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About halfway down the north side of the Alley stands Flourish and Blotts, the shop noticeable by its wide picture windows displaying all sorts of gold-embossed spellbooks, any new releases warranting advertisement and the occasional sleeping cat, as the shopkeeper’s two cats occasionally decide to make the window display their chosen napping place when they aren’t underfoot. Upon entry, all that seems to be visible are bookshelves, stacked to the ceiling and absolutely filled with books of all shapes and sizes. While it may look like chaos, there is a sort of order to the shelves and various stacks of books scattered throughout the main floor in addition to those shelved. A table sits close to the door which regularly holds sets of Hogwarts’ required textbooks every summer for the ease of students who may not want to hunt them down on their own, and a staircase, even more shelves filling the space underneath, leads up to a second floor that contains shelves of the various works of fiction from the Wizarding world and beyond.
Near the center of the shop stands the counter, where the shopkeeper can usually be found and which is also the location for the occasional book-signing or other book-related event. Surrounding the counter are displays of newspapers, magazines, diaries, journals and other small items that might interest the literary-minded customer. In addition, a large, leather-bound book rests on a small stand to the left of the counter: an index of all the books sold in the shop for the use of the customers who are in a hurry or simply don’t want to search through all the shelves on their own.
Toward the back of the shop, a door leading to a storage area and the small office used for paperwork and any other business the shopkeeper needs to take care of in private, a cat-door installed as well as the cats’ food and water while they’re in shop are there. Tucked away in various corners of the shop, half hidden by shelves and very cozy, are small reading nooks containing squashy chairs and small tables for a lamp, and a larger reading area including a fireplace can be found near one of the front windows. Enjoy!
SPOILER!!: inventory
Children's Stories
A Children’s Anthology of Monsters by Newt Scamander
A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed
Curses and Counter-curses (Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying, and Much, Much More) by Professor Vindictus Viridian
Jinxes for the Jinxed
Dark Arts & Defence of
A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
Confronting the Faceless
Magik Moste Evile
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts
The Dark Arts Outsmarted
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts
Broken Balls: When Fortunes turn Foul
Death Omens: What To Do When You Know The Worst Is Coming
The Dream Oracle by Inigo Imago
Predicting the Unpredictable: Insulate Yourself Against Shocks
Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky
Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy
Asiatic Anti-Venoms
Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions
The Healer's Helpmate
Encyclopedia of Toadstools
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean
Goshawk's Guide to Herbology
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Atlantis: The Rise and Fall of a Legendary Civilization by Dorothea Langenberg
Beyond the Tales: 20th Century Wizards and Witches by Everett Scabior
This shop is owned by an NPC and is a part of the IC Shopkeeper initiative. For details, please see this thread.
Do you have a character who has written a book and would like for their works appear in the inventory here? Fill out this questionnaire and the Diagon Alley Proprietors will make it happen!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Tiffany shook her head rather seriously at her brother. "One way, but probably not the best," Oh wait, he was kidding. Ice compress? Well that probably would make more sense than the ice cream she was thinking about. Speaking of the parents, her gaze shifted to the streets as she wondered where they were - they mentioned some top secret trip to get them each a surprise, so they should be along shortly. "We can sit here for as long as you'd like," well unless the shop closed but surely Ari would be better before then. It was probably mostly the initial shock of things rather than the actual injury.
Amelia was on a quick Diagon Alley trip - she mostly tended to avoid the shopping area during the summer months now that the children and grandbaby were grown. But unfortunately she needed to pick something up at the Apothecary, which led to her passing Flourish & Blotts and the familiar faces of her nieces and nephew on the floor. Ducking into the bookstore, the Potions Mistress wrinkled her forehead in concern. "Is everything okay over here?" And no she wasn't one to tell her brother or in-laws, unless it was something super dangerous. Which nothing appeared out-of-the-ordinary except for three pre-teens (wait were they teenagers already) sitting on the floor of one of the more populated shops given how everyone needed books on their school supply list.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
The soft chime of the bell above the door announced their arrival as Eleanor Ashcombe stepped gracefully into Flourish and Blotts, her presence immediately commanding respect. Alaric followed close behind, his gray eyes alight with excitement as he took in the towering shelves crammed with books. The faint scent of parchment and ink filled the air, mingling with the soft hum of chatter and the occasional rustle of turning pages.
