.

Hey…umm.. do any of you feel a little… nervous about it? Not nervous… Maybe slightly off??” she asked the group.

itsjustjesse 05-08-2022 04:27 AM

The door was a curiosity. It had been ever since Headmaster ... Kazmi had brought it up. The younger Hufflepuff’s idea of it being a dragon behind the door got a small grin and then the tightness hit her chest. What if it actually was a dragon – what if one tried to steal Dahlia away again? The idea was absolutely dreadful.

”i sort of hope its not a dragon” she admitted her voice quieter than she had intended it to be. The normal bounce and lilt had left it for a moment. It was only when Lisa Nam had walked over and asked if anyone felt off that she turned and looked at her.

Huh, was that what she was feeling? Off? She didn’t know. ”I’m not sure?” she offered with a shrug of her shoulder as she looked at her. Still maybe she didn’t know because she was still figuring out the whole scenario with Chiyo and everyone. ”what kind of off do you mean? Like ... unhinged i’m going to share everything that happened this summer off or way too chatty off?” there were so many ways she had felt off this year that she didn’t want to categorize all of them.

feeheeheeny 05-09-2022 12:44 AM

Listen, Fox was delighted that so many answered the call. With each new student that filed into the hall, the sixth year got more and more stoked about this big mystery.

He laughed brightly at Ash's dry humor as she appeared first, a twinkle in his eye as he mused, "We have a magical forest right outside; that'd be rather disappointing. I like where you're going with the planar portal, though. Love a good field trip." Her note earned another laugh out of him. "Brilliant."

When Aria chimed in, he considered the door for a long moment. "Maybe," he nodded. "It could be, like, an exhibit, like a museum, maybe full of stuff like that." Not a bad educational tool, really - just as long as there were no more curses about to be unleashed.

Vera's energy was infectious, and Fox couldn't help but smile as she spoke, an arm coming up to rest on her shoulder after she nearly plowed into him, comfortably using her as an armrest. Not because she was a tiny first year, but because he was immediately fond of this little bundle of energy. But her height also made her a good armrest. "No musical talent here." He let his arm drop when she went to inspect the note, and he gave Ash the briefest flash of a knowing smile. Such a pot-stirrer, Ashley Fox.

Fox turned to identify the source of a grumbling comment and genuine confusion formed on his features at the sight of Atlas. What in the world had he been doing on the way here? Was that even comfortable? His face softened a bit at his impression of Kazmi, a breathy sort of laugh through his nose at it, and offered a simple shrug. "Where's the fun in that?" It was EXCITING.

Oooh, he hadn't gotten to properly meet any of the new Hufflepuffs, and Maria was going to be the first. "It'd be very cool," he agreed patiently, as unlikely as it seemed, and the smile he turned to her was warm. "I'm Fox. Sixth year." Her hair was cool and he admired that she wasn't afraid to speak up in a group of students in a new place like this.

Lisa's uneasiness with the door slightly derailed Fox's unbridled enthusiasm for something mYsTeRiOuS happening at Hogwarts. Slightly off? Like what? He didn't agree nor disagree - it was hard to pinpoint all of the things the door made him feel. He'd thought the unsettling feeling was just pure adrenaline in the face of a good time.

Whatever it was seemed to be bothering Lily, too, from the moment she'd joined them. Fox gave her a look, part confusion, part concern, and queried obliviously, "What happened this summer...?"

FearlessLeader19 05-09-2022 10:51 PM

Good gracious! These midgets! Aria gracefully but quickly stepped out of the path as Vera came skidding in to join the party. She wrinkled her nose. “Silly child. You’re full of awful ideas, aren’t you?” Aria peered down at Vera, making an expression of disgust at the wet sound the child made. Would decorations be hidden away here? Aria didn’t think so. There was something more - call this her gut instinct. So, while she was curious of the contents behind the door - if there was any - Aria wasn’t THAT eager to discover it. Strange… this was the sort of thing that should have piqued her interest but instead she was choosing to agree with Atlas in waiting to find out.

Aria practically stared down Maria at her suggestion. “Pray tell… WHY would it be cool if there was a dragon or a troll in there? Don’t you value your life?” Cue a dramatic sigh on her part. Truth? She was torn between amusement and shock at some of her fellow students. Not Lily though. Lily seemed sensible. In response to Lisa, Aria shrugged. “Something like runes etched onto a piece of stone? Could be a map to treasure.” Like she said, the possibilities were endless. And she was also becoming bored with all this chatter. “I just feel… uninterested. I thought I’d have wanted to… you know, break down the door or something. But… yeah.’’ Aria twirled her bracelet faster around her wrist unconsciously as her gaze shifted back to Fox. “What do YOU reckon’s behind there?” The Hufflepuff had been listening to everyone’s thoughts but hadn’t voiced his outright, had he?

Chelliephone 05-10-2022 02:02 AM

Oh look! It was the older Gryffindor (Atlas) with the cool bug like contraption from the feast! Upon first seeing him, Vera was EXCITED because she bet he'd have some really interesting theories about what was behind the door way. His lack of enthusiasm though and unfortunately logical theory on what was behind the door sucked all the enthusiasm right from her system. Deflating a bit she looked at the door again, before back at him. "Do you really think that's all?" What a silly thing to keep prohibited then. She heaved a sigh, before brightening a bit again. "WAIT! Couldn't you use one of your inventions to confirm though? Maybe there's something small enough we could get under the door?" How that would help know what was on the other side, she hadn't the slightest idea. But surely the smart inventor older student would know!

The arrival of another first year (Maria) got a small wave from Vera, as she bounced on her feet at the idea of dragons behind the door too. Trolls... well, those weren't really her cup of tea, but dragons were close enough to snakes to her that it got her fully on board to see one! "I'm hoping for a basilisk!"

