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Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height, the reach of your arm, and maybe even other strange measurements to help the wandmakers find the best wand for you.
In front of the counter there is the empty space that is designated as the fitting area. Here is where wands are fitted. After being measured by the magical measuring tape, you will be assisted by a worker who will then endeavor to fit you with your perfect wand and start pulling boxes from the shelves, which stretch back impossibly far and up so high that even the tallest people have to tip their head back to see the tops.
Long sliding ladders are attached to every stretch of shelves, and the wandmakers make great use of these to reach those wands which are tucked away high up. There seems to be a filing system of sorts, some kind of method to the madness, though most of the boxes are unmarked. Is it a colour code? Or is it shape? size? smell? Something else? Well you'll never know unless you get a job here. Luckily, and out of sheer necessity, these shelves have been bespelled so that wandboxes are not in danger of flying everywhere due to errant spells cast by children wielding their new wands.
Text Cut: wand fitting instructions
⌦ In order to receive a wand, please take the WAND QUIZ ONCE for the character who is here for a wand. Then, post your character being measured by the "magical measuring tape" ONCE in this thread. This thread is not one where you should interact with others, one post here please! It serves as our queue!
See the example post below, or look at other posts in this thread from previous terms.
Text Cut: example post
Jessica went into Ollivanders with more than her share of nerves, it was time for her first wand! The eleven year old made her way over to the measuring area and waited for her turn. Soon enough the measuring tape reached her and began zipping about, straightening with a snap and measuring out her height and, when she held her arms out, she watched it take a measurement of how long they were too. Fun! Did that mean her wand would be as big as her whole arm?
The girl stepped away from the measuring area and she eagerly waited for the shopkeeper to find her wand.
⌦ Please take the SORTING QUIZ first and wait to be placed in your house before taking the wand quiz! Your house effects your final wand in our quiz! This goes for current members who are re-sorting too, though you may take the quiz in advance if you know what your new house will be.
⌦ You may role play the magical measuring tape, but you may not role play for the shopkeepers. Ollivander does not work here!
⌦ After submitting the wand quiz and posting in this thread, please wait for a shop worker to assist you and your character in finding their perfect wand match. You do not have to RP to get your wand, but it is highly encouraged as a part of enriching your RP experience.
⌦ Please do not stretch the wand fitting experience out too long, it should not take more than three tries at an absolute maximum to find your character's match.
⌦ If we run out of time to complete the RP with you by the end of the RP summer, we will PM or VM your wand result to you, provided you have posted in this thread and responded to our efforts to interact with you.
⌦ If you have any questions, feel free to PM Felixir or one of the Diagon Alley Proprietors and they'll try to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as they can.
Did Diego hear that right? He did it! "Yippe!" He gave a little hop in excitement at having his first wand! He couldn't wait to show it off to his Papa, Daddy, and friend Vi! Maybe he and Vi could compare each other's wands and see which is bigger and better?
But first, important stuff was being shared. Diego remembered wand qualities being discussed occasionally in his Year 6 Theory of Magic class. He felt like he should be taking notes, not because it was a lot of information but it was something he'd want to look back on years from now and not forget it. "Wow.. thank you! Erm, could I get all of that in writing, please?" He wondered if the Wandmaker was asked that often. He would hope so. So he could be potentially a great apparitioner and protective. He liked hearing that!
So that was that! Price was made to him. Diego looked at the price chart and thought a polish would be good to add as he took out his money bag. "That sounds great, sir. I can pay for that and Wand polish, please." Having his wand look nice and pristine every so often would be great. So he fished out 12 galleons and set it on the counter to pay in case that covered it. "Is this enough?"
"Absolutely you can," Zeke said, searching the space behind the counter for a quill and parchment, then jotting down all that information - as close as he could get it to how he'd just phrased it to the young man - and taking pains to ensure his writing was legible. "The general specifications, strengths, and important features of the wand are also on a card in the box, but here's the more detailed rundown." He finished writing with a flourish, and handed the parchment over to the boy.
He gave him a smile and went to ring up the wand and the wand polish. While the boy was digging out his galleons, Zeke reached over to one of the shelves for a pot of wand polish. "Very good," he said, bundling it up with the wand. "Yes, that covers it." He scooped up the money and dropped it into the register, then scooped out a handful of silver coins and counted them out to the boy. "Here's your change... that's nine sickles." Again, Zeke smiled wide, and nodded at the boy. "And there we are! Best of luck to you and your wand. I'm sure you'll do marvellous things together."
Originally Posted by NiallNIP
"I see," Maddox responded to the first answer. He knew that wands were a bit temperamental, what with there being one wand that matched with one person and so on, but it was interesting to hear the take of a wandmaker himself. It still seemed shrouded in a bit of mystery, even for the wandmaker, and Maddox was interested in that. Where the mystery of magic started to creep in was where Maddox found the most intrigue, so he was pleased with the answer. "Glad you like it."
And then he got his response to the second question, and Maddox's mind was tugged a bit. So there wasn't a surefire way to know, then, without the willing truthfulness of the wand tester. Just an intuition. Very interesting. And Maddox now wasn't sure if the shopkeeper knew that this was his wand. Time for a test, it seemed. He placed his perfect wand back in the box. "I'd like to see another," he said, eyeing the man. He purposefully didn't make any indication about how this wand felt, but thought that wouldn't be unexpected given how he'd conversed up until now. He wanted to see what the man thought about this decision.
Zeke gave a little nod, then set the wand to one side, but still well within reach, as he thought it highly likely - based on what he had seen - that it had already chosen this boy. Still, it never hurt to try another, just to be sure.
Still, he suspected - a nagging suspicion, a slight tugging of his intuition - that the kid was trying to do something here, but he couldn't know for sure exactly what. Did he think he was passing over a wand that was likely perfect for him? Well... actually, yes, and the fact that he'd avoided answering Zeke's question about how it had felt was only one of the things that made him believe it. The 'why' was another matter; plenty of kids tried it, and for all sorts of reasons. But being truthful to themselves - and to him - during this process would only ever benefit them, while any kind of deception would only cheat them out of a tool and a companion that would understand them perfectly. They eventually came around to this idea with a little encouragement from Zeke - it also helped that there was often a strong draw to the matched wand, an extreme reluctance to leave it behind - but some took a little longer to understand than others. Perhaps this boy was one of those.
He considered the shelves for a moment. In cases like this he was sometimes briefly tempted to pick out a wand he knew would not be a match, but it was a temptation he never acted on. It would have been remiss of him to betray his craft like that. Deplorable. There was still a slight chance that the wand had not chosen this boy; Zeke had never gotten his answer, after all, didn't have all the data. So he considered his options, and took down another wand that might have been a likely candidate, based on the data he did have.
"Let's see how we go with this one," he said, for the third time removing lid from box and offering up the wand inside. "Tell me if you think it measures up to the second, or if maybe that wand was the one after all."
SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie - Calliope
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Was it though? Was it reaaaaaaally worth giving a try if she already knew that she was not down with the aesthetic? It was like cauliflower. Who wanted to eat such a bland and bleached out looking piece of broccoli - or who actually wanted to eat broccoli of their own free will for that matter. Calliope wanted to stick it to this wandmaker, double down on her 'nope' but that put her at the crossroads of a difficult decision between her pride and percussion.
