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The Eagles sit under a beautiful navy and bronze banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Ravenclaws, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
is the sound Eden thought most resembled her life right now. She didn't rush to her house table, but she didn't walk slooooowly either. She picked a random chair, she didn't care where, even, and flopped into it. Schlump. It wasn't a real word. It was a combination of slump and schlum, which wasn't a word either, but Eden thought the word meant a higher of SLUMP. So SCHLUMP worked in her brain, at least.
Food? Feast? She was feeling so down that she just stared at the staff table, not registering a face or two that was new, and seem engrossed in her own thoughts.
The dramatics were strong tonight with Eden McGee.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby was glad to be back at Hogwarts and she was happy that the term was about to start and taking a seat at her house table she looked around to see if any of her friends were there she only saw Eden who looked down about something
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Text Cut: Eden
Originally Posted by kayquilz
is the sound Eden thought most resembled her life right now. She didn't rush to her house table, but she didn't walk slooooowly either. She picked a random chair, she didn't care where, even, and flopped into it. Schlump. It wasn't a real word. It was a combination of slump and schlum, which wasn't a word either, but Eden thought the word meant a higher of SLUMP. So SCHLUMP worked in her brain, at least.
Food? Feast? She was feeling so down that she just stared at the staff table, not registering a face or two that was new, and seem engrossed in her own thoughts.
The dramatics were strong tonight with Eden McGee.
Unfortunately coming back into seventh year meant that Layla’s mood had taken a turn for the worst. She wasn’t the happiest soul in the world anyway but the last few months had put a smile on the Ravenclaw’s face and now that smile was replaced by a miserable frown. She still didn’t feel like she belonged here anyway not even after two whole years. She’d much rather have stayed a muggle but she promised her family as well as herself that she’d stay around and so here she was proving something. What it was she was proving she didn’t know.
During the journey she had managed to find Eden on the train and spent the majority of the time with her. She was equally as mopey and although it probably would have done her fellow Ravenclaw good to have someone much more cheerful and upbeat around, Layla knew that she was one of her closest friends and any company was better than no company wasn’t it? She’d followed her out of the train and towards the carriage where they just sort of.. talked about things. And once the Thestral drawn parade which quite frankly Layla found over the top was complete she hung back a few minutes to look for someone she hadn’t been able to find on the train.
With no luck having found the little first year she’d promised her family she’d look out for she headed back into the Great Hall deciding that she’d just go sit with her at whatever table she was at after she’d been sorted. For now she headed straight towards the Ravenclaw table which she was glad to see was mostly empty. She flopped down in that seat next to Eden and nudged her with her elbow.
“How are you holdin’ up, drama queen?” she asked in an attempt to somehow cheer her up in a joking sort of way although Layla really wasn’t very successful in that matter. Eden seemed to show emotions more than Layla did, the blonde was very good at keeping them to herself. She offered a ‘sort of’ smile too as a back up.
Resident Ghost of Ravenclaw | Intelligent & Evasive
The transparent lady brunette ghost also known as the Grey Lady or Helena Ravenclaw depending on what struck your fancy, floated over to take her usual position at the head of the Claw table. Helena was not going to miss a second of this feast. Twinning her fingers around each other in her lap the ghost turned her eyes first to the brown haired fourth year (Abby). "Good evening dear, I trust you had an enjoyable summer?"
Gaze switching to look over at the two seventh year girls (Eden & Lottie) sitting side by side and looking anything but cheerful and upbeat Helena raised a brow and asked them “Why the glum faces girls? Tonight is supposed to be a happy beginning to the new school year.”
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby smiled at the Grey Lady and said "Good evening Helena, i had a very enjoyable summer thank you, glad to be back at school now" Abby was a bit bored for the last couple of weeks of the holiday
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
There were many feelings going on in the mind of Tia Mancini at that moment. She had spent the whole train ride mostly in silence which had continued as she followed the crowds of her peers into the Great Hall for their annual feast. On one hand, she was STOKED to be back for another year. A feat she beat her brother on (which wasn't difficult considering she WAS smarter according to her at least but maybe she was simply more academic oriented - not that there was a huge difference in the mind of the fifteen year old).