More students! This was such a HOPPING place to be and Vera was feeling very hopeful about the levels of fun within the Hogwarts student body by how many were also intrigued by things clearly stated OFF LIMITS. It was harder to cure a curious cat if they came in groups right?? Hopefully? This one (Lisa) offered greetings, so Vera gave another wave and a bright, "HI!" in response. Except... wait, why would they be feeling off? The first years head tilted as she surveyed the girl, and the door, and the girl again. "I think it's exciting! And they already made the forest forbidden so why would it be off for a portion of the castle to be as well?"

The next arrival's question (Lily), about what TYPE of off and the specific mention of 'too chatty' had Vera's hands thrown in the air defensively. "This is me on a normal day! I promise!!" In case any of them were going to try to take her as an example of aything that might be making them all WEIRD from behind the door. She just liked to talk was all. And truthfully, it didn't matter much if anyone was listening. Considering everyone else seemed a lot older, she figured her ideas were probably being dismissed and yet... this was not something that bothered in the slightest!

The first older student (Fox)had gotten a giant smile when his arm slung around her shoulder, which she wasn't sure if he also knew that had helped keep her straightened after her rather abrupt stop at too high of a speed. She was very grateful, and considering he ALSO was the one who had sounded the call about the prohibited area, she felt an immediate sense of kindred chaotic spirit and liked him immediately! "That's okay! Do you know a spell for music?" Just to have their bases covered in case it was in fact a giant dog behind the door way and they magically somehow got in.

The girl (Aria) who did NOT get a smile was the one who rightfully called her ideas AWFUL. She stuck her tongue out at the first Slytherin, giving a moment's wish that she HAD plowed into that one. "They're not awful ideas! The first one has historical evidence that it ACTUALLY happened and the second", she jabbed a small finger back towards the door before crossing her arms over her chest, "It SAYS we found the first easter egg!" Actually wait, were they supposed to be having a scavenger hunt? The ire disappeared as she looked at them all again. "WAIT, is there more!?"

astrocat 05-10-2022 02:12 AM

Wow... there was quite a lot of people gathering here. Which put Ash a little on edge, but there was nothing really wrong with what they were doing. She edged back out to the edge of the group, listening. Hey! They should definitely not be petting three headed dogs. She didn't see why Atlas was mimicking Kazmi, so she just ignored that and inched farther away from everyone. "Personally, I'm hoping- assuming- there are no imprisoned anythings on the other side of the door." Creature or otherwise. "It's probably storage. It's fun that it's forbidden though. It's a secret easter egg that you can unlock by exploration. Which wasn't very hard since we all knew it was here. But still. It's fun." Did she believe her own words? Not really. She thought Lisa was right. But maybe the feeling was just being in a crowd? Or maybe it wasn't. Who knew.

She still thought there should be no magical creatures on the other side. Or... anything, really. Only normal things please.

itsjustjesse 05-12-2022 12:04 AM

Lily had almost forgotten what she had said in a haze until Vera quipped up. Her blue eyes swung to the girl and were filled with pain. She just hoped she hadn’t hurt her – that was never her intent. ” oh no, it's me ... I didn’t want to make a fool of myself, and then I did, and I’m sorry” she wasn’t panicking, but she was at the same time.

Fox’s attention question made the still quite spritely Hufflepuff want to flee behind the door's safety. Because she could hide in a locked room – right? right. Still, she wasn’t going to do that – it was locked. Putting her best face forward, she just shrugged her shoulder and glanced up at the older Hufflepuff. ”nothing too big ... i just had some” she cleared her throat ”fun with friends at the beach? The usual stuff and an awkward family party” there she had said it without saying it. Since there was no way, she could elaborate here about how awkward that summer had been.

sweetpinkpixie 05-12-2022 01:26 AM

There was instant regret the moment he spoke. It seemed to be every time that he spoke up in a group situation he was against the grain and often felt judged for it. At first he did not mind it, having different opinions and perspectives had served him well before...well...having your first year be a war in which your dad was a hostage and you stepping out of line could be the cause of his immediate death...changed things a bit. And having that perspective changed how he viewed other things, his survival instincts, and his opinions being in conflict with that of his peers...even a professor or two...had caused several meltdowns over the terms. The worst, by far, being the walk out of History of Magic and subsequent emotional explosion in the boys' bathroom.

Relief and validation came swiftly this time, however, as Lisa appeared and agreed with him - which made his heart race a little differently and his feet to shuffle over the floor a bit, scuffing up the bottoms of his shoes somewhat. In fact, he moved a little closer to her - solely selfish comfort reasons - but felt that race in his chest stumble a bit when she chimed in with everyone else on their fantastical theories.


Looking back at the older Hufflepuff who spoke to him, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "It's's just practical..." Unlike most of the suggestions being thrown out. Not to mention it maybe said something about how his peers viewed authority and what they would keep in a school Not to mention NOT TO MENTION ... why get one's hopes up with such little to go on? It was a whole lot of 'do not compute' going on inside this Gryffindor's head.

To Lisa's other question though...was he feeling unsettled? Yeah. A bit of an understatement now.

His ears twitched and perked up with Vera addressed him, pulling him back into the group and highlighting something he could possibly contribute. He wasn't sure about all this talk of Easter Eggs, but he did have a new objective of checking his bag for one of his inventions. "I...might..." he mumbled under his breath, still not entirely seeing the point of investigation here but any excuse to use one of his robotics was a good excuse. "...she...isn't as indestructible as the real thing...I tried to make as many overlapping plates as possible...but..." He pulled his hand out from his bag and unfolded his fingers to reveal a little cockroach. "She might be able to squeeze under the gap between the floor and the door..."

But she didn't have any cameras attached to her to create evidence or anything to show them what was behind it.

Watson 05-12-2022 03:46 AM

A dragon????