"What a load of dragon dung," she muttered to herself as she begrudgingly snatched the wand with an accompanying eyeroll she did not even attempt to hide. "If you insist," she grimaced through her saccharine tone while adjusting her sloppy hold on the handle. It felt fine...for a wand...she supposed...and admittedly not too far off from her favorite set drumsticks. But she didn't want the wand to feel right and she rejected its warm first impression. And yet, as her fingers settled around it, a soft melody filled the air, sweet and lilting, like wind chimes on an ocean's breeze or a lullaby sung softly to her before she nodded off to sleep. The wand seeming hummed with her heartbeat and with a gentle flick of her wrist, a swirl of soft golden light erupted from the tip of the wand, swirling in the air like the melody becoming a visible aura that bounced off any nearbyreflective surface.
It was obvious that this wand, like a stubborn kneazle, had chosen her in spite of her frosty approach to the situation. "Still think I ought to try another. I prefer silver over gold and that light was totally golden."
Perhaps being a father, particularly of teenage girls who had already gone through that most prickly phase (though they were mostly perfectly delightful, in his totally unbiased opinion) helped to attune the ear to little ill-natured mutterings. Perhaps it was simply the fact that the girl was standing right in front of him, and had his undivided attention for this wand fitting. Either way, he caught that little grumpy muttering, and responded only with a good-natured smile.
It was a big day after all. Emotions could run high. Bless.
Zeke watched as the girl tried out the wand and... well, he shouldn't have been amused that the wand she was so opposed to was the one that immediately chose her. Evidently, at least. He didn't get any feedback as to how the wand felt, though the display itself seemed pretty obvious.
"You're the boss," he said, taking the first wand back and setting it to one side. "Why don't we try..." Zeke scanned the shelves, reached up high, and scooted a box out from its fellows. He lifted the lid off and offered it to the girl. "... this one. Tell me how it feels; have a good think. I would hate for you to unintentionally cheat yourself out of a wand that seems so willing to join forces with you." Unintentionally. Yes. Of course.
SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie - Briallen
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Well, at least someone was reassured!
Bria's brow furrowed as she looked down at her hand, befuddled by how pleasant the whole experience had been and yet the wand had rejected her. She had been rejected by many a thing before since, after all, not all creatures were instantly trusting of human hands when they arrived at the sanctuary, her hands and arms bearing evidence of this truth, but for rejection to come from tickling was certainly new. But before she could mull of this for tooooooo long, she had to make sure that Picketta wasn't going to make a mess of things or turn more testy since the wandmaker had recalled the wand himself. So the blonde clicked her tongue and tapped the top of her head to beckon the bowtruckle back - and she did come back, though was dragging her long limbs and chattering some unpleasantries along the way.
Accepting wand number two, Bria looked up at the ceiling while taking her next deeeeeeep breath before coiling her fingers around the handle properly. The moment she touched it, a gentle pulse of warmth spread from her fingers up to her shoulders. It felt comforting, like the soft brush of a niffler's fur against her skin or the nuzzle of an abraxan against her cheek, but as she waved it, the response is faint, almost as though the wand is hesitant, and instead of a grand flourish from the tip... the wand sort of coughed out some wilted down that fluttered to the floor in a sad pile.
"Well...closer...I think," she nodded with a timid confidence as she returned the wand to its box.
Zeke did not speak bowtruckle, but he could hazard a guess at some of the choice things this particular twig-like visitor might have been 'saying' at that moment. Just a hunch, you know. He smiled at the girl as the creature was recalled, more than a little relieved. "Thank you," he said.
But! On with the wands. Zeke stood back, one hand folded over the wrist that still held the second wand box, and observed the proceedings. This one was far less exuberant than the first; a good sign that it stayed in the customer's hand long enough that she could actually test it out. Hmm... a little lacklustre, however.
"I think so too," he said, holding out the wand box, replacing its lid, and setting that one aside too. "But this is very helpful."
And so he didn't need to do much pausing and considering as he returned to the wands on the shelves; the reactions from the first two had been the necessary indicators that, along with the measurements, directed him towards this third candidate. Zeke strode over to doorway that led the back room, leaned just far enough inside to pluck a box from one of the shelves, and returned once more.
"Now then," he said, quite cheerfully, as he opened up the third wand box and held it out towards the girl. "Let's see how how you fare with this one."
SPOILER!!: Kimothy - not too late mWAH
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Miles was no stranger to Ollivander's, nor the Alley as is. He'd been here plenty of times before with his family, when he accompanied his older siblings as they bought their school supplies. He'd just there as some NPC in their lives, which he didn't mind. There was something nice about just watching things happen, so he was already expecting to feel strange about this being his important summer.
But. Well. He wasn't going to lie. He was sort of excited to get his own wand. Felt like a big deal. He hoped he'd get a cool one.
Miles tried to stand still as the magical measuring tape took the necessary numbers from him, but it was hard. He didn't like how fast it was moving, and how it was taking weird (no offence) measurements of his... well, alright, if it needed to know the size of his hand, then so be it. But it wasn't the most pleasant of experiences, so he was glad once it was over.
Having just got done finishing up his last customer, Zeke took a moment to breathe and sip at his coffee. Just a moment, just a breather, just a sip, and then it was right back to business. He had yet to run out of steam on a single day of the busy summer season, and refused to entertain the idea that he ever might.
"Hello there," he greeted this next boy, in his usual buoyant manner, striding up and plucking the parchment full of measurements out of the air as it came to meet him. "Let's see what we have here, and then it's on with the fitting."
He ran a finger down the numbers, then back up, then back down again, nodding to himself and humming tonelessly until he was satisfied with his calculations and speculations. "Wonderful. I'll be back in just a moment."
It was into the back room that Zeke went first, running a finger along one of the shelves until he found the box he was looking for. He took it down, then headed right back to his next customer, smiling encouragingly and popping the lid off of the box. "Here we are," he said, offering up the wand inside. "Know what to do? Just give it a wave, tell me how it feels, and we'll see what's what."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Romanian Longhorn
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 39,998
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Text Cut: Sage is offended by the comparison no matter how accurate it may be!
Originally Posted by Felixir
Perhaps being a father, particularly of teenage girls who had already gone through that most prickly phase (though they were mostly perfectly delightful, in his totally unbiased opinion) helped to attune the ear to little ill-natured mutterings. Perhaps it was simply the fact that the girl was standing right in front of him, and had his undivided attention for this wand fitting. Either way, he caught that little grumpy muttering, and responded only with a good-natured smile.
It was a big day after all. Emotions could run high. Bless.
Zeke watched as the girl tried out the wand and... well, he shouldn't have been amused that the wand she was so opposed to was the one that immediately chose her. Evidently, at least. He didn't get any feedback as to how the wand felt, though the display itself seemed pretty obvious.
"You're the boss," he said, taking the first wand back and setting it to one side. "Why don't we try..." Zeke scanned the shelves, reached up high, and scooted a box out from its fellows. He lifted the lid off and offered it to the girl. "... this one. Tell me how it feels; have a good think. I would hate for you to unintentionally cheat yourself out of a wand that seems so willing to join forces with you." Unintentionally. Yes. Of course.