The other thing on her mind was: OWLs. She'd heard about them enough from her family and the current batch of sixth years and even though they were MONTHS away, she couldn't help but feel like they were closer than ever before. And while she shouldn't be stressing because she had plenty of time to prepare, she was nervous more than anything. Her undecided future depended on these results.
And then there was one more thing on her mind. Zander Adair. A glance at the Gryffindor table, the fifth year frowned as she considered how he hadn't even written over the summer. Did he miss her or was he just being friendly last year because she was new and now he was moving onto the next rookie?
So yes she was preoccupied. And yes she was still quiet. Surely her fellow eagles would understand the COMPLEXITIES on her mind. In her quiet thoughts, her honey brown eyes wondered up to the staff table to search for familiar faces.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Chris walked into the school with wide eyes and a grin. THIS was Hogwarts?!!!! IT WAS HUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!! Bouncing on his heels slightly he walked over to the table and grinned at the few people there. He was suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper happy to be here. AND he was sorted into Ravenclaw!!! Same house as his daddy. He drummed his fingers on the table excitedly and watched everyone.
Wait was that a ghost?! His eyes grew wider as he watched the ghost and he was more focused on how he could see through her. What were they made of???? "Are you a ghost?" he asked the transparent figure who seemed to be talking. Ghosts could talk?
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
It was kinda weird, now that she thought about it. A year ago, Evie approached the Ravenclaw table for the first time, nervous, but excited, wanting to meet new friends and wishing a certain Durmstrang boy was not at Durmstrang to keep her company. A year later, Evie still felt nervous and excited for the new year, eager to reunite with her old friends, meet new ones, and still wishing a certain Durmstrang boy was there. Some things didn't change.
Still, she was excited. And hungry.
Evie made her way down the table and plopped in front of Eden, who she then realized was not too happy... She had a few suspicions of why, but she didn't bother her since Layla was comforting her at the moment. Instead, Evangeline (who, by the way had NEW HAIR, thanks to her mother's skills and about 10 galleons of hair potions) peered up at the staff table to note any changes. She did see a new face -- a new YOUNG and kind of attractive face -- in the old DADA professor's seat. That would be interesting. It also kinda seemed like there was a spot missing... Oh well. Where was the food?
In a much more controlled way compared to the last time they'd done this, Toby entered the Great Hall with Sophie Brown (Ravenclaw PREFECT, YOU GUYS) on board in a piggy back ride. Yeah, no Toby train today. Actually, he was pretty calm. Subdued, even. By things.
"Where t-" he began, starting for the Ravenclaw House table, before realising after just a split second of scanning the table exactly what the answer to his unasked question would be. "Wait, let me guess."
And he wandered on over to where Evie Shacklebolt was sat, and paused so Soph could climb off. Hopefully soon, too. Sophie wasn't exactly heavy, but apparently Toby wasn't so strong anymore. He was, essentially, lifting almost his own body weight, as they were both more or less the same size.
"Is here good, m'lady?" the Hufflepuff said to his Ravenclaw.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Why did everything here feel so CHILDISH. His uniform was tailored and weird. The carriages felt like the type of thing ten year old Suri would enjoy and now this Great Hall with the floating candles that he remembered. He was actually surprised at how little he remembered the details of this place. Or perhaps it had changed. Regardless, he felt like they were all playing overgrown children.
It was a weird feeling to shake.
Having lost Puck as he disembarked the train, he'd tried to find Hayley, Noel and Cutty too but they'd all seemed to have disappeared, so he'd made his way up to the castle in silence. Turning to face the Ravenclaw table - at least the cutlery was wasn't actually plastic and baby proof - Benzi made his way over and towards the small group of girls already sat there looking roughly his age. Or, er, small group of girls and a couple of piggy backers. Who looked vaguely familiar.
... This weird nagging feeling that he knew people was going to get very old, very fast.
He sat by the pretty girl (Evie) and was about to introduce himself when he noticed none other than Crazy Eyes seated directly across from him. Sad looking Crazy Eyes being comforted by the blonde next to her. Of course she'd be in Ravenclaw. Of course.