Lisa gave Lily a wide eyed stare. “A dragon behind the door?” she repeated in pure disbelief but also with mild concern. Why on earth would the school house a dangerous creature? “What purpose for housing such a creature?” Well… now that she had asked that question. She could think several reasons why. But then again…. She’d imagine a creature like that would be better housed in the grounds and not in the school. What happened if… y’know… it became hungry and needed a midnight snack?

If that was the case…. She suddenly felt MORE UNEASY.

She arched both eyebrows at Lily again when she questioned her about feeling off. As the other girl spoke, eyes darted to the rest of the students whom seemed mostly silent in their response to her. Greaaaat. Just her. Coool. She did notice Atlas shuffling over towards her which made her feeeeel slightly better. “Hi,” she whispered before turning back to Lily who had asked a question of her. “Off in the sense of flip floppy tummy or unsure… on edge? It’s like …. It’s weird. It’s not too weird. It’s slightly noticeable, y’know?

She did want to know what happened this summer. “An awkward family party?” she repeated, curious to hear her share more.

While she waited, she turned back to Atlas who was offering a… COCKROACH??!? What in MERLIN’S…… Stay calm… it’s just a cockroach and maybe it’s friendly. She was feeling a little more squeamish. “Will she be able to tell us what’s behind the door?

FearlessLeader19 05-14-2022 12:33 AM

Pfffft. As if Aria cared about having anyone smile at her. She did start to laugh, however, at the whole tongue thing. And once she composed herself, stuck her own tongue right back out. HA! Two can play that immature game, Vera! “Whatever floats and sails your boat, child,’’ Aria said brightly. “Why don’t you try finding a way into the room and we shall find out? Got any bright ideas? I promise I’ll back you up.” The fifth year blinked innocently.

Like Ashley, Aria thought it was just a storage room, no matter how much of an important object might be stashed in there. And upon hearing that Atlas had some sort of plan, the girl abandoned her action of fiddling with her bracelet and started fiddling with the rainbow coloured heart shaped necklace pendant that rested on the base of her throat. Lisa asked the question she had been thinking: will the roach-like thing be able to provide them with the information they were all curious about? If not, then well… Aria would be on her way because as was mentioned before, she was bored. Some action could change that feeling of hers.

The Narrator 05-17-2022 12:46 AM

All is calm and settled around the castle - at least as much as anyone can expect at Hogwarts. Perhaps you really are going to have that totally normal, completely quiet school year after all.

Well. Such a year will may come, but it is not this year.

A strange screeching, yowling sound, like a human caterwaul, can be heard echoing throughout the castle. Evidently, it's coming from this out of bounds area, though even stood here the squalling reaches your ears as though echoing through a long tunnel, and somewhat muffled by the door. Nevertheless, it is not what one might consider a particularly reassuring sound.

Perhaps you would be wise to follow instructions and stay away... or perhaps it's worth risking your neck (or, more importantly, your detention-free hours) for a quick, innocent, teeny tiny peek.

astrocat 05-17-2022 04:05 PM

Well. Ash owed Eden wizard money. Judging by the screaming sounds, this term was not going as smoothly as she would have liked. When she heard them, she rushed over. Screaming sounds coming from forbidden passages freaked her out a little. More than a little. A lot. For reasons.

She needed to know what made the sound. But she was far from stupid(and farther from reckless). Of course she wouldn't go alone. Or at all, probably.

Being able to cast a patronus would have been handy right about now. She couldn't cast one. Wasn't that nice(/s)? She looked around for anyone in the surrounding passageways that could(if necessary, she'd just do it the hard way and cast sonorous). The weird screaming was scary and she would like to get the headmaster.

SilverTiger 05-18-2022 01:30 AM

There was just way too many things to explore here at Hogwarts. Sable Ileana felt like she had a list, by now, just of places to explore. She had been curious about the locked room, of course, but she hadn't actually been able to investigate it yet. Instead, she'd been down at the lake trying to see if the squid would come up to visit. And the Room of Requirement. And the staircases, the swamp...She knew Vera had tried to find out what was up with the room, because of course she had asked her about it. But it wasn't the same.

Therefore, she had decided it was time, and the smol blonde had ventured over after grabbing a snack from the Great Hall. The caterwauling was kind of intriguing. Her bestie hadn't mentioned that. Munching on an apple, she looked over at the older Ravenclaw. Since Ash was the only one there other than her.

"What's in there?" Something wasn't happy in there.

Emzily 05-18-2022 06:23 AM

The locked door was a door that had gone unnoticed by Remy up until now. Doors were doors that all looked the same around here, probably just leading to another dull, never ending corridor. There were so many tales of hidden secrets of Hogwarts lurking around the castle but Remy was yet to discover any of her own.

What an adventure that would be.

The point being - this Gryffindor was allllll over these strange sounds coming from the area, and she wasn’t even afraid to explore them all by herself. Her magic was up to par with her age and she felt confident she could save someone in danger… gain a little street cred… be a bit of a hero… since she’d been on the quiet side of late.

Being the main character was hard, you know.

Crumbs. People were already here. Ash, being one of them. Remy was certain that Ash could perform better magically than she could. “Hi, Ash,” the blonde quickly greeted her friend, then offering the first year a halfhearted smile. “Do you think it’s a creature? It sounds like it’s in trouble…” Remy looked between both students in front of her.

BanaBatGirl 05-19-2022 11:27 PM

"It's a cat," Edric declared, breezing past the group gathered outside the 'mysterious, forbidden, out-of-bounds door.'

He paused to linger by the Gryffindor in his year. He had an idea, but he wasn't good enough at magic yet to attempt this. "You should summon it. It probably just went in to explore and got stuck and now needs saving." Do it, Remy. Do it do it do it.

astrocat 05-20-2022 12:58 AM

"But it doesn't SOUND like a cat," Ash protested. Weren't there any older years who could help? Right... she was the older year. Well that was frustrating. But at least the people here(Sable Ileana, Remy- friend!, and Edric) weren't too bad... or at least she hadn't made enemies with any of them yet. "Hi Remy. It sounds like a person. But it's probably not a person. But it sounds like one and IDon'tLikeIt." She tugged at her bracelets agitatedly. You know what? Regardless of what it was, they ought to put a stop to it. It was a bad sound. Ash cleared her throat and cast a nonverbal sonorous on herself, which was completely pointless because she cast sonorous... the whole point was to be loud.