Well pin a rose on your nose, Mr. Wandmaker. Maybe yourself and her dad could swap stories about their grey hairs over a cuppa or whatever. Dad might try his darndest to hide the fact that he was getting grey hairs these days but Calliope had seen the reservation slips and way mamma would caress his hair differently on some days!
Anyway, this brunette tried not to look too much as though she had just stepped in a pile of dragon dung as the wandmaker referred to her as 'boss'. "Respectfully, sir, if that were the case you wouldn't have had me try that wand in the first place ooooooooooor be pretending not to guilt tripping me now about trying to toss it," she pointed out with a heavy sigh since she KNEW what she ought to do. For the record, she had no intention of debating free will and choices now or ever...but did the wand have to be THAT color wood?
In spite of knowing in her gut what was true, Calliope accept this new clearly inferior wand, and balanced it on her palm for a few moments to humor her ego and prove the shopkeeper (and his kneazle dressed in wooden clothing) right. "...it feels...empty...a dud...inferior in every way but color and species of wood," she lamented, nearly tossing this second wand back at the man but (thankfully) catching herself at the last second and instead rolled it off the tips of her fingers back into the box. "I don't get why that wand picked me but...whatever. I guess I'll take it."
It wasn't like it was her galleon she was spending on it anyway.
"So...I'll take that first wand...and could you get this engraved on it as well?" she asked while pulling a slip of paper out of her pocket that contained a bit of drum notation. "It's a bit long so it may need to spiral around rather than a straight line along one side...actually...I'd prefer that style....and would it be possible to swap out a basic leather wrist holster for a Manticore one? Because yes to that but if you can't then it'll have to be a Manticore wrist holster and a wand polish."
Text Cut: wandmaker, SIR!
Originally Posted by Felixir
Zeke did not speak bowtruckle, but he could hazard a guess at some of the choice things this particular twig-like visitor might have been 'saying' at that moment. Just a hunch, you know. He smiled at the girl as the creature was recalled, more than a little relieved. "Thank you," he said.
But! On with the wands. Zeke stood back, one hand folded over the wrist that still held the second wand box, and observed the proceedings. This one was far less exuberant than the first; a good sign that it stayed in the customer's hand long enough that she could actually test it out. Hmm... a little lacklustre, however.
"I think so too," he said, holding out the wand box, replacing its lid, and setting that one aside too. "But this is very helpful."
And so he didn't need to do much pausing and considering as he returned to the wands on the shelves; the reactions from the first two had been the necessary indicators that, along with the measurements, directed him towards this third candidate. Zeke strode over to doorway that led the back room, leaned just far enough inside to pluck a box from one of the shelves, and returned once more.
"Now then," he said, quite cheerfully, as he opened up the third wand box and held it out towards the girl. "Let's see how how you fare with this one."
Picketta doing every shade of chittering inside her messy bun was very VERY distraction and Bria was beginning to think that just maaaaaaaaaaybe she ought to have listened to papa's suggestion to not bring her and accept those extra chicken squishies for her pockets. The blonde's eyes rolled upward to try and catch a little glimpse of green limbs and whisper a plea for her to relax and that they would be out of here soon.
She wanted to ask how exactly it was helpful, but time was of the essence with the ornery bowtruckle and she would very much like to leave this place before Picketta became a bowtruckle bandit.
"Okay," she nodded with a pleasant hum to her voice as she accepted this third wand and immediately felt a similar tickling sensation that warmed the entirety of her hand before spreading up her arm and caressing both her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, Bria closed her eyes and the shop fell silent, even Picketta's chattering, as if someone had cast Quietus on its entirety. But then, the witch-to-be heard a soft melodic birdsong echoes through the establishment, faint and distant, but it begins to grow clearer and into a chorus of hoots and tweets. Her eyes flew open, the tip of the wand emitting a bold cherry red glow from which soft and plump snowy down began to fall and float from. Smiling, Bria looked to the wandmaker for confirmation and quickly found her eyes drawn to the window behind him and specifically the parliament that had gathered and were flapping their wings with the occasional hoot. Curious...she'd never seen owls behave in such a way before. Ollivander's must be expecting a plethora of post today!
"This is the one," she declared with a grin. "Mum told me to get a wrist holster as well, so one of those too, please. Oh, and...a bottle of Magical Resonance Protection Salve."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
The door to Ollivanders creaked softly as Alaric and his mother, Eleanor, stepped inside. The air seemed to hum with magic, and Alaric’s gray eyes widened as he took in the towering stacks of wand boxes. His fingers fiddled nervously with the phoenix charm on his bracelet.
"This is it" he murmured, his voice shaky with a mix of excitement and nerves. His mother placed a steady hand on his shoulder.
"You’ll do wonderfully" Eleanor reassured him with a soft smile. "Trust yourself—the wand will choose you."
Alaric nodded, straightening his robes and glancing toward the tape measure zipping around measuring his various parts brought a flicker of awe, momentarily easing the knot in his stomach. Fidgeting with his bracelet again, he took a deep breath.
"What if it takes forever?" he whispered, stepping forward with equal parts anticipation and determination after the tape fell limb on the floor.
Eleanor’s lips twitched into a smile. "Then we’ll be here as long as it takes. It’s worth the wait for the right one."
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "you can laugh! but people used to believe there were no such things
as the blibbering humdinger or the crumple-horned snorkack!"
Zeke gave a little nod, then set the wand to one side, but still well within reach, as he thought it highly likely - based on what he had seen - that it had already chosen this boy. Still, it never hurt to try another, just to be sure.
Still, he suspected - a nagging suspicion, a slight tugging of his intuition - that the kid was trying to do something here, but he couldn't know for sure exactly what. Did he think he was passing over a wand that was likely perfect for him? Well... actually, yes, and the fact that he'd avoided answering Zeke's question about how it had felt was only one of the things that made him believe it. The 'why' was another matter; plenty of kids tried it, and for all sorts of reasons. But being truthful to themselves - and to him - during this process would only ever benefit them, while any kind of deception would only cheat them out of a tool and a companion that would understand them perfectly. They eventually came around to this idea with a little encouragement from Zeke - it also helped that there was often a strong draw to the matched wand, an extreme reluctance to leave it behind - but some took a little longer to understand than others. Perhaps this boy was one of those.
He considered the shelves for a moment. In cases like this he was sometimes briefly tempted to pick out a wand he knew would not be a match, but it was a temptation he never acted on. It would have been remiss of him to betray his craft like that. Deplorable. There was still a slight chance that the wand had not chosen this boy; Zeke had never gotten his answer, after all, didn't have all the data. So he considered his options, and took down another wand that might have been a likely candidate, based on the data he did have.
"Let's see how we go with this one," he said, for the third time removing lid from box and offering up the wand inside. "Tell me if you think it measures up to the second, or if maybe that wand was the one after all."
Maddox was one to notice little things, and it did not fly over his head that the second wand wasn't placed back on the shelf. That in itself was a clear enough indication to him that the wandmaker had some sort of suspicion that that was the perfect wand. Enough confirmation for Maddox, and the way he presented the third wand only solidified that. Not to mention that he had an inkling of what he was thinking. Just a little bit.
