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Placed strategically along the north side of the street, there are about five park benches on either side of the street offering a place for the weary to rest their tired feet for a moment. There is one situated between Potage's Cauldron Shop and Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, one between Madam Malkin's and Flourish and Blotts - and then on the opposite side of the street, between Magical Menagerie and Eeylops Owl Emporium, and Quality Quidditch Supplies and Scribbulus Writing Implements. The fifth bench is right before Gringotts Wizarding Bank, clearly placed there to let you know you've reached where the street begins to curve.
Take a seat and take a load off if you like, these benches are the perfect spots to sit and chat with friends while you take a break from shopping, or if you've come from Florean's you might be looking for a spot that you can sit and finish off your ice cream before it melts. Try not to be a bench hog though - if you're here for too long the benches themselves might get sick of you and nudge you off so that somebody else can sit for a while too!
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Simona Bowen wouldn’t ordinarily be wandering the streets of Diagon Alley alone. Truthfully she wasn’t actually alone. Her mother was talking to someone outside of Flourish and Blotts and being the strong independent nine-year-old that she was, she had been parked up on the bench to wait for her to finish her conversation.
It was the weekend which meant no St Woboldo’s and seeing as it was a couple of months into term for the Hogwarts students, it was eerily quiet along the usually bustling street. Simi didn’t mind the quiet so much, what she did miss was being able to pop into one of her sisters rooms for the company she was craving every once in a while. It hadn’t been so bad up until Miriam had turned eleven and now she was the only one left out of a close knit unit of five. Thankfully primary school had provided a welcome distraction, as had the many activities she had engulfed herself in eagerly awaiting her sister’s return. There was a whole mountain of friendship bracelets she had made, each in their favourite colours (except for Anna’s because she was the living embodiment of a rainbow and therefore picking just one colour wasn’t enough) ready to give to them at Christmas.
That was what the girl had chosen to embark on whilst waiting on the bench. Her petite legs swung back and forth, her lack of height preventing her feet from touching the ground. Her fingers were working overtime, braiding the thread back and forth, over and under then tying on a lettered bead, a T for Tamara. Her nose scrunched up in frustration as the bead came pinging off and rolled its way onto a cobblestone somewhere probably never to be seen again.
If anyone asked - and they wouldn't, but it was nice to pretend that they would - TJ Kruus was now incredibly grown up, having just recently passed his tenth birthday. Old enough to come to Diagon Alley on his own, he argued. An argument that had been heard and then swiftly put down, by the way, so that rather than roaming the street alone like he'd have wanted to, TJ was pretending he was here alone while his mum ran some errands in some nearby shops. She could see him through the windows still, which totally cramped his style just to think about it, but it wasn't in his nature to go wandering off or do anything that might upset her or his dad.
There was only one thing that tempted him, and even that, TJ did not do. Slug and Jiggers could wait. It would have to, as it did always did.
In any case, there was no need to even really focus on his impatience, as it didn't take long for TJ to recognise someone from school. Weird as, seeing school people out in the wild, but not as weird as when it was one of the teachers.
TJ bounded benchwards, stumbling slightly as his foot caught on one of the cobblestones and nearly causing him to drop his paper bag of muggle pick'n'mix. He approached right on time to see Simona drop... whatever it was she dropped.
"What're you making?" TJ asked, pulling a jelly snake from the back of sweets and promptly biting its head off. Oh, yeah! "Want one?" He had loads, not just snakes. All bought with some of his birthday money. They were going to add a haul of magic sweets to it today, too.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Oh hello friend!
Or an acquaintance? Simona had no reason to believe that her fellow classmate wasn’t a friend as there wasn’t any bad blood between them. She was more one of those children who kept herself to herself over in the craft corner and whose play times were spent watching the other kids play ‘duck duck goose’ or ‘stuck in the mud’ without joining in. Physical education wasn’t her thing and if she were to play she would likely be out in the first round. She wasn’t UNsociable though, just independent. She could appreciate others company without expressly needing it all the time.
“Hi TJ” the youngest Bowen smiled sweetly. “I’m making my sisters friendship bracelets for Christmas but I’ve just lost one of the beads.” Her nose scrunched up in that annoyed bunny rabbit expression. Could she go search for it? Yes. Did she want to make the effort of getting off the bench and crawling around for it? Nope. The nine-year-old wasn’t going to refuse a sweet treat, she had been planning on convincing her Mum to take her to Florean’s after she was done shopping anyway. “Thanks!” Her hand reached in to pull out one of those foam banana thingies which she bit in half.
Her mother glanced up as she heard her daughter speaking although turned back to her conversation upon seeing the young lad that had joined her and the reassuring smile from the youngster. Stranger danger and all that.
“Are you here with your parents too?” Her eyes quickly scanned the street to search out the presence of other adults in the vicinity.
Automatically, TJ found himself checking the ground, lifting one foot and then the other in search of the lost bead. Not for too long though, otherwise he'd go toppling over, and that was never fun. Anyway, the sweets were more important. Sorry bead, but they just were. Once Simona had taken one, he dipped his hand in for one too, though the jelly snake was still only half consumed.