She turned in the direction of where the entrance hall was(behind a few corners of course) -she wanted the sound to carry- and cleared her throat. "Um, excuse me? There is screaming or screeching or something coming from this door and I would like a professor to come please. I would have sent a patronus, only I can't cast one- which is perfectly normal- but anyway, one of you professors should come check this out since the door is locked." There. That should work. No, she was not embarrassed about being so loud. This was important.

itsjustjesse 05-20-2022 03:25 AM

When Lisa inquired about the Dragon Lily just shrugged her shoulder. ”maybe someone stole some eggs and stashed them down this way?” she offered because that would be an easy way for one to end up here? Bring a baby and raise it in the castle where it would obviously have been seen or set the building-a-blaze because that made total sense. Total sense. ”its probably not a dragon but it’d be interesting” and scary considering they had tried to fly off with her sister just years before.

She nodded again when she commented on the party. ”yeah just an awkward party ... and i sort of accidentally broke a camp-counselor’s nose” she shrugged, ”i mean who stands right behind someone while they’re cooking and trying to move a frying pan?” she laughed and tried to make it sound less like a half truth. The little cockroach got her attention at first and then – the screaming.

”oh ... what a lovely sound that is” Lily’s face was a grimace as she glared at the door. The young Gryffindor arriving and asking what was beyond the door got a look and a small sort. ”... a banshee? I’m gonna guess it’s a bunch of banshees?” she paused for a second ”or a wendigo.”

The Narrator 07-02-2022 01:26 AM

If you just happen to pass by the locked door down on the ground floor, you might be surprised to find out that it is no longer locked at all. In fact, it's no longer even closed, and can today be found standing ajar. That unsettling aura is gone too. Curious.

Tempted? Or is that old 'DO NOT ENTER' sign still more than enough for you to keep your distance? After all, an open door of an apparently forbidden area is practically an open invitation for young, enquiring minds.

If someone had the urge to go poking about, there doesn't appear to be anything standing in their way.

Chelliephone 07-02-2022 01:46 AM

Curiosity was probably the primary element of Vera Thanatos personality, much to the chagrin of... Probably everyone who knew her. Except Sia, the angel that her best friend was. So the route past the locked door was naturally a daily occurrence for her, even if she thought the mystery was revealed that didn't mean she didn't want the sweet satisfaction of confirmation.

So when she noticed the door OPEN, naturally she had to double check her previous theories. And because she idolized Fox so much, she had to look through in the same manner in which he had brought attention originally.


Was she going to get into trouble? Probably. Was she loudly outting to everyone she was doing what she shouldn't? Yes. Should she have at least waited for an older student before traipsing into the room like she owned it? Undoubtedly.

But did she do any of that instead of pushing the door open and skipping in? Absolutely not.

"Helllooooo. Anything creepy in here????"

Vera Thanatos. Self preservation skills = 0.

FearlessLeader19 07-02-2022 01:51 AM

Jude happened to be on the Ground Floor, alright. And he happened to be passing that particular restricted door, humming to himself as he did so. He happened to be on his way to the Laundry Room then after he was done there, back to the dorm then he was planning to hit the library. The Hufflepuff actually did not notice the open door. Not until he had heard someone shouting about it. He did a double take, wincing as he did so.

Following the voice, he paused outside the room for a bit, eyeing the sign before shrugging and entering. Oh. It was Vera doing the shouting. "Gosh, you're loud,'' he told the girl but grinning all the same. Mini Reagan this one was. But already he was casting his gaze around. What could possibly be in here that anyone would want to keep the students at bay??

kayquilz 07-02-2022 02:03 AM

It’s not like Arden would have even noticed the door if someone hadn’t yelled about it. That someone being the first year…named….Vera. Yes. THey were in the same house and all. An older kid had appeared, and Arden put a hand on Vera’s shoulder. “Maybe we SHOULDN’T go calling into the mysterious suddenly unlocked door…” she said quickly before trying to catch a glimpse INTO the room without having to put her head or any ligaments INTO the room.

BUT SERIOUSLY WHAT WAS IN THE ROOM? “Should we call for a professor????

Deezerz 07-02-2022 03:14 AM

Serena had just been minding her business—she was prepped to go out to the quidditch pitch for practice—when she heard something about a mystery door being open. The naturally curious Slytherin followed the voice.

Indeed the door was open, and there were kids there already.

”You all could go check it out. I’ll keep guard,” she said innocently. She figured that’d be taken better than “let’s sacrifice the first year.” People usually take offense to that.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-02-2022 11:28 PM

Of course Lydia was curious about the odd locked door on the ground floor. But ever since it had been clear that no attempts to open it were successful - or so she had heard and observed from others' attempts, NOT her own because there was no way her magical skill (or lack thereof) would help - she tried not to think about it much. Which wasn't hard, frankly, because there were SO many other important things to think about. Like the dance. And making sure she didn't completely fail all her classes. And trying not to think about the icky frogs in Frog Choir. And the DANCE.

These of course were the thoughts occupying the third year's mind when someone shouted about the mystery door being open. And that caught her attention.

And apparently a few others too, as she noted the presence of the other students when she arrived at the door's location.

Calling for a professor was...probably...the "right" thing to do in this situation. But also not fun.

"I'll help guard too." And observe whatever was in the room from a safe distance. The others could risk it if they wanted, though.

The Narrator 07-03-2022 11:00 PM

Anything creepy? Well... no. In fact, there's very little to be found at all, fortunately for young students lacking in self-preservation skills.