"Hey there," he grinned to the table in general but mostly to the pretty girl. Because Crazy Eyes was crazy, and he was in a weird enough mood as it is. Also because Piggy Back Couple were making his brain hurt.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
In a much more controlled way compared to the last time they'd done this, Toby entered the Great Hall with Sophie Brown (Ravenclaw PREFECT, YOU GUYS) on board in a piggy back ride. Yeah, no Toby train today. Actually, he was pretty calm. Subdued, even. By things.
"Where t-" he began, starting for the Ravenclaw House table, before realising after just a split second of scanning the table exactly what the answer to his unasked question would be. "Wait, let me guess."
And he wandered on over to where Evie Shacklebolt was sat, and paused so Soph could climb off. Hopefully soon, too. Sophie wasn't exactly heavy, but apparently Toby wasn't so strong anymore. He was, essentially, lifting almost his own body weight, as they were both more or less the same size.
"Is here good, m'lady?" the Hufflepuff said to his Ravenclaw.
From aboard Toby's back - for the LAST TIME EVER AT AN OPENING FEAST, she acknowledged with deep-rooted bitterness - Sophie Brown made sure to sit UP so people could SEE the little blue badge on her chest. It was a REAL one this time, not her Head Nerd #2 badge, and as long as people were already looking at her as she and Tobes made a grand entrance, she figured they might as well know about this development NOW rather than find out as time went on. No, best to just get it all out of the way.
As Tobes carried her down the aisle, Soph squeezed his torso comfortingly and her gaze drifted up to the staff table directly ahead of them - she double checked that Thompson and Culloden were there, and Flammy and Quiggles and Kitridge and Botros... Tanner, yes, good... but she noted the absence of one short herbology professor and Romanos; however, before she could try to work out what was going on up there, they had arrived at their destination, and Sophie slid off Tobes' back to smile at where he'd decided to drop her off.
"Thanks, Tobes." She gave the Hufflepuff's cheek a quick peck, then latched onto his arm, silently conveying that she didn't want him to leave yet. Or ever. "Hi Eves," Soph greeted, not sitting yet and instead taking Tobes' hand and fidgeting with his fingers, subconsciously needing the reassurance that he was there. "Eden, Layla," she continued her greetings to the girls whose expressions were a tad concerning, and Tia got a sad sort of smile as she seemed slightly troubled, too, and...
That's when her eyes fell upon the boy beside Evie. She squinted at him for a moment, confused, but then... it clicked. "Get outta here. Benzi...?!" COULD IT BE?
This was a good choice then, that was good. Toby straightened a little from the slightly bent position that had helped keep Soph up on his back when his strength (or lack thereof) failed him. He looked around at those at the table already and gave them all smiles, even the ones he didn't know. There was a BOY here, too, that Toby swore he knew but couldn't quite place a name. That wasn't so strange, though, as he was... so so bad at remembering names. Like offensively so. So he smiled at him too, anyway.
Toby had been expecting for Soph to sit and drag him down next to her, so when she just stood there and played with his hand, he blinked and turned to look at her. "Err... aren't we sitting down, then?" He thought about asking if maybe she was standing to make extra sure everyone would see her shiny new prefect badge, but decided that that would probably sound a little mean if he said it out loud, like he was teasing her in a mean way. Which WASN'T the case, so played it safe and stayed quiet. Teasing people tended to lose its fun when you saw how it could hurt people, too, so Toby was VERY careful about when he did it. Which meant... he tended to not do it at all anymore.
The thought of Soph's prefect badge suddenly reminded Toby of the home made Head Nerd #1 badge Soph had mad him last year, which currently resided in his pocket. He used his free hand to quickly check that it was still there (it was, WHEW), and that was about the time that Sophie named the unnamed boy.
"Benzi?" Tobias blinked again, and looked at the kid, his expression blank as the cogs in his mind took a little longer to work than usual (because of REASONS). "I know that na-... wait. Benzi? Cutty's friend Benzi?" From like a million years ago?
While he thought about it, Toby looked up again, and his gaze happened to fall on the staff table for the first time that night. Distracted at once, the seventh year (SEVENTH year) scanned for the faces he knew and tried to catch certain professors' eyes. Thompson in particular. He got a wave. Was he missing them too? Most likely. Toby definitely was. It felt like it had been a million years already.