He looked over the wand that the man had brought over for him. "I wasn't being untruthful to myself," he said as he picked it up, gave it a little flick. The wand immediately let out a little flash and gave his hand small zap. He dropped the wand and shook his hand out. Might've deserved that one. A little. He picked up the wand and put it back in the box. "Just to you," he finished with a little shrug, averting his eyes a tad. He wanted to see what the wandmaker would do. Maddox was like that sometimes, curious as to what people would do or say in certain situations. You could learn a lot about a person based on their reactions to a strange comment or action. "You're good at your job," was his conclusion about this one. "I like the second one."
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Felixir
Having just got done finishing up his last customer, Zeke took a moment to breathe and sip at his coffee. Just a moment, just a breather, just a sip, and then it was right back to business. He had yet to run out of steam on a single day of the busy summer season, and refused to entertain the idea that he ever might.
"Hello there," he greeted this next boy, in his usual buoyant manner, striding up and plucking the parchment full of measurements out of the air as it came to meet him. "Let's see what we have here, and then it's on with the fitting."
He ran a finger down the numbers, then back up, then back down again, nodding to himself and humming tonelessly until he was satisfied with his calculations and speculations. "Wonderful. I'll be back in just a moment."
It was into the back room that Zeke went first, running a finger along one of the shelves until he found the box he was looking for. He took it down, then headed right back to his next customer, smiling encouragingly and popping the lid off of the box. "Here we are," he said, offering up the wand inside. "Know what to do? Just give it a wave, tell me how it feels, and we'll see what's what."
"Hello." The bright-eyed boy looked up at the tall man, whom Miles quickly deduced was the shopkeeper. Wand maker. Were they one and the same person? Miles' eyes followed the paper with his measurement, now in the hands of the man, as if trying to see what was in it too.
And he was just about to ask a question when the shopkeeper man disappeared into the rows and rows of wand displays. Miles felt sheepish for a moment — if only he'd spoken up a second earlier, he'd have felt differently. But well. It is what it is. So while he waited, Miles looked back at whoever it was the magical measuring tape was now assailing accommodating. Even just as a bystander, the experience did not look at all pleasing to his eyes.
Happy to divert his attention again to the shopkeeper man, Miles looked back up at him and the slender box in his hands. The wand's house. To the man's question, he nodded and as the young boy was accepting the wand, Miles piped up. "Sir." Blink. Blinkblink. Okay. "Do you remember every wand you've ever made and sold?" And if he did, how does he do it? How can he remember which one he sold to who's-that-face?
It was then that Miles noticed how warm the wand felt against his palm, and he had to make sure that it wasn't about to fry up his hand. But to his surprise, and content, it was a mere steady warmth. No hurt. Comfy spring sunshine. Now properly holding it with his hand, Miles gave it a careful wave, like how he'd seen his parents do it, and a moment later there sprouted a leaf out the tip of the wand. It grew slowly, and once it was about the size of Miles' own hand, he plucked it off and squinted at it, before offering it up to the shopkeeper man. "What wood?" Miles asked about the wand the man had given to him. He also had his mental fingers crossed it that this was a good sign. The correct sign.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
SPOILER!!: wand!
Originally Posted by Felixir
As soon as the wandmaker suddenly appeared - and answering his question, no less, though it hadn't actually been addressed to him - Alexei slammed his mouth shut. He stayed quiet and rubbed at his arms a moment longer as the man went off to find a couple of wands, though it was less because he still felt the unpleasant tingle of the tape, and more because it felt kind of soothing.
Alexei waited until Elena had picked up the wand offered to her before he reached for the wand in front of him, though there was only a couple of seconds in it. However, while Elena's acted in a way that she seemed to approve of (though it had sent her right to the ground), Alexei was met instead with what felt like the most aggressive static shock he'd ever experienced, when he'd barely even touched it. He withdrew his hand as though the thing had tried to bite him - which probably, in a sense, it had - and shook his head. Nope.
The wandmaker apparently understood. Off he went and back he came - in the meantime, Alexei offered a hand to his twin to help her up off the floor - and again he offered Alexei a wand. Alexei was slightly more hesitant in reaching for this one, but, once he knew it wasn't going to shock him, picked it up quite confidently. Even before he waved it, he felt a sort of rush that went from his fingers, up his arm, and through his body. Not a tingle or anything, which would have been awful, probably, but a kind of certainty. A solidity. Something he couldn't adequately find the words for.
He gave the wand a wave, and it produced a sort of light trail, bright white, which lingered in the air after the wand had moved on. Entranced, he quickly traced ALEXEI in the air, and followed it up with a tiny air doodle of a star.
Smiling to himself, Alexei glanced for a split second into the wandmaker's face, and then abruptly away again. He still said nothing, but this time, he nodded.
Well! Two fairly different reactions, though the wands themselves seemed equally outspoken.
"Whoops!" Zeke exclaimed as the girl went down, though the exclamation might have been applied to the displays of both wands. "Are you alright, my dear? We certainly seem to have found your wand, so congratulations on that score!" Unless he was very much mistaken, that was. The girl herself had declared the wand perfect, and did not seem at all put off by the exuberance of the magic. That was a very good sign. "Give me just a moment to find another wand for this young man, and then we'll get to the details."
So off he had gone, and back he had come, and then the boy had gone for attempt number two. This time, they had more success, though of a more subdued nature, as seemed rather appropriate. Zeke smiled at the boy through the now fading letters; presumably his name, though in reverse from the wandmaker's perspective. The nod gave him his confirmation.
"Wonderful! So then, these wands," Zeke said. He cleared his wand, and turned his attention to the girl first, though he held out both wand boxes so that they might be temporarily returned. "Your wand is eleven inches and two thirds of strong mahogany, with a hippogriff feather core. A very handsome wood, plus very well suited to transfiguration magic. You may be pleased to hear that mahogany is also attracted to those with a strong will and leadership abilities. You'll find this wand is excellent for protective spells and fire spells, but is generally a very good all-purpose wand. Also, it's useful to know that your loved ones will have no trouble borrowing and using this wand, as the wand shares the same affections as the owner." Which, in Zeke's opinion, could be either an advantage or a disadvantage of mahogany. Only ever an advantage, however, when a person counted only trustworthy people in their affections, though one could never be certain. Or perhaps Zeke was just becoming cynical in his old age. "Hippogriff feather cores make for very adaptable wands, provided it is well cared for. You must treat this wand with respect, or you might fight it backfiring at inopportune moments." Then again, there were few opportune moments for backfiring wands. "It will not perform dishonourably, and if you try to use it in a way it doesn't like, any magic produced after that point may be sub-par or even non-existent. Nothing to worry about if you two are in tune with each other, however."