Just beyond the door is the same side-corridor that always stood here, eerily empty and dim with none of the torches lit. None of the doors along here are locked, and all lead to the usual uninteresting storage areas, broom closets, and spare classrooms.

It would seem that there's nothing to be found at all, but for the fact that an open doorway can be seen way down at the other end of the corridor, and it appears, from this distance, to emerge into sunlight.

If you've come this far, there's no reason not to explore a little further, riiiiight?

Chelliephone 07-04-2022 02:16 PM

Was being loud an insult or a compliment??? As the older student from the same house as Daniel (she thought) showed, up Vera looked at him with a slight head tilt. He said she was loud with a smile, so did that mean he appreciated the loudness???? It occurred to her while she was contemplating, that she LIKED being loud so she was fine with whichever outcome of how he thought it so she just smiled in return.

She had been very very ready to enter the room when an older student, Ardvark she thought was the name, stopped her with a hand on the shoulder. While she probably should have been GRATEFUL, Vera just scowled instead and wiggled to get out from under the offending hand. "Where's your sense of ADVENTURE? And if we call a Professor they probably won't let us go in!" So they should absolutely go into the previously warned against room entirely unsupervised. Yep.

Besides there was now TWO older students offering to watch over them, which meant nothing bad could happen right? Or if it DID they'd probably know some type of spellwork to get them out of it. Right?? Right. "Okay! You guys guard! I'll go in with whoever wants to join me!" Besides, there wasn't much noise coming from the room anyways. It actually kind of seemed empty. Outside of another door with some glowing to it. "What was here before? Was this a passage to the outside of the castle?" As a newbie to the castle, she had zero ideas on what she was supposed to be seeing versus what she did.

"I'm going to go further in!" She announced, before continuing with sure steps further into the room and towards the other open doorway. What was back there??

FearlessLeader19 07-04-2022 06:55 PM

Jude, in fact, did not appreciate loudness. Not when his older sister was so fond of shouting. It hurt his eardrums, okay? But the reason why he was smiling was because he was nervous. Because they weren’t supposed to be here… but he was also torn between retreating and satisfying his own curiosity as to what was hidden in this room. “I agree with her,’’ Jude said to Vera and nodded to Arden. “No more shouting. And maybe we should draw our wands, yeah?” If there was one thing he had learnt during DADA, it was to have constant vigilance.

He doubted that Serena and Lydia really wanted to guard the door… they probably were just as curious as the rest of them were but didn’t want to get into any sort of trouble. He shrugged and followed the others. “Maybe you want to keep your voice down?” This was addressed to Vera once again. “Chances are a professor close by might hear you and we don’t want them to ruin the fun, right?”

So far, the Hufflepuff could see nothing of interest. Or indeed, anything that would warrant the door to remain locked. But what was that doorway leading to?! To the outside of the Castle? Huh? “Wait for me! But slow down, will you? Strange and super weird things happen at Hogwarts so you want to be careful, okay?” Trust him, little lioness. He would know. Jude hurried to keep up with Vera.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-05-2022 12:22 AM

It didn't SEEM like there was much of anything behind the door, from what Lydia could see from getting on her tip-toes to look over their shoulders. Except for another doorway at the end with some bright light behind it. It reminded her more of sunlight than normal torch light. But even into her third year, she still got lost sometimes, so she couldn't remember if the doorway behind always led outside or to some other normal magical room with a lot of light.

And she was still awfully curious. And standing out here wasn't going to do much good to get answers, even if Vera and Jude and Arden, if she followed them, told her about it later.

"Actually, maybe we should guard in front of that door back there," she suggested, glancing at Serena. "Might be less suspicious than standing out here?" The professors would find them more easily here. And they'd get a better look at whatever was beyond it and let the others get eaten first if a scary magic creature was waiting for them.

kayquilz 07-05-2022 03:26 AM

Didn’t curiosity kill cats? Arden wondered if it could kill humans, too. She had definitely inherited her dad’s sense of wonder, but she had equally gotten a lot of Eden’ skepticism. What she ALSO, unfortunately, developed was extreme FOMO. So if everyone were to go, Arden Toros would indeed follow.

She nodded to Lydia and Serena who both said they’ guard and saluted them before following right behind Vera. And as Jude has suggested, she drew her wand. You know, because she as a second year with minimal magic experience would be totally helpful and all. It was at least a small sense of security; the hallway, however, looked so normal.

So normal that Arden squinted suspiciously. “There’s a lot of light….I wonder what it is. Do you think it’s death?” She asked curiously. Didn’t people say they “went into the light” when speaking about death or whatever???? “I’m a little…nervous,” she admitted through gritted teeth. The little bounce to her step that she usually possessed was subdued, and she was on GUARD, looking left and right in such a paranoid way that she resembled a bird in movement.

Kolyander 07-06-2022 02:52 PM

Hi everyone!
Vasco had been heading towards the Great Hall but something told him to go the other way. There was a strong tugging in the pit of his stomach, if you will. That twin sense that said his sister was likely getting herself into mischief without him.

A quick about face was made and the first headed in the opposite direction in which he had first intended. Straight through the corridors and all the way to the locked door. Only.. it wasn't locked anymore and it was open, voices drifting out from within. One of them he knew to be his sisters.

He had been right. Why, oh why, did he have to be right? If anything was to happen to her it would look really bad on his part if he didn't do anything. Sighing internally, fingers already going for his wand.. just in case.. the twelve year old silently entered the room. Whether or not anyone else already there took notice to him was all on them.

The Narrator 07-06-2022 03:17 PM

Constant vigilance is always advised, and a relatively redeeming quality in the face of unrelenting curiosity and the impulse to step into the light. Those who venture as far as the first passage will find nothing dangerous or frightening waiting for them, though perhaps the lack of any action will only contribute to the building suspense.