"Thank you for bringing me, Mother" Alaric said, his voice brimming with sincerity as he glanced at her. His hand instinctively brushed the phoenix charm on his bracelet, its small weight against his wrist reminding him of her thoughtful gift. "And for this—it’s perfect."
Eleanor’s lips curved into a warm smile, her pale green eyes softening as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "You’re welcome, darling. I’m glad you like it. It’s a reminder that no matter what challenges come your way, you’ll rise above them."
Alaric nodded, standing a little taller under her gaze. "I’ll make you proud. Just wait until I learn to duel—I’ve already got my eye on a few Defense books."
She chuckled lightly, her voice elegant and full of affection. "Let’s start with the basics, shall we? Your Hogwarts list first, then we’ll see about indulging your ambitions."
Alaric grinned and darted ahead to a table near the door piled high with Hogwarts-required textbooks. He reached out to grab A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration, marveling at the gold lettering on its cover. "This is brilliant!" he exclaimed before catching himself and glancing back to ensure he wasn’t being too loud.
Eleanor, observing him with an indulgent smile, began gathering the rest of his list. "If you see anything else you’re curious about, let me know. But don’t try to convince me you need The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection just yet."
Alaric smirked, his mischievous nature briefly flashing through. "You’re no fun, Mother."
Eleanor laughed softly and ruffled his wavy blonde hair—a rare gesture for the usually composed woman. "I’m fun enough to let you browse the fiction section after we’re done. Now, let’s keep moving; the shop is starting to fill."
As they made their way toward the counter, Alaric trailed behind slightly, his fingers once more brushing the charm on his bracelet. The thought of Hogwarts filled him with both excitement and nerves, but with his mother’s unwavering support, he knew he was ready for whatever lay ahead.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "you can laugh! but people used to believe there were no such things
as the blibbering humdinger or the crumple-horned snorkack!"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Sister, Sister & Aunty! <3
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Johnny wasn't going to leave his friends at Beauxbatons. Ari had accepted that sad fact a long time ago, unlike Tiff who still seemed to hope that their brother suddenly would change his mind, and tell their parents to fix the transfer to Hogwarts too. Ari blinked and shook her head slightly as she eyed the offending book on the floor. "Is that book on the required list too?" Where was her list now anyway? Turning to her sister she smiled weakly at Tiff "Can't we just sit here for a bit? I'm sure whatever this is will pass."
Gazing over at Johnny next her heart warmed at the genuine concern she saw there in his safe, and stable eyes stating. "I'm fine Jojo. Just my head hurts. You only have one nose now I promise, and Tiff isn't double sized any longer." Reaching up to feel her head Ariadne visibly winced when she touched a large bump that had formed on her forehead. "Some ice might be nice though." Please could they avoid telling mummy and daddy until they had to?
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Tiffany shook her head rather seriously at her brother. "One way, but probably not the best," Oh wait, he was kidding. Ice compress? Well that probably would make more sense than the ice cream she was thinking about. Speaking of the parents, her gaze shifted to the streets as she wondered where they were - they mentioned some top secret trip to get them each a surprise, so they should be along shortly. "We can sit here for as long as you'd like," well unless the shop closed but surely Ari would be better before then. It was probably mostly the initial shock of things rather than the actual injury.
Amelia was on a quick Diagon Alley trip - she mostly tended to avoid the shopping area during the summer months now that the children and grandbaby were grown. But unfortunately she needed to pick something up at the Apothecary, which led to her passing Flourish & Blotts and the familiar faces of her nieces and nephew on the floor. Ducking into the bookstore, the Potions Mistress wrinkled her forehead in concern. "Is everything okay over here?" And no she wasn't one to tell her brother or in-laws, unless it was something super dangerous. Which nothing appeared out-of-the-ordinary except for three pre-teens (wait were they teenagers already) sitting on the floor of one of the more populated shops given how everyone needed books on their school supply list.