He took a breath, then turned to the boy. Instinct told him not to try and look him in the eyes for too long, so Zeke largely seemed to address the wand itself, though his words were clearly directed at his customer. "Your wand is twelve and a quarter inches of pliant maple, with a core of unicorn hair. Maple tends to choose those with the soul of an explorer, be it literal exploration or the exploration of knowledge and such. Maple owners are generally dedicated and determined to be the best at what they do, but be aware that this wood requires challenges and new experiences to fuel its magical energy, or it may refuse to cooperate. This wood is excellent for cleansing and purification spells and is intuitive and versatile in its spellwork." All good news? Maybe. Hopefully. It was no doubt slightly daunting to hear that a wand had certain conditions, or would otherwise stop cooperating with the owner. Come to think of it, it was very interesting that these two - whom Zeke had taken to be twins or at least siblings, though he didn't like to assume - had both matched with wands with such conditions. "Unicorn hair wands are very faithful to their owner, and very consistent too. Well suited to charms and transfigurations, excellent for healing spells. This core is difficult to turn to the dark arts and is more attuned to subtle and delicate magic. This core is not necessarily one of the more powerful - it depends on the unicorn itself, really - but they are consistent and reliable." Which, if Zeke did say so himself, really was crucial. Then again, perhaps he was slightly biased, being the owner of a unicorn-core wand himself.
"So, that's that," said Zeke, giving both children his usual friendly smile, with half a glance at the adults that had accompanied into the shop. "Both wands together will be 23 galleons - that's 11 for the mahogany, 12 for the maple, if you're paying separately. We also have other products available, if you're interested."
[Elena: 11⅔ inch strong mahogany with hippogriff feather]
[Alexei: 12¼ inch pliant maple with unicorn hair]
Elena beamed up at the wandmaker when he also declared that the wand was perfect for her. She was very pleased to have found a wand, and on the first try too! She hadn't been sure how long it would take, but she was glad that she hadn't had to worry over a bunch of improper fits. Alexei, it seemed, didn't have quite the same luck. She took the hand he offered and got to her feet as the wandmaker went to find another wand for him to try. "What happened with that wand?" She asked curiously. She hadn't been able to see exactly why it hadn't worked out, as she had been distracted by her own wand sending her to the ground.
She stood a few paces away, enough to give Alexei room but not too far, to watch as he attempted the second wand presented. This time seemed pretty good to her. Elena clapped excitedly as he spelled his name in the air in front of them. "Woah! That was so cool!" And just like that, both of them had wands.
Elena tried her best to listen to all the details about her new wand, but there was so much to keep track of. Still, she nodded along eagerly, even if not all of the details stuck very well in her head. One part that did stick out to her was that her loved ones would be able to use her wand. Her gaze flicked to Alexei as she heard that. Elena didn't know why he would ever need to use her wand, but she was sort of pleased to know that he would be able to if he ever did need to. She would willingly let him borrow anything of hers, no questions asked. She also would remember that her wand needed to be cared for and treated with respect, but she didn't think that would be too difficult to accomplish. She already loved it very much.
And then there was even more information about Alexei's wand, which she absorbed even less off even though she really was trying very hard to listen. She was just simply too excited at the prospect of being a wand owner and was already thinking of all the other fun shopping they had to do now that they had completed this stop. When the explanations were done and they were given a price, she turned toward her dads, so they could do all the paying and whatnot.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Felixir
Maybe Zeke was biased (he kind of definitely was biased) but he couldn't help but appreciate whenever his customers looked at the wands with something like reverence. For them it was probably because of how big a moment this was - he could still remember his own wand fitting, after all, and all he'd thought and felt that day in this very shop - but he liked to think they also appreciated the instrument itself for what it was. The artistry. The lore. Maybe. Probably not usually. That might be too much to expect of most eleven year olds.
"Hmm," Zeke replied, then gave a little nod, and held out the box so that the wand right be returned. "I think you're absolutely right. Let's see if we can't find another that suits you better."
He smiled again, then went off to peruse his shelves, returning a few moments later with a second wand box. He lifted off the lid, and offered the wand to the boy instead. "Here we go; you know what to do!"
Though failing to get his wand on the first try meant more waiting, somehow this time he didn't mind at all. It truly did only feel like a few moments, like he had blinked and immediately there was another wand being presented to him.
Another!! Wand!!
Zephyr didn't hesitate by staring at the wand first this time, but the awe in his expression had returned even as he picked it up. This time, a comfortable warmth spread up his arm. And when he waved the wand, several sparks erupted from the end of it like tiny multi-colored fireworks, green and purple and orange.
"Wow..." That was... That had to be it. This HAD to be the one!!!
He beamed. "It's perfect! It- No, wait, it's- it's WANDerful!" He had that one saved in the back of his mind for AGES for this exact moment.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Well pin a rose on your nose, Mr. Wandmaker. Maybe yourself and her dad could swap stories about their grey hairs over a cuppa or whatever. Dad might try his darndest to hide the fact that he was getting grey hairs these days but Calliope had seen the reservation slips and way mamma would caress his hair differently on some days!
Anyway, this brunette tried not to look too much as though she had just stepped in a pile of dragon dung as the wandmaker referred to her as 'boss'. "Respectfully, sir, if that were the case you wouldn't have had me try that wand in the first place ooooooooooor be pretending not to guilt tripping me now about trying to toss it," she pointed out with a heavy sigh since she KNEW what she ought to do. For the record, she had no intention of debating free will and choices now or ever...but did the wand have to be THAT color wood?
In spite of knowing in her gut what was true, Calliope accept this new clearly inferior wand, and balanced it on her palm for a few moments to humor her ego and prove the shopkeeper (and his kneazle dressed in wooden clothing) right. "...it feels...empty...a dud...inferior in every way but color and species of wood," she lamented, nearly tossing this second wand back at the man but (thankfully) catching herself at the last second and instead rolled it off the tips of her fingers back into the box. "I don't get why that wand picked me but...whatever. I guess I'll take it."
It wasn't like it was her galleon she was spending on it anyway.
"So...I'll take that first wand...and could you get this engraved on it as well?" she asked while pulling a slip of paper out of her pocket that contained a bit of drum notation. "It's a bit long so it may need to spiral around rather than a straight line along one side...actually...I'd prefer that style....and would it be possible to swap out a basic leather wrist holster for a Manticore one? Because yes to that but if you can't then it'll have to be a Manticore wrist holster and a wand polish."
"Hmm, I suppose you're right," Zeke said, affecting an air of great seriousness. Perhaps a little too late, as might have been betrayed by his next words, which came with the slightest shadow of a smile. "I guess I am the boss after all."
Surprise, surprise, this next wand was, as his customer said herself, a dud. Zeke smiled, and replaced the lid of the second box once the wand had tumbled gently back into it. "It's not always clear why," he remarked, setting that wand aside and picking up the first again, ready to go ring it up. "But I'm glad you've found each other, at any rate." And perhaps eventually she would be too.
As he moved towards the counter, Zeke paused to take the slip of paper and examine it. "Yes, I could do that for you. You're welcome to hang around while I get it done, but you might prefer to come back later to collect it. An hour should do it." Engraving was not something that could be rushed, but that was ample time for him to get it done. "And it'll have to be the manticore holster plus wand polish." Zeke had a livelihood to protect, after all. He took down the items, set them on the counter, and rang them up, but there was of course something else to address before they got to the transaction itself.