Progressing on through the next doorway, which once led to a large chamber...

... there seems to be nothing dangerous in here either (fortunately for the more curious cats among you). But it is a strange sight nevertheless.

An outdoor scene lies ahead, oppressively hot beyond the threshold, and brightly lit with sunlight shining from the azure sky. The entrance stands where sand dunes transition into forest, and a body of water is visible, glittering in the distance. It's a huge outdoor environment, clearly not naturally occurring within the castle, nor within the country, but if you were to explore further afield you would find that this chamber is still exactly that, extended and rigorously enchanted, existing entirely within the boundaries of the school.

One thing is for certain: whatever was in here, it's not here anymore.

FearlessLeader19 07-07-2022 11:45 PM

Jude was glad to see that Arden was sensible and followed his advice by drawing her wand as well. Merlin, he hoped that they weren’t headed into some sort of trap, the type that saw them coming out seriously maimed or injured. Nope. NOPE. He wasn’t going to go there. Positive thoughts only! So when Arden asked if the light was death, he quickly shook his head. “Let’s just approach cautiously, yeah?” Eyes on YOU, Vera. “I’m nervous too,’’ he added after an afterthought. “It’s fine if you want to join Lydia and Serena.” He doubted Vera would want to turn around and well… someone needed to keep her in check. And maybe Vasco too.

But to his immense relief, there was nothing that warranted any drastic measure when they came across the first passage. The second doorway, the one with the noticeably bigger chamber though… Jude gaped. He was completely lost for words as he took in the strange surroundings. It was like a desert, a rainforest and a tropical paradise all transitioned into one.

But Jude was hesitant about going further. “We don’t know what’s in there,’’ he told the others when he found his voice, gripping his wand even tighter. “We definitely ought to get a professor.”

Deezerz 07-08-2022 12:39 AM

Serena was pleased to hear a younger snakette announce she’ll stay behind with her. Not because Serena wanted company, but because that meant Lydia had a sense of self-preservation. Despite what her reputation was, the redhead cared about her housemates. Some more than others, but still.

She was almost onboard with Lydia’s idea until her eyes zeroed in on the light that was visible from here. It made Serena’s curiosity rise. She stepped closer to the door, but she couldn’t see anything else from there. “I’ll watch—guard—from here. You could go over there if that makes you feel more comfortable.” That was okay too. Serena wanted front row seats for this.

“Constant vigilance,” Serena said after the group. That’s what her uncle told her whenever she was up to no good.

As the group wandered in, Serena held her wand tight in her hand, ready. Prepared. As she did that though, sparks came out of it. She hissed, but didn’t let go of it. They’ve been having issues due to her temperament lately. Getting burned by your wand wasn’t fun, but…


It occurred to her, she could light up the nearest torches. Hopefully that’s help her see better.

Do you all see anything?” she called after a while.

Watson 07-08-2022 01:34 AM

Lisa stopped when she heard Serena’s voice. She hadn’t expected to hear her voice but it gave her pause to think through her reaction. Run or run towards her. She was near the weird door that’s he had stopped by earlier so she found herself making a quick decision. She rushed to her side.

Feet moving quickly, she made it to the door and stopped when she spotted the crowd of students walking into the open door. Heart racing, she readied her wand. “Serena, what’s going on?” she asked. Lisa made eye contact for the briefest section before biting her lip.

kayquilz 07-08-2022 07:13 PM

Arden kept behind Jude, but peered around him when he made a noise of surprise. The light was not death at all, as Jude had said, but instead….?

Her brain did not compute.

Even with magic, she was confused. “Should we go in?” She asked at the SAME time Jude had asked about getting a professor. She looked up at him, her wand still aloft slightly, and stuck her free hand OUT into the threshold to feel the hot sun. If she could feel it at all. “This is weeeeeird!” She shivered. Sticking your hand in things you didn’t know about was not smart, and Arden knew that. But like……………

It was really hard okay?

At Serena’s call, Arden yelled out, “WE’RE GOOD! THERE’S A ROOM INTO THE OUTSIDE WORLD WITH A JUNGLE OR SOMETHING!” A decent explanation, right? More confusing? Less confusing? WHO knew.

FearlessLeader19 07-10-2022 07:56 PM


Jude was having mixed feelings about this: to explore or to simply bow out while they were all in one piece. Apparently this was his thing lately, being on the fence while his feelings went in opposite directions. But this wasn’t the time nor place for that sort of thinking. He stayed right where he was, wand held out even as he heard Serena call out to them. He hadn’t heard Lisa’s voice, otherwise he’d have shouted to her to stay outside. Jude even stayed silent as Arden shouted a reply to those waiting outside. All the while, he was observing the strange place after taking a few steps closer to the scenery. It at once hit him that the strange environment was magicked to sit within Hogwarts. What also hit him was the bit of heat radiating from the environment; this could mean that it was a lot hotter on the inside.

The Hufflepuff looked around at the small group which had come to explore; he was the oldest here so if anything untoward happened, there was not much he could expect from the younger ones in terms of defending themselves. But he also remembered something Kazmi said at the start of term feast. Explanations will come in due course. Do you guys recall the Headmaster saying that about this room at the Feast?’’ he asked. “If the staff is planning to tell us about it, does it mean this place is harmless??’’ Listen, Jude was thinking everything through carefully, okay? One didn't attend Hogwarts for a fifth year without knowing a thing or two about the dangers that lurked here. He wasn’t going to risk his neck doing anything stupid; there was a particular messy haired Muggle boy he would like to see again during the next holiday break, thank you very much. "If that's the case, then I don't see why we shouldn't explore." He was just going to give the others a moment to weigh in their thoughts.

Deezerz 07-11-2022 02:32 AM

Those times when the heart stops and somehow air gets lodged in your throat, so sudden it makes you cough, happened to Serena the moment she turned and was met with Lisa. What was she doing here? Was that concern written on her face?