It wasn’t that Johnny had completely shut his mind off of transferring to Hogwarts; he was just going to take it one day at a time and see how the next year without his sisters went. “I dunno? But since Tiff says that it’s on your booklist it must be.” It seemed a tad fascinating, judging by the title but no one would ever catch Johnny reading it unless he was forced into such a heinous act. “We can absolutely absotutely sit here for however long you want, sis!’’ See? Even Tiff agreed.
JoJo? The guy giggled, thinking that the knock to the head had really messed with Ari’s head since she had never called him that. “I like that name,’’ he said happily. And he was happier when he learnt that she was seemingly getting back to normal. “One nose is good. If I really had two then I would have been a weirdo.” With Tiffy ‘back to normal’ as well, Jon watched as Ari reached up at her forehead. He too winced because he felt her pain. To offer comfort, he braced an arm lightly against Ari. With him and Tiffy both at her side, Ari was bound to feel better soon, right?
Jon was definitely a teenager already! Which obviously meant that his sisters were too. Sorry, Auntie Amelia! This meant you were getting older. She was immediately recognised the moment he looked up and saw her friendly face. “Aunty Melia!” Johnny was on his feet in an instant, and detouring from the usual teen behaviour of being uncaring and rude, he threw himself at the woman to give her a hug. “Hi! It’s lovely seeing you. A book fell on Ari's head. DoYouThinkYouCanHelp? Tiffy and I are worried.”
Tiffany shook her head rather seriously at her brother. "One way, but probably not the best," Oh wait, he was kidding. Ice compress? Well that probably would make more sense than the ice cream she was thinking about. Speaking of the parents, her gaze shifted to the streets as she wondered where they were - they mentioned some top secret trip to get them each a surprise, so they should be along shortly. "We can sit here for as long as you'd like," well unless the shop closed but surely Ari would be better before then. It was probably mostly the initial shock of things rather than the actual injury.
Amelia was on a quick Diagon Alley trip - she mostly tended to avoid the shopping area during the summer months now that the children and grandbaby were grown. But unfortunately she needed to pick something up at the Apothecary, which led to her passing Flourish & Blotts and the familiar faces of her nieces and nephew on the floor. Ducking into the bookstore, the Potions Mistress wrinkled her forehead in concern. "Is everything okay over here?" And no she wasn't one to tell her brother or in-laws, unless it was something super dangerous. Which nothing appeared out-of-the-ordinary except for three pre-teens (wait were they teenagers already) sitting on the floor of one of the more populated shops given how everyone needed books on their school supply list.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
It wasn’t that Johnny had completely shut his mind off of transferring to Hogwarts; he was just going to take it one day at a time and see how the next year without his sisters went. “I dunno? But since Tiff says that it’s on your booklist it must be.” It seemed a tad fascinating, judging by the title but no one would ever catch Johnny reading it unless he was forced into such a heinous act. “We can absolutely absotutely sit here for however long you want, sis!’’ See? Even Tiff agreed.
JoJo? The guy giggled, thinking that the knock to the head had really messed with Ari’s head since she had never called him that. “I like that name,’’ he said happily. And he was happier when he learnt that she was seemingly getting back to normal. “One nose is good. If I really had two then I would have been a weirdo.” With Tiffy ‘back to normal’ as well, Jon watched as Ari reached up at her forehead. He too winced because he felt her pain. To offer comfort, he braced an arm lightly against Ari. With him and Tiffy both at her side, Ari was bound to feel better soon, right?
Jon was definitely a teenager already! Which obviously meant that his sisters were too. Sorry, Auntie Amelia! This meant you were getting older. She was immediately recognised the moment he looked up and saw her friendly face. “Aunty Melia!” Johnny was on his feet in an instant, and detouring from the usual teen behaviour of being uncaring and rude, he threw himself at the woman to give her a hug. “Hi! It’s lovely seeing you. A book fell on Ari's head. DoYouThinkYouCanHelp? Tiffy and I are worried.”