... Sigh.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Toby was at the table TOBY. Kyroh would have tackled the older boy but he was busy talking. And it was probably rude. He looked so much shorter now too and it was strange. What if he crushed him? Brushing a strain of hair away from his eyes Kyroh took a seat down at his table and glanced around. Folding his hands on the table he rested his chin on them and glanced around thoughtfully.
Eden. And Abby and Tia and Evie. Bunch of people he sorta knew. But saying hi right now felt like a lot of energy. And for some strange reason he didn't have any of it.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Toby was at the table TOBY. Kyroh would have tackled the older boy but he was busy talking. And it was probably rude. He looked so much shorter now too and it was strange. What if he crushed him? Brushing a strain of hair away from his eyes Kyroh took a seat down at his table and glanced around. Folding his hands on the table he rested his chin on them and glanced around thoughtfully.
Eden. And Abby and Tia and Evie. Bunch of people he sorta knew. But saying hi right now felt like a lot of energy. And for some strange reason he didn't have any of it.
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun
Chris walked into the school with wide eyes and a grin. THIS was Hogwarts?!!!! IT WAS HUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!! Bouncing on his heels slightly he walked over to the table and grinned at the few people there. He was suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper happy to be here. AND he was sorted into Ravenclaw!!! Same house as his daddy. He drummed his fingers on the table excitedly and watched everyone.
Wait was that a ghost?! His eyes grew wider as he watched the ghost and he was more focused on how he could see through her. What were they made of???? "Are you a ghost?" he asked the transparent figure who seemed to be talking. Ghosts could talk?
Amelia walked around the feast, just checking everything out. She needed to know what was going on at all times. Everywhere. Slytherin was still the best but it looked like the eagles house ghost had just appeared and the brunette HAAAAAD to see this. Not that she had never seen a ghost before but still, it was always fun.
Looking around she noticed the dude she had met in Diagon Alley with Colt....Chris wasn't it?! Yeah he looked like a Chris.....a very surprised Chris too. Snort. "Welcome to Ravenclaw", she grinned, talking as if she belonged here. if only her robes wouldnt give her away....
Brushing her hair from her shoulder Amelia noticed Kyroh not far away...but he seemed busy...so she didnt roar at him, still giving him a smile.
Amelia walked around the feast, just checking everything out. She needed to know what was going on at all times. Everywhere. Slytherin was still the best but it looked like the eagles house ghost had just appeared and the brunette HAAAAAD to see this. Not that she had never seen a ghost before but still, it was always fun.
Looking around she noticed the dude she had met in Diagon Alley with Colt....Chris wasn't it?! Yeah he looked like a Chris.....a very surprised Chris too. Snort. "Welcome to Ravenclaw", she grinned, talking as if she belonged here. if only her robes wouldnt give her away....
Brushing her hair from her shoulder Amelia noticed Kyroh not far away...but he seemed busy...so she didnt roar at him, still giving him a smile.
Hearing a voice behind him, Chris turned around and grinned as he saw that Amelia person he met in Diagon Alley. "Thanks! This is exciting!" He bounced a little in his seat and looked at the ghost lady. Or well...what he assumed was a ghost lady. "Sit down with me?" He asked with a smile. It was nice to know someone here for a change. Not that he had any issues making friends it just seemed like everyone was preoccupied in their own little groups catching up on things from the summer.
Hearing a voice behind him, Chris turned around and grinned as he saw that Amelia person he met in Diagon Alley. "Thanks! This is exciting!" He bounced a little in his seat and looked at the ghost lady. Or well...what he assumed was a ghost lady. "Sit down with me?" He asked with a smile. It was nice to know someone here for a change. Not that he had any issues making friends it just seemed like everyone was preoccupied in their own little groups catching up on things from the summer.
It was kind of cute how excited he seemed to be about being here...maybe he wasnt used to all of that magic stuff. Amelia had noticed that a lot notn magical kids were joining them here this year. It was going to be interesting. Maybe they could tell her more about movies...since she only watched one in her whole life. "Just wait for the rest of the year....it will stay this exciting, if you are new to stuff." Like wand waving and all the cool things witches and wizards could do.
How did non magical people live without magic?! She had no clue."Yes sure", she nodded and sat down next to the boy. "I guess you didn't know you would have a house ghost?!"