Stormy baby blue eyes caught sight of Lisa’s wand, ready. Was she here to hex her? Was she that mad? Serena adored her friend, but she was not the kind to take lightly to attacks. It was embedded in her DNA to stand and fight. Ugh. Why was life like this?

But her gut said otherwise. Lisa would never hurt her. Not physically, anyway.

Lisa,” she said, the name feeling foreign despite how much it crossed her mind. “There’s—“ At that moment she heard Arden’s voice. “A jungle.” That didn’t make sense.

Serena stepped much closer to the door. “There’s a JUNGLE????” Someone explain, please.

Watson 07-13-2022 02:17 AM

Serena's reaction to her entrance gave her pause. She bit her lip, feeling incredibly awkward now that she had rushed forward. She noted the panic or awkwardness evident in the cough that she had given. Lisa looked down at her wand and then back at Serena. "I... I heard loud noises and thought you were in trouble... so ta da?" she offered in the most awkward but endearing Lisa Nam manner that she could deliver such a line. So much for acting cool and cold in front of her... That was too hard. It was def panic that she saw reflected in her friend's pretty eyes.

After Serena spoke her name, she paused and let the silence fill in the space momentarily. She wished that she had her hands free to wring them but instead she gripped her wand.

The next words out of Serena's mouth made her even more confused. So confused that she accidentally dropped her wand. Was it out of confusion or nerves? Ha. No one would know.. "A what?" she repeated in disbelief before she saw her friend head towards the door to ask about said jungle.

"Should we go take a peek or should we wait in case a Professor walks past... Will we get into trouble?" she whispered to Serena. She didn't really want to get detention for this...

FearlessLeader19 07-15-2022 01:02 AM

Kazmi’s words echoed in his mind and now that the opportunity for the great, big reveal to be done earlier had presented itself, Jude was starting to feel more relaxed about possibly exploring the area. Relaxed but not completely lax about being vigilant. He took steps forward, still very much carrying a strong grip on his wand, until he was standing in the heat. GOSH! It felt as though his skin was baking already! Were those beads of sweat already popping up on his forehead? Yes, they were.

Jude looked out in the distance, squinting as he did so. So far, everything was quiet and he took this as a good sign. Now he was going to see if he was indeed correct in surmising that this weird place was situated within the School and didn’t lead anywhere else.

But maybe he wouldn’t explore for a lengthy period of time? He didn’t exactly want to be cooked out here. Jude looked over his shoulder to see if anyone else had followed before he headed off.

The Narrator 07-22-2022 12:48 AM

A short way along from the door, amongst the sand dunes, the wall of the chamber is suddenly a lot clearer despite the enchantments that give it the appearance of the horizon. On the wall are scratch marks, similar to those that appeared in the castle earlier in the term. And, just as before, these marks form a set of words...

Morning, noon, and evening
I prowled these lonely sands
Found now in greener pastures
Though not in distant lands
Who is your little vandal?
Who writes upon your walls?
Who might have caused a scandal
Beyond these sheltered halls?
Guardian turned treasure
One question and one chance
Find an answer at your leisure
In the meantime, shall we dance?

FearlessLeader19 07-23-2022 11:22 PM

Jude was so not going to spend longer than necessary here; just enough to grab some intel so that it could be reported back to the professors. The sand dunes were perhaps what held his attention the most. Don’t ask him why, it just was. The Hufflepuff had walked only a small distance in and had come to a pause because he had just realised something: he could clearly see the walls of the place. Um… hadn’t it been far off before?

Strange. Very Dr. Strange.

A crease appeared on his forehead. “Hang on…” Jude muttered. Strange words? And in similar writing style? These were written by the same… whatever… that had written those words Daniel had shown him a short time ago. Unfortunately, the fifth year did not have a notebook to write these words down. Did any of the others? One thing was sure: something unknown definitely was living within the Castle. “Anyone of you by chance have a book and pen with you?” he called to his fellow explorers as loudly as he dared. Jude was pointing to the words on the wall in case they needed a reason for his strange request.

Felixir 07-24-2022 02:28 AM

may have some plot overlap soon, but we'll wrap up here at a steady pace all the same

Listen. Arriving at the end of a certain corridor containing a certain forbidden area, seeing the door open and students stood without with wands drawn, and hearing loud voices from within... well... maybe a better man than Kamran might not have been immediately suspicious. Kamran was not a better man than himself, that would have been an impossibility. However, it quickly occurred to him that not only was it extremely unlikely that a student could have forced open the door - or even removed it entirely - without triggering the security charms, but that it didn't really matter so much now in any case.

Clearing his throat, he approached the artist formerly known as the locked door, and Baltazar-Dos Santos and Nam loitering outside of it with their wands drawn.

With a world-weary sigh (exaggerated for effect), the headmaster reached past the both of them and pushed the door open a little wider. "If you're that curious, you can come and have a quick look. Very quick, mind." As in, in the time it took him to round up anyone who'd gone exploring. Kamran stepped inside, and towards the doorway down at the other end. He didn't draw his wand; a non-verbal assurance that the students didn't need to either.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-24-2022 09:37 PM

Having followed in behind the group, Lydia eyed the walls of the corridor, hoping there was nothing invisible hiding behind a torch or something, before stopping once they'd reached the threshold of the next doorway. She leaned up on her tip-toes again to peer over everyone's shoulders and caught sight of the blue sky and green forest and water beyond.

Wow. Wow.

Magic was so cool!!!!

Even after a few years, she still found herself in awe of the things one could do with magic. It all looked so real! And safe! No scary creatures to be seen!

...Of course, something could be hiding in the forest. Or the water (how deep was it?). But right NOW it looked pretty safe.

So, after Jude had continued onwards, she also stepped through the doorway and onto the sand. Merlin, it was hot too, as if that actually was the sun beating down on them from above.