Ice cream? Ice compress? Ari knew that she was a teeny bit out of it, but ice cream wouldn't fix the aching bump, but an ice compress could? Turning to Johnny she asked "Jojo, can you see if the shopkeeper has an ice compress or something? This bump on my head really hurts." Queue another visible wince as Ari turned to Tiff with an almost scared look in her eyes "Tiff, do you really have to climb up on the top shelf too to get your own copy of the book that hit me in the head? I don't wan't you to get hurt too." Granted Tiff had better balance that Ari had on most days but she could still get hurt.
Next minute they were suddenly joined by Auntie Amelia. Looking up at her aunty, Ari said "Hi Aunty Melia! Sorry, I really want to jump up on my feet and hug you just like Johnny did, but I don't think my bumped head would like that." She had a lot of dark hair, but the angry red bump on her head was probably hard to miss since it stood out like a stop sign.
Reign stepped into the bustling cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, her heart racing with anticipation. It had been ages since she last wandered these magical alleys, and today she was on a mission—books. Not just any books, but something fresh, something that would ignite her imagination and keep her up reading late into the night.
As she approached Flourish and Blotts, the familiar scent of parchment and ink wafted out to greet her. The shop was as enchanting as she remembered, with shelves towering high and stacked with volumes of every size and color. Her fingers tingled as she ran them along the spines, each title whispering promises of adventure, mystery, and wonder.
“What will it be today?” she murmured to herself, eyes sparkling. A leather-bound tome caught her attention, its cover embossed with golden stars. Next to it, a brightly illustrated book on magical creatures seemed to call her name.
Reign grinned as her arms filled with treasures. She wasn’t sure what she’d been looking for when she arrived, but now she knew—she’d found magic waiting between the pages. Today was going to be a good day.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Reign stepped into the bustling cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, her heart racing with anticipation. It had been ages since she last wandered these magical alleys, and today she was on a mission—books. Not just any books, but something fresh, something that would ignite her imagination and keep her up reading late into the night.
As she approached Flourish and Blotts, the familiar scent of parchment and ink wafted out to greet her. The shop was as enchanting as she remembered, with shelves towering high and stacked with volumes of every size and color. Her fingers tingled as she ran them along the spines, each title whispering promises of adventure, mystery, and wonder.
“What will it be today?” she murmured to herself, eyes sparkling. A leather-bound tome caught her attention, its cover embossed with golden stars. Next to it, a brightly illustrated book on magical creatures seemed to call her name.
Reign grinned as her arms filled with treasures. She wasn’t sure what she’d been looking for when she arrived, but now she knew—she’d found magic waiting between the pages. Today was going to be a good day.
Wednesday walked the street of Diagon Alley. She was looking for somewhere to go. She came across a bookstore with new books. Which fascinated her deeply because of her love of reading.
She entered the shop, and the smell of new books whiffed through her nose. She looked through the books, hoping to find something to suit her reading tastes. Then she picked up a book about potions and looked through the book.
She saw she wasn't alone in the shop, she grabbed her book and introduced herself to a person in the same area of bookshop as her. " Hello, I am Wednesday, but you call me Winnie” She said, greeting her friendly.
Wednesday walked the street of Diagon Alley. She was looking for somewhere to go. She came across a bookstore with new books. Which fascinated her deeply because of her love of reading.
She entered the shop, and the smell of new books whiffed through her nose. She looked through the books, hoping to find something to suit her reading tastes. Then she picked up a book about potions and looked through the book.
She saw she wasn't alone in the shop, she grabbed her book and introduced herself to a person in the same area of bookshop as her. " Hello, I am Wednesday, but you call me Winnie” She said, greeting her friendly.
Reign was lost in the endless possibilities of the bookstore, her fingers trailing along the spines of novels like they held the secrets of the universe. A new year was coming, and with it, the promise of new adventures—at least, in the pages of a good book. But what to read? She sighed, her mind swirling with indecision, when a soft hello pulled her back to reality.
The woman’s eyes sparkled as she introduced herself as Wednesday. "Wednesday," Reign repeated