As she walked into the Great Hall, Ophelia wondered if she made the correct choice. When the little blonde was being a brat during the summer, someonr had mentioned her not going back to Hogwarts at the beginning of Spetember. And while the thirteen year old had gone back and forth on the topic for most of the break, she had finally decided to return. There was so much here for her. Or so she thought.
Now, standing at the Great Feast, the short haired girl wasn't entirely sure what to do. This was the last place she saw Gregoire and where she said the last words she would ever say to him. And it was the thirteen year old lied to Austin about her super-secret crush. Yeah, happy times.
Except, this was a new year and a new chance to make memories. And with Austin by her side, she was going to make happy memories. Not ridiculously sad ones that her future kids were never going to ever hear. Wait, did she even WANT kids? Was your third year a good time to decide your stance on parenting? Probably not
Speaking of her king, where was he? The short haired girl got excited on the platform and kind of ran off without him, a choice she was now deeply regretting. She wanted to continue the conversation about buying a train, or the thing about their fashion sense and the new tradition she was incredibly excited about. Speaking of, the short girl had so many ideas she wanted to write down.
Finding an empty seat at the table, Ophelia sat down and saved a seat for Austin for whenever he decided to show his stupid face. He was waiting for the feast on the train, so excited for the food and the people. And she just wanted to see his excited face when he strolled in head high and mouth curved into its usual smile. Not that Ophelia studied his smile! That would be weird, and she wasn't weird. Or maybe she was. After all, she was getting to the point where she could draw, from memory, his face with a bit of detail. That was creepy. Yeah, she was creepy.
Taking out her small sketchbook, the thirteen year old opened to a new page and started jotting down ideas while waiting for either the feast to start, or Austin to arrive. Now that she was here, she was getting hungry. Or was that sick? Whatever, either way, candy apparently wasn't a good and healthy meal. Who knew? And yest, Ophelia had been doing it every year since her first. It wad tradition. And you didn't mess with tradition.
People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.
The transparent lady brunette ghost also known as the Grey Lady or Helena Ravenclaw depending on what struck your fancy, floated over to take her usual position at the head of the Claw table. Helena was not going to miss a second of this feast. Twinning her fingers around each other in her lap the ghost turned her eyes first to the brown haired fourth year (Abby). "Good evening dear, I trust you had an enjoyable summer?"
Gaze switching to look over at the two seventh year girls (Eden & Lottie) sitting side by side and looking anything but cheerful and upbeat Helena raised a brow and asked them “Why the glum faces girls? Tonight is supposed to be a happy beginning to the new school year.”
Asher sat down at the table after being sorted. He sat by himself, not knowing anyone else around him. And he wasn't keen on interrupting anyone else's conversations. Asher wasn't the butting in type. As he took a drink fro his goblet, Asher nearly spit it out, his eyes widening in surprise. Was that a ghost? Floating around and talking to people? First a talking hat and now a ghost? This place was so illogical. Oh, well. He supposed he would get used to it eventually no matter how illogical it could get.
Brielle Timmons hates everything. . . Including the idea of falling in love. . .
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Grey Lady
Originally Posted by Grey Lady
The transparent lady brunette ghost also known as the Grey Lady or Helena Ravenclaw depending on what struck your fancy, floated over to take her usual position at the head of the Claw table. Helena was not going to miss a second of this feast. Twinning her fingers around each other in her lap the ghost turned her eyes first to the brown haired fourth year (Abby). "Good evening dear, I trust you had an enjoyable summer?"
Gaze switching to look over at the two seventh year girls (Eden & Lottie) sitting side by side and looking anything but cheerful and upbeat Helena raised a brow and asked them “Why the glum faces girls? Tonight is supposed to be a happy beginning to the new school year.”