"M'mum's over there," TJ admitted - and it did feel very much like an admission, which was why he sort of mumbled it reluctantly as he waved what remained of the jelly snake's body over his shoulder at some of the shops. Like he didn't know exactly which one she was in, and that she was probably looking out at them at this very moment. "What about the bracelets? D'you need the bead to finish them?" Ha! That rhymed. Sort of.
He checked the ground again, now wondering if he was likely to step on the wayward bead and manage to slip on it or something. Because if it was possible, he'd probably end up doing it. TJ did not like to be called clumsy, ever, but he did have an unfortunate habit of tripping over his own feet or ricocheting off doorframes on his way through them, so actual obstacles were a bit of a nightmare.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Being nine was that awkward age where Simona felt that she was definitely brave enough to be on her own in Diagon Alley and yet the fact that her mother was close enough to see her was comforting and offered the security that if anything was to happen she would be straight over. She turned in the direction TJ was indicating whilst nomming on the remaining half of her sweet. “I think Mums secretly have eyes in the backs of their heads” she softly giggled. They always had a habit of knowing what their children were up to, even if they weren’t looking directly towards them. Not that Simi did anything to misbehave but if she did, she was sure that she would be swiftly caught out.
With that being said, she did have the advantage of being the youngest child in the family and therefore the exhaustion her parents must’ve felt bringing up four other girls before Simona came along likely left this Bowen able to get away with the most if she wanted. It was probably a good thing that she hadn’t reached those rebellious teenage years yet, nor had she developed the personality to. She couldn’t WAIT to see what house the Sorting Hat would place her into.
“No” she sighed remembering that the bead was likely long gone now and it would be impossible to find it again. “Well yes.. I was going to put their initials on them but I guess I can do it without them.” Or she could wait until she was home again and hope that she had another. “I wish we could do magic already.” Her short legs swung underneath her as she placed the bracelet back into the satchel she had slung over her shoulder. It would make life SO much easier to just wave a wand and be done with it. That was if she truly was magical and that there wasn’t some curse she didn’t know about that the fifth sibling would turn out to be a squib.
Ashley Fox was out and about today in full force. Which - because of her semi-recent accident limiting her energy - meant sitting on this bench with her art notebook, waving at tiny children and letting people see her work-in-progress while simultaneously handing out invites for her next art show. It was networking AND socializing, okay. And one especially awesome teenager complimented a few of her tattoos, which made her so flattered and she simply HAD to tell him all about where she got them and what they meant to her.
Towards the end of the day, she found herself getting tired and quieted down a little, focusing on her painting of a weary woman transforming into a butterfly. She wasn't ready to go home just yet... and her boyfriend wasn't due to pick her up for another hour or so. Ash allowed herself to get lost in her paints, tuning out the busy space around her so she could drift back into her mind.
Quinn had been having fairly frequent outings to Diagon Alley recently. Good for a bit of destressing from the whole...everything, really. Their homecoming was going better than they thought in some ways and much, much worse in others. They had been home for over a year now, and it was at once comforting and painful. C'est la vie.
They were walking down the street, just taking a moment for themself, when they thought they recognized someone on one of the benches. As they approached they squinted a bit, trying to make out if they were wrong, and then realized they weren't. They stopped a couple feet away from the bench, not wanting to run up for a hug on the off chance they were mistaken. "Ash?"
Quinn had been having fairly frequent outings to Diagon Alley recently. Good for a bit of destressing from the whole...everything, really. Their homecoming was going better than they thought in some ways and much, much worse in others. They had been home for over a year now, and it was at once comforting and painful. C'est la vie.
They were walking down the street, just taking a moment for themself, when they thought they recognized someone on one of the benches. As they approached they squinted a bit, trying to make out if they were wrong, and then realized they weren't. They stopped a couple feet away from the bench, not wanting to run up for a hug on the off chance they were mistaken. "Ash?"
While Ashley was quite invested in her work and in her thoughts, she wasn't so distracted that she didn't hear her name being called. What was interesting, though, was that the voice was both familiar and strange. Obviously someone must know her personally, because she wasn't yet the sort of artist and writer that many strangers recognized on the street... but it was not a voice she'd heard in a long time. And yet somehow, she associated it with positive feelings.
"Quinn?" Ash looked up, almost unsure that they were real. They were so... grown up! They were so... adult! But she could still recognize them immediately. She never forgot a friend's eyes (or the rest of their face), never ever. Setting her work down on the bench, she jumped up (read: got up carefully and gingerly in a way that her healers would most likely appreciate) and held her arms out for them. "I thought I'd never see you again." But she was so, so glad that she did, because she'd heard nothing for years, and sometimes she worried. At some point she'd made peace with the idea that they weren't coming back, but she was a big worrier when it came to her friends. Not knowing where they were or if they were safe was truly the worst feeling. "I never forgot about you, you know."