"As for the wand, it's eleven inches and one third of brittle spruce with a jobberknoll feather core. Spruce requires a firm hand, as it can be a little... stubborn. Can have its own ideas about what magic it out to produce." Then again, in Zeke's experience, it tended not to choose those who could not keep it in hand. And... well. He was pretty sure the same was true here. Stubborn wand, stubborn owner. Ahem. "I'm positive you will have no issues on that score, however. It likes a bold and flashy spellcaster, spruce, and you'll find it a superb helpmate, intensely loyal, and capable of flamboyant and dramatic magic. It's excellent for conjuration and creature magic, but not suitable for the dark arts." As always, there was no assumption and no judgement behind the statement, just the factual information about the wand. "The jobberknoll feather is a good core for use in potions, and non-verbal magic comes easier to jobbernoll wands than most others. It's also particularly compatible with charmswork."
And that was that. "10 galleons for the wand itself, and with everything else, that comes to... 30 galleons and 8 sickles." A fairly hefty price, but wands were always worth it. In Zeke's oh-so-humble opinion, anyway.
[11⅓ inch brittle spruce with jobberknoll feather]
SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie - Briallen
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Picketta doing every shade of chittering inside her messy bun was very VERY distraction and Bria was beginning to think that just maaaaaaaaaaybe she ought to have listened to papa's suggestion to not bring her and accept those extra chicken squishies for her pockets. The blonde's eyes rolled upward to try and catch a little glimpse of green limbs and whisper a plea for her to relax and that they would be out of here soon.
She wanted to ask how exactly it was helpful, but time was of the essence with the ornery bowtruckle and she would very much like to leave this place before Picketta became a bowtruckle bandit.
"Okay," she nodded with a pleasant hum to her voice as she accepted this third wand and immediately felt a similar tickling sensation that warmed the entirety of her hand before spreading up her arm and caressing both her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, Bria closed her eyes and the shop fell silent, even Picketta's chattering, as if someone had cast Quietus on its entirety. But then, the witch-to-be heard a soft melodic birdsong echoes through the establishment, faint and distant, but it begins to grow clearer and into a chorus of hoots and tweets. Her eyes flew open, the tip of the wand emitting a bold cherry red glow from which soft and plump snowy down began to fall and float from. Smiling, Bria looked to the wandmaker for confirmation and quickly found her eyes drawn to the window behind him and specifically the parliament that had gathered and were flapping their wings with the occasional hoot. Curious...she'd never seen owls behave in such a way before. Ollivander's must be expecting a plethora of post today!
"This is the one," she declared with a grin. "Mum told me to get a wrist holster as well, so one of those too, please. Oh, and...a bottle of Magical Resonance Protection Salve."
As the girl smiled at Zeke, he beamed right back at her. The match was absolutely unmistakable, and really quite charming, for that matter. Pun not intended. Or maybe just slightly intended.
"Wonderful," he said. "Absolutely delightful. I agree, this is definitely the one." He held the box out again so that it might be replaced, just for the moment, and nodded. "I'll ring all that up for you right away. You'll want to know a little more about the wand, I'm guessing?"
Because he was going to get into it regardless. Part of the service and all. "This wand is twelve inches of sturdy rowan, with a core of griffin claw. Rowan is highly-favoured, it has a reputation as being the most protective wand wood available. It produces defensive charms that are especially strong and difficult to break so, naturally, shielding magic and defensive wards will be particularly strong." A good thing to keep in mind for those interested in getting into duelling. The wand often played a huge part in determining an offensive versus defensive strategy. Plenty didn't go into duelling, though, of course. "Rowan is also highly capable of deflecting and repelling spells of the mind, and excellent for communication spells. In general, it's a suitable all-purpose wand." Ideal for a learner, of course. "In terms of the core, you'll find delicate wand movements will feel most natural. Griffin claw is also superb for protection spells and shields; they're some of the easiest spells to master with this core, so with the wood it's an extremely protective wand. It's not well-suited to dark magic pursuits of nefarious endeavours, however. Also important to note that this is not an easy wand to pass to another, as griffin claw wands bond very closely to their original owners."
While he'd been speaking, Zeke had busied himself with taking down the wrist holster and the protection salve, and ringing everything up. "The wand is 9 galleons, and with the salve and the holster your total comes to 17 galleons 15 sickles and 2 knuts."
[12 inch sturdy rowan with griffin claw]
SPOILER!!: Freyr
Originally Posted by Freyr
The door to Ollivanders creaked softly as Alaric and his mother, Eleanor, stepped inside. The air seemed to hum with magic, and Alaric’s gray eyes widened as he took in the towering stacks of wand boxes. His fingers fiddled nervously with the phoenix charm on his bracelet.
"This is it" he murmured, his voice shaky with a mix of excitement and nerves. His mother placed a steady hand on his shoulder.
"You’ll do wonderfully" Eleanor reassured him with a soft smile. "Trust yourself—the wand will choose you."
Alaric nodded, straightening his robes and glancing toward the tape measure zipping around measuring his various parts brought a flicker of awe, momentarily easing the knot in his stomach. Fidgeting with his bracelet again, he took a deep breath.
"What if it takes forever?" he whispered, stepping forward with equal parts anticipation and determination after the tape fell limb on the floor.
Eleanor’s lips twitched into a smile. "Then we’ll be here as long as it takes. It’s worth the wait for the right one."
Emerging from the back room behind the counter, Zeke spotted his next customer and his chaperoning adult. He gave both a wide, welcoming grin, but it was to the boy that he directed his words to when he spoke. He, after all, was the one getting the wand.
"Hello, hello," he said, and plucked his floating parchment from the air, on which were written the boy's measurements. "Let me just have a look at what we have here, and we'll find you a wand."
Zeke ran a finger down the column of numbers, doing all kinds of calculations and deductions as he went, then looked up again, with another smile. "Just a moment," he said, and strode away to one of his shelves.
He returned within the promised moment, having taken down one of the wand boxes. Now opening it up, he offered the wand inside to the boy. "Give this a wave, and let me know how it feels." They'd likely get a visible sign too, of course, but it still helped to get that feedback.
Originally Posted by NiallNIP
Maddox was one to notice little things, and it did not fly over his head that the second wand wasn't placed back on the shelf. That in itself was a clear enough indication to him that the wandmaker had some sort of suspicion that that was the perfect wand. Enough confirmation for Maddox, and the way he presented the third wand only solidified that. Not to mention that he had an inkling of what he was thinking. Just a little bit.
He looked over the wand that the man had brought over for him. "I wasn't being untruthful to myself," he said as he picked it up, gave it a little flick. The wand immediately let out a little flash and gave his hand small zap. He dropped the wand and shook his hand out. Might've deserved that one. A little. He picked up the wand and put it back in the box. "Just to you," he finished with a little shrug, averting his eyes a tad. He wanted to see what the wandmaker would do. Maddox was like that sometimes, curious as to what people would do or say in certain situations. You could learn a lot about a person based on their reactions to a strange comment or action. "You're good at your job," was his conclusion about this one. "I like the second one."
Had he said that out loud? For a moment, Zeke could not be sure. Then he recalled the specifications of the wand that had matched with this boy, and understood all too well. But he did not falter. Being positioned as he was, providing wands to all manner of witches and wizards, there was likely very little he had not come up against, and less that, he felt, would surprise or shock him.