Tyler walked over to the house table that he had been sorted into knowing that he didn't know anyone, but he did notice the ghost that was floating over the table. Was she the ghost that he had heard about? He smiled weakly at her and said a feeble "Hi", she was the first ghost he had seen so he was a little nervous plus being sorted into Ravenclaw was a big surprise to him. He sat down and looked around as he saw everyone else having fun with a few nervous faces around, he figured they were first years just like him. He was glad he wasn't the only nervous one around, looking around the hall he saw many cool things. Ghosts, floating candles, the ceiling or was it the sky (he couldn't tell) was a few of the many cool things he saw. Would be be learning how to make things float at the school? that would be cool! If only he could then show his mom and dad what he had learnt, but he was told by them strictly no magic outside of school. Oh wells, he then sat there as he didn't know anyone just yet. He was actually eager to get to class he wanted to see what he would be learning this year. Maybe that was why he was placed in Ravenclaw, his eagerness to see what they were learning? He wondered if being the son of two Ravenclaws had anything to do with him being sorted here or was it just him and where he was supposed to end up. He saw the food hadn't arrived just yet, it was empty plates. He wondered how the food would get there, would there be alot of waiters running around filling the plates? There could be chaos in that case! there wasn't much space between the tables for that kind of mayhem. He kept his eyes open if there was any mayhem or problems he didn't want to miss it.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Penelope had her stack of posters that advertised the pet rock adoption fair. She approached the Ravenclaw table and spoke to her fellow eagles. "Hi! Does anyone want to adopt a pet rock? They are very low maintenance pets and never die!... Because they are not living things. If you come by the table by the entrance to the Great Hall now, you can get a pet rock that comes with a care manual and rock candy!" She thought that some of the Ravenclaws might enjoy a pet rock. After handing out a few flyers and dropping some onto the table, she moved on to find another table to advertise the pet pet rock adoption fair at.
Layla, Grey Lady, Evie, BENZI?? Kyroh, and Penelope
A Poop * k8 *
SPOILER!!: people
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Unfortunately coming back into seventh year meant that Layla’s mood had taken a turn for the worst. She wasn’t the happiest soul in the world anyway but the last few months had put a smile on the Ravenclaw’s face and now that smile was replaced by a miserable frown. She still didn’t feel like she belonged here anyway not even after two whole years. She’d much rather have stayed a muggle but she promised her family as well as herself that she’d stay around and so here she was proving something. What it was she was proving she didn’t know.
During the journey she had managed to find Eden on the train and spent the majority of the time with her. She was equally as mopey and although it probably would have done her fellow Ravenclaw good to have someone much more cheerful and upbeat around, Layla knew that she was one of her closest friends and any company was better than no company wasn’t it? She’d followed her out of the train and towards the carriage where they just sort of.. talked about things. And once the Thestral drawn parade which quite frankly Layla found over the top was complete she hung back a few minutes to look for someone she hadn’t been able to find on the train.
With no luck having found the little first year she’d promised her family she’d look out for she headed back into the Great Hall deciding that she’d just go sit with her at whatever table she was at after she’d been sorted. For now she headed straight towards the Ravenclaw table which she was glad to see was mostly empty. She flopped down in that seat next to Eden and nudged her with her elbow.
“How are you holdin’ up, drama queen?” she asked in an attempt to somehow cheer her up in a joking sort of way although Layla really wasn’t very successful in that matter. Eden seemed to show emotions more than Layla did, the blonde was very good at keeping them to herself. She offered a ‘sort of’ smile too as a back up.
Originally Posted by Grey Lady
The transparent lady brunette ghost also known as the Grey Lady or Helena Ravenclaw depending on what struck your fancy, floated over to take her usual position at the head of the Claw table. Helena was not going to miss a second of this feast. Twinning her fingers around each other in her lap the ghost turned her eyes first to the brown haired fourth year (Abby). "Good evening dear, I trust you had an enjoyable summer?"
Gaze switching to look over at the two seventh year girls (Eden & Lottie) sitting side by side and looking anything but cheerful and upbeat Helena raised a brow and asked them “Why the glum faces girls? Tonight is supposed to be a happy beginning to the new school year.”
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
It was kinda weird, now that she thought about it. A year ago, Evie approached the Ravenclaw table for the first time, nervous, but excited, wanting to meet new friends and wishing a certain Durmstrang boy was not at Durmstrang to keep her company. A year later, Evie still felt nervous and excited for the new year, eager to reunite with her old friends, meet new ones, and still wishing a certain Durmstrang boy was there. Some things didn't change.
Still, she was excited. And hungry.