There was a little bit of an urge to explore herself, but considering there maybe could be something hidden around here, Lydia followed a few paces behind Jude...not that said exploration lasted long, because suddenly there were walls.

Huh. Well, that was...wait, there was something there! Scratches, but...they also said something.

Lydia took a few more steps forward so that she was standing beside the older Hufflepuff now, casually twirling her wand between her fingers as she read the words. Guardian? Dance???


She shook her head at his question. Of course it would be the one time she didn't bring her school bag with her that was also the one time she actually needed it. "Is there another way we could copy this? Or take a picture?" At least, that was what she was assuming Jude wanted to do. And magic could do lots of things, so maybe there was a spell out there that would be useful right now?

FearlessLeader19 07-26-2022 12:24 AM


Jude was pretty much confused as Lydia and anyone else. Then it hit him. How they could make a note of these words, that is. “There is!’’ he told Lydia, in awe of the inspiration he had just had. “The Voice Recording Charm!’’ But first he would need an object… any object… The fifth year fished into his pocket, coming up with the golden coin he’d won in a Dueling Club Meeting.

The coin was tapped with his wand. Immediately after, he read the words clearly and verbatim as he saw them on the wall. Once done, he tapped the coin once more. “There! Now we’ve got it all on here should anyone need it for reference.”

Thank you, magic!

Jude wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "You reckon we should leave now?"

Deezerz 07-26-2022 01:12 AM

That was sweet of Lisa. Serena smiled a little at her response. As always, her mannerisms were cute. Her guard was still up, but not because of Lisa. This jungle thing was suspicious. She figured it was so much so that Lisa even dropped her wand. Serena summoned it to her and then offered it back to Lisa.

I’d like to go—“ Before she could finish, Serena heard a sigh, and had it not been familiar, her crab core wand would have been ready to zap the headmaster. Oops.

He wasn’t going to stop or scold them? Serena eyed him suspiciously. Trust issues with adults, y’know? Which is also why her wand remained in her hand.

After a pause, Serena looked over at Lisa and nudged her head to follow the man. If she’d like to. Serena’s curiosity was far too powerful for her to stay back. Besides, the headmaster served at a great shield.

Once she joined the rest of the group, Serena’s lips parted in surprise. This…is not what the inside of a castle looks like. Whoever created this must be an extremely powerful being. “Headmaster,” she said after reading the scratch marks, “what lived here?” Her heart started racing. “And…are they invited to our dance?

She didn’t like that last line. Will they be having security at the dance?

Felixir 07-26-2022 09:48 PM

Honestly? Honestly. Kamran didn't really mind the suspicion. Though he'd have liked to know the students trusted him on some level, the fact also remained that it was often a good idea to remain on one's guard. Self-preserving.

Speaking of, he headed through the next door after his wayward (except not really) students. Though he expected and was braced for the heat, Kamran still had to tug slightly at his collar to loosen it as he stepped into the chamber, and squinted around as his eyes adjusted to the light. "Is this everyone who came in?" he asked, raising his voice slightly to reach those who had wandered, while he too joined those at...

... ah. Yes.

Kamran, for his part, appeared neither alarmed nor surprised. In fact, he allowed a half smile. "Well... it does seem eager to make itself known," he said in a measured voice, reading through the message again. "You could say that, Miss Baltazar-Dos Santos. Certainly we'll be making a small announcement that evening." No spoilers here, though their guest was apparently fond of leaving clues. "Things should become a little clearer then."

Watson 07-27-2022 02:46 AM

Serena was kind to offer her wand back to her. Lisa gave her a small smile as she accepted it back. “Thanks.” She nodded in return before looking to the room. She stayed a little back because she was unsure of what laid ahead of them in the room. Even if the other students were exploring, she’d prefer to wait back here and learn that it was safe to explore.

Lisa waited for the Headmaster and Serena’s direction to explore a little further into the room. She stayed behind, quiet, but always listening to the conversations.

Headmaster Kazmi’s answers were thought provoking. “Does it prefer a waltz or the foxtrot, sir?” she asked curiously. She didn’t know what it was but it sounded like it would attend an event later on in the year.

FearlessLeader19 07-27-2022 04:56 PM

Jude turned upon hearing Serena’s voice. She, Lisa and Headmaster Kazmi had joined them. He scanned Kazmi’s face, wondering if the group was in any sort of trouble. Apparently not? And he knew it! There had been something here that the student population would eventually find out about! So there was no need for anyone to be suspicious then? Though one could hardly blame the students given all the weird and dangerous stuff that happened at this School.

“Maybe he, she, they, whomever prefers the Paso Doble or the Argentine Tango?’’ the Hufflepuff piped up excitedly, following Lisa’s lead in listing dances the stranger might prefer. Those were also two of his fave dances.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 07-30-2022 01:49 PM

Lydia may have gotten a little starry-eyed when Jude so casually recalled a voice recording spell and used it. It wasn't even a particularly flashy spell, but it still amazed her how easily magic came to some people. Considering she still struggled frequently with her spells in class, let alone outside of it, it made her wish that she could be that good with it. Someday, hopefully.

Leaving did seem like a good idea now though, especially since this area wasn't as big as she had thought, so there wasn't much to explore.

Except. Uh. There was the Headmaster with Serena and Lisa in tow.

Um. Lydia's mind scrambled for an excuse for why she shouldn't be in trouble, but... But the Headmaster didn't seem upset? Were they not going to be sent to detention?

Huh. Well. Good. Great! Not getting in trouble was easier than she thought.

But there was still no answer about what had been in here! Whatever it was would be at the dance, which at least implied that it (probably?) wasn't dangerous, but she still didn't want to wait that long to find out!

"Is it a creature?" she asked, hoping for more hints. She wasn't a creature expert, if that was what it was, but maybe she could ask one of her smarter friends and they could figure it out.

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