"Well, in this context," he said, placing the lid back on the third wand box and setting it aside, "both actions risk the same outcome, depending on the wandmaker. There's always a risk that testing someone will backfire." Because that, Zeke figured, was probably what he'd been aiming for. That, or just hoping for a different wand, and somehow that just didn't seem to fit.
All the same, Zeke was smiling as he picked up the second wand box again. "Thank you," he said. "Years of practice."
More years than Zeke cared to think about, actually, but that was not for here.
"So, then, the second wand," he said, and held up the wand box, then gestured towards the counter and cash register, where he now headed. "This is eleven inches and one third of silver lime, with a dragon heartstring core. Hebridean Black, to be precise. A very unusual and handsome wood. Silver lime has a reputation for performing best for Seers and Legilimens," he went on, though his tone never changed, and he offered no knowing looks. Bit dramatic, all that. "It inspires intelligence and intuition and is excellent for Divination. Silver lime is also a very forgiving wand to those who are yet to gain magical experience, which makes it a very good learning wand, yet it is still suited to lofty pursuits and difficult magic." Pretty much win-win there, really. "Dragon heartstring cores have a lot of oomph and raw power, and these wands lend themselves to quick master of spells. It's very versatile, though powerful magic will come much easier than subtle, delicate spellwork. These wands also bond closely to their owners."
He smiled again. "The wand by itself will be 12 galleons. And we have other products and services too, if you're interested."
[11⅓ inch balanced silver lime with dragon heartstring [Hebridean Black]]
SPOILER!!: Kimothy
Originally Posted by Kimothy
"Hello." The bright-eyed boy looked up at the tall man, whom Miles quickly deduced was the shopkeeper. Wand maker. Were they one and the same person? Miles' eyes followed the paper with his measurement, now in the hands of the man, as if trying to see what was in it too.
And he was just about to ask a question when the shopkeeper man disappeared into the rows and rows of wand displays. Miles felt sheepish for a moment — if only he'd spoken up a second earlier, he'd have felt differently. But well. It is what it is. So while he waited, Miles looked back at whoever it was the magical measuring tape was now assailing accommodating. Even just as a bystander, the experience did not look at all pleasing to his eyes.
Happy to divert his attention again to the shopkeeper man, Miles looked back up at him and the slender box in his hands. The wand's house. To the man's question, he nodded and as the young boy was accepting the wand, Miles piped up. "Sir." Blink. Blinkblink. Okay. "Do you remember every wand you've ever made and sold?" And if he did, how does he do it? How can he remember which one he sold to who's-that-face?
It was then that Miles noticed how warm the wand felt against his palm, and he had to make sure that it wasn't about to fry up his hand. But to his surprise, and content, it was a mere steady warmth. No hurt. Comfy spring sunshine. Now properly holding it with his hand, Miles gave it a careful wave, like how he'd seen his parents do it, and a moment later there sprouted a leaf out the tip of the wand. It grew slowly, and once it was about the size of Miles' own hand, he plucked it off and squinted at it, before offering it up to the shopkeeper man. "What wood?" Miles asked about the wand the man had given to him. He also had his mental fingers crossed it that this was a good sign. The correct sign.
Ah, a curious one. Zeke smiled down at him.
"I do," he said. "Or, at least, I'm not aware of having forgotten one so far." He'd not been tested on them all, after all; usually it was a case of testing himself when someone he recognised as an old customer entered the shop with a sibling or other relative (or perhaps, one day, their own child), or to get their own wand repaired or such like.
As to the matter of this particular wand fitting, Zeke was watching closely, looking out for all those telltale signs. The minuscule changes of expression and bearing. He smiled again at the sight of the leaf growing from the end of the wand, and nodded to himself.
This was not always a question Zeke would have answered... unless he was absolutely positive of a match, which he was now.
"Acacia," he said, taking the leaf that the boy had held out to him, and rolling it gently between thumb and forefinger by the stem. In return, he held out the box for the wand, but not because it was the wrong one. "And a perfect match," he added. "We've found your wand. Or, if you like, your wand has found you."
Zeke cleared his throat, ready to give the rundown and specifications of the wand in question. "This is thirteen and a half inches of sturdy acacia, with a unicorn hair core. Notoriously difficult with which to make a match, these, and tend to refuse to produce magic for anyone but their owner. Better suited to subtle displays of magic, rather than more showy displays." That was not to say that an acacia wand could never produce that kind of magic, only that it was not naturally inclined to do so. "It can take some time to master, but once you do, you will be able to cast very complex magic with it. Acacia is also well suited to personal protection. As for the core, unicorn hair wands are very faithful wands, and very consistent too. Well suited to charms and transfigurations, excellent for healing magic, and, again, more in tune with subtle and delicate magic, rather than flashes and bangs. Unicorn hair doesn't always make the most powerful wands, but are very consistent and reliable."
So that was that! And Zeke hoped the boy was happy with it; Acacia wands, after all, were very picky, very particular. "The wand by itself will be 12 galleons, plus anything else you might like today."
[13½ sturdy acacia with unicorn hair]
SPOILER!!: littledhampir
Originally Posted by littledhampir
Elena beamed up at the wandmaker when he also declared that the wand was perfect for her. She was very pleased to have found a wand, and on the first try too! She hadn't been sure how long it would take, but she was glad that she hadn't had to worry over a bunch of improper fits. Alexei, it seemed, didn't have quite the same luck. She took the hand he offered and got to her feet as the wandmaker went to find another wand for him to try. "What happened with that wand?" She asked curiously. She hadn't been able to see exactly why it hadn't worked out, as she had been distracted by her own wand sending her to the ground.
She stood a few paces away, enough to give Alexei room but not too far, to watch as he attempted the second wand presented. This time seemed pretty good to her. Elena clapped excitedly as he spelled his name in the air in front of them. "Woah! That was so cool!" And just like that, both of them had wands.
Elena tried her best to listen to all the details about her new wand, but there was so much to keep track of. Still, she nodded along eagerly, even if not all of the details stuck very well in her head. One part that did stick out to her was that her loved ones would be able to use her wand. Her gaze flicked to Alexei as she heard that. Elena didn't know why he would ever need to use her wand, but she was sort of pleased to know that he would be able to if he ever did need to. She would willingly let him borrow anything of hers, no questions asked. She also would remember that her wand needed to be cared for and treated with respect, but she didn't think that would be too difficult to accomplish. She already loved it very much.
And then there was even more information about Alexei's wand, which she absorbed even less off even though she really was trying very hard to listen. She was just simply too excited at the prospect of being a wand owner and was already thinking of all the other fun shopping they had to do now that they had completed this stop. When the explanations were done and they were given a price, she turned toward her dads, so they could do all the paying and whatnot.
"It shocked me," Alexei said to Elena, but very quietly. "Like a static shock, not a surprise shock." Well, maybe there had been an element of surprise, but not until after.
When the wandmaker went through all the details of the wands, Alexei listened carefully. Not only to the part about his own, but Elena's too, though he did much better at remembering things when he could see them written down. He had absorbed all the integral things, anyway, and supposed that all the rest might be found in the right books, provided he could find those books. Alexei knew they existed, because he'd already noticed them listed with the products and services.