Evie made her way down the table and plopped in front of Eden, who she then realized was not too happy... She had a few suspicions of why, but she didn't bother her since Layla was comforting her at the moment. Instead, Evangeline (who, by the way had NEW HAIR, thanks to her mother's skills and about 10 galleons of hair potions) peered up at the staff table to note any changes. She did see a new face -- a new YOUNG and kind of attractive face -- in the old DADA professor's seat. That would be interesting. It also kinda seemed like there was a spot missing... Oh well. Where was the food?
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Why did everything here feel so CHILDISH. His uniform was tailored and weird. The carriages felt like the type of thing ten year old Suri would enjoy and now this Great Hall with the floating candles that he remembered. He was actually surprised at how little he remembered the details of this place. Or perhaps it had changed. Regardless, he felt like they were all playing overgrown children.
It was a weird feeling to shake.
Having lost Puck as he disembarked the train, he'd tried to find Hayley, Noel and Cutty too but they'd all seemed to have disappeared, so he'd made his way up to the castle in silence. Turning to face the Ravenclaw table - at least the cutlery was wasn't actually plastic and baby proof - Benzi made his way over and towards the small group of girls already sat there looking roughly his age. Or, er, small group of girls and a couple of piggy backers. Who looked vaguely familiar.
... This weird nagging feeling that he knew people was going to get very old, very fast.
He sat by the pretty girl (Evie) and was about to introduce himself when he noticed none other than Crazy Eyes seated directly across from him. Sad looking Crazy Eyes being comforted by the blonde next to her. Of course she'd be in Ravenclaw. Of course.
"Hey there," he grinned to the table in general but mostly to the pretty girl. Because Crazy Eyes was crazy, and he was in a weird enough mood as it is. Also because Piggy Back Couple were making his brain hurt.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Toby was at the table TOBY. Kyroh would have tackled the older boy but he was busy talking. And it was probably rude. He looked so much shorter now too and it was strange. What if he crushed him? Brushing a strain of hair away from his eyes Kyroh took a seat down at his table and glanced around. Folding his hands on the table he rested his chin on them and glanced around thoughtfully.
Eden. And Abby and Tia and Evie. Bunch of people he sorta knew. But saying hi right now felt like a lot of energy. And for some strange reason he didn't have any of it.
Originally Posted by griffin
Penelope had her stack of posters that advertised the pet rock adoption fair. She approached the Ravenclaw table and spoke to her fellow eagles. "Hi! Does anyone want to adopt a pet rock? They are very low maintenance pets and never die!... Because they are not living things. If you come by the table by the entrance to the Great Hall now, you can get a pet rock that comes with a care manual and rock candy!" She thought that some of the Ravenclaws might enjoy a pet rock. After handing out a few flyers and dropping some onto the table, she moved on to find another table to advertise the pet pet rock adoption fair at.
Eden actually cracked a smile in Layla's direction at that...little remark. "Drama queen? Right." She rolled her eyes and decided to stick close to her friend. Layla probably felt pretty blue, too, yeah? She seemed a bit more down than usual...she HAD hung out with Layla and Bambi over the summer a few times, too, and...she loved seeing Layla so happy.
"I guess I am a drama queen. Oh well--what does that make YOU?" she asked with a gentle nudge.
Ahh, the Grey Lady...Eden just sighed and shrugged. "Just feeling a bit sad tonight, ma'am." She said. "I won't be sad the whole term--don't worry--" because Eden was SO ready to conquer the her seventh year...the finale year O_O
The brunette HAD to smile when Evie showed up, though. Eden waved and smiled at her...Evie was so prettttty. It made Eden happy, heh. She just blew her a kiss because she seemed a bit preoccupied--and plus, Sophie Brown had shown up, and Eden was under the impression that best friends came before snog buddies, right? Right.
....and then.....
The boy she'd help pick out an ink color for? The one who'd bought her PRETTY ink for Phoenix? She just blinked a lot in his general direction and waved because...that was the polite thing to do, wasn't it? And then she heard the phrase 'Cutty's friend,' and Eden's gazed glanced over at the Slytherin table--but before her eyes could find Cutty, she turned back to her own.
She would NOT cry right now. Not about Cutty, least of all.
Eden waved at little Kyroh who wasn't little at all anymore, and suddenly she felt a weird...tug in her stomach. Gosh. Kyroh looked...so....grown up. MERLIN. WHY WERE THE CUTE ONES ALLOWED TO GROW UP? Eden felt like..ugh. UGH. Had EDEN grown up suddenly one summer? Maybe, she couldn't remember!
And was she surprised that Penelope had announced there was a PET ROCK adoption. Of course not. Heh. But Eden would sure be checking that OUT okay?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
SPOILER!!: Grey Lady
Originally Posted by Grey Lady
The transparent lady brunette ghost also known as the Grey Lady or Helena Ravenclaw depending on what struck your fancy, floated over to take her usual position at the head of the Claw table. Helena was not going to miss a second of this feast. Twinning her fingers around each other in her lap the ghost turned her eyes first to the brown haired fourth year (Abby). "Good evening dear, I trust you had an enjoyable summer?"
Gaze switching to look over at the two seventh year girls (Eden & Lottie) sitting side by side and looking anything but cheerful and upbeat Helena raised a brow and asked them “Why the glum faces girls? Tonight is supposed to be a happy beginning to the new school year.”
At the Great Hall at last, Janelle made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. Her first order of business was to greet the House Ghost. "Hello Miss Ravenclaw". It's good to see you again. I hope you had a nice summer."
Janelle slid into the nearest empty seat and decided to take a moment before seeking out her friends. Scanning the table, she saw the usual suspects and a few new first years. She would have to introduce herself to them and make them feel welcome. She knew how it felt to be the new kid on the block......Scary. Oh and was that Sophie Brown with a Prefects badge? Cool. Janelle would definitely have to congratulate her.
Suddenly, something caught her eye on the table. Janelle looked down to find a flyer for........pet rock adoptions. What, did Pebbles have babies or something? Amused, Janelle thought she might actually consider the idea. In the meantime, there were housemates and friends to greet.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Last edited by Daydreamer11; 05-04-2015 at 12:43 PM.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
He sat by the pretty girl (Evie) and was about to introduce himself when he noticed none other than Crazy Eyes seated directly across from him. Sad looking Crazy Eyes being comforted by the blonde next to her. Of course she'd be in Ravenclaw. Of course.
"Hey there," he grinned to the table in general but mostly to the pretty girl. Because Crazy Eyes was crazy, and he was in a weird enough mood as it is. Also because Piggy Back Couple were making his brain hurt.
Evie looked up when somebody took the seat beside her. It was a face she was pretty sure she didn't recognize, but Evie smiled at him. He seemed nice and friendly and had a nice smile. "Hi," she responded pleasantly. "I'm Evie. I don't think I know you." She was PRETTY sure. There were a lot of people in Ravenclaw that she hadn't ever talked to before, but he didn't even look familiar.
If she DID know him, though... oops?
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
"Thanks, Tobes." She gave the Hufflepuff's cheek a quick peck, then latched onto his arm, silently conveying that she didn't want him to leave yet. Or ever. "Hi Eves," Soph greeted, not sitting yet and instead taking Tobes' hand and fidgeting with his fingers, subconsciously needing the reassurance that he was there. "Eden, Layla," she continued her greetings to the girls whose expressions were a tad concerning, and Tia got a sad sort of smile as she seemed slightly troubled, too, and...
That's when her eyes fell upon the boy beside Evie. She squinted at him for a moment, confused, but then... it clicked. "Get outta here. Benzi...?!" COULD IT BE?
Evie was then distracted by the piggyback crew that entered, though it was much calmer than last term's. Evie grinned when Toby deposited Sophie beside her and said hello to the both of them. She reached out a hand to tug on Sophie's free one. "I have things to tell you," she said, but didn't clarify anything more than that. It was dormitory talk. Sophie could figure that out; she was smart.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
The brunette HAD to smile when Evie showed up, though. Eden waved and smiled at her...Evie was so prettttty. It made Eden happy, heh. She just blew her a kiss because she seemed a bit preoccupied--and plus, Sophie Brown had shown up, and Eden was under the impression that best friends came before snog buddies, right? Right.
HEHE. "Hi, Eden," she said with a big grin to kiss she blew at her. Evangeline made the motion of catching the kiss and tucking it in her robes pocket. HOW CUTE. She would talk to Eden later, too, since the table seemed very busy at the moment.