In fact... as Elena turned towards their parents, Alexei did too, so that he might quickly whisper a plea for one of those books alongside a holster and whatever else they saw fit to get, before they could get too invested in the transactional process. Then he stuck close to Elena, looping an arm through one of hers, a slight but unmistakeable smile playing on his lips. They had wands.
SPOILER!!: AlwaysSnapesGirl
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Though failing to get his wand on the first try meant more waiting, somehow this time he didn't mind at all. It truly did only feel like a few moments, like he had blinked and immediately there was another wand being presented to him.
Another!! Wand!!
Zephyr didn't hesitate by staring at the wand first this time, but the awe in his expression had returned even as he picked it up. This time, a comfortable warmth spread up his arm. And when he waved the wand, several sparks erupted from the end of it like tiny multi-colored fireworks, green and purple and orange.
"Wow..." That was... That had to be it. This HAD to be the one!!!
He beamed. "It's perfect! It- No, wait, it's- it's WANDerful!" He had that one saved in the back of his mind for AGES for this exact moment.
Zeke gave a good-natured little chuckle, apparently the ideal audience for puns such as this (just ask his kids, who were subject to his dad jokes from time to time).
"Absolutely," he said, still chuckling slightly as he held out the wand box so that the wand might be briefly placed back inside while he rang it up. "Very good, very good. And congratulations!" For the match. Naturally.
Zeke beamed again, and launched right into the details of the wand. "Now, this wand is thirteen inches of robust ebony, with a billywig sting core. Ebony has a particularly lustrous reputation in magical combat and in transfiguration magic. It's well suited to defensive and protective spells, and dispelling dark magic. Also suitable for all elemental magic." Always a plus, in Zeke's opinion, though there was of course something to be said for those wands that 'specialised'. But, especially when starting out, it was extremely beneficial that a wand was so... well-rounded. "It's a truly diverse wand, and can be used for almost any purpose. However, it can take some time for spells to be mastered with ebony, so you'll need to be willing to put the work in. Billywig stings make for wands that are undoubtedly dependable. Excellent for charmswork in particular, and well suited to any spell related to lift or propulsion. Interestingly, wands with billywig sting cores usually don't take long to master, which you might find will counteract the opposite quality in the wood. These wands can be relied upon to produce magic in any situation, though it is not well suited to spells where an element of stealth is required in the casting, though this characteristic can be tamed, with practice."
That was probably plenty to be getting on with for now, and Zeke offered the boy another smile. "The wand on its own will be 10 galleons, plus anything else you might be interested in today."
[13 inch robust ebony with billywig sting]
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Emerging from the back room behind the counter, Zeke spotted his next customer and his chaperoning adult. He gave both a wide, welcoming grin, but it was to the boy that he directed his words to when he spoke. He, after all, was the one getting the wand.
"Hello, hello," he said, and plucked his floating parchment from the air, on which were written the boy's measurements. "Let me just have a look at what we have here, and we'll find you a wand."
Zeke ran a finger down the column of numbers, doing all kinds of calculations and deductions as he went, then looked up again, with another smile. "Just a moment," he said, and strode away to one of his shelves.
He returned within the promised moment, having taken down one of the wand boxes. Now opening it up, he offered the wand inside to the boy. "Give this a wave, and let me know how it feels." They'd likely get a visible sign too, of course, but it still helped to get that feedback.
Alaric hesitated as the wand was handed to him, his fingers brushing against the smooth wood. He turned it over in his hands, feeling its weight, its balance, and how it seemed to fit perfectly in his grasp. His heart raced, and for a moment, he glanced toward his mother, who gave him an encouraging nod.
“Alright,” he murmured to himself, gripping the wand a little tighter. Taking a deep breath, he gave it a careful wave.
A warm, golden light burst from the tip of the wand, spiraling upward like ribbons of sunlight. Alaric’s gray eyes widened in awe as the light illuminated his face, casting soft shadows across the shop. The air around him seemed to shift, humming with a newfound energy that resonated deep within him. It wasn’t just a wand—it felt like an extension of himself, as if the magic flowing through it had always been waiting for him.
The knot of nerves in his stomach loosened, replaced by an overwhelming sense of certainty. “This is it!” he whispered, his voice filled with wonder. The wand felt alive in his hand, responding to his very thoughts, and he couldn’t help the small, triumphant smile that spread across his face.
Eleanor stepped closer, her expression proud and warm. “I told you, the right one would find you.”
Alaric nodded, still mesmerized by the soft glow fading from the wand’s tip. “It’s perfect.” he said firmly, gripping the wand with newfound confidence. For the first time since entering the shop, he felt ready for whatever Hogwarts had in store for him.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "you can laugh! but people used to believe there were no such things
as the blibbering humdinger or the crumple-horned snorkack!"
Had he said that out loud? For a moment, Zeke could not be sure. Then he recalled the specifications of the wand that had matched with this boy, and understood all too well. But he did not falter. Being positioned as he was, providing wands to all manner of witches and wizards, there was likely very little he had not come up against, and less that, he felt, would surprise or shock him.
"Well, in this context," he said, placing the lid back on the third wand box and setting it aside, "both actions risk the same outcome, depending on the wandmaker. There's always a risk that testing someone will backfire." Because that, Zeke figured, was probably what he'd been aiming for. That, or just hoping for a different wand, and somehow that just didn't seem to fit.
All the same, Zeke was smiling as he picked up the second wand box again. "Thank you," he said. "Years of practice."
More years than Zeke cared to think about, actually, but that was not for here.
"So, then, the second wand," he said, and held up the wand box, then gestured towards the counter and cash register, where he now headed. "This is eleven inches and one third of silver lime, with a dragon heartstring core. Hebridean Black, to be precise. A very unusual and handsome wood. Silver lime has a reputation for performing best for Seers and Legilimens," he went on, though his tone never changed, and he offered no knowing looks. Bit dramatic, all that. "It inspires intelligence and intuition and is excellent for Divination. Silver lime is also a very forgiving wand to those who are yet to gain magical experience, which makes it a very good learning wand, yet it is still suited to lofty pursuits and difficult magic." Pretty much win-win there, really. "Dragon heartstring cores have a lot of oomph and raw power, and these wands lend themselves to quick master of spells. It's very versatile, though powerful magic will come much easier than subtle, delicate spellwork. These wands also bond closely to their owners."
He smiled again. "The wand by itself will be 12 galleons. And we have other products and services too, if you're interested."
Maddox had a little mischievous smile. He'd been caught, but he hadn't been trying to hide it that much to be fair. He gave a little shrug—he knew the man was right, but it hadn't backfired on him yet.
He listened intently to the qualities of his wand wood and core. It all made sense to him—things he knew he was already skilled at and interested in. Everything about it was specifically for him. Lofty pursuits? Difficult magic? Raw power? "Perfect." His smile turned into a grin. A bit scary, really.
Maddox looked through the list of products he could get for his wand as Jane came over to the register. "Hip holster, Hebridean Black," to go with his wand core, of course, "wand polish and conditioning oil. Please." He was getting better about saying please and thank you, but it was still just tacked on at the end. Jane pulled out her coin purse to pay for everything. Maddox had taken his wand out of the box and was examining it. He was more pleased than you could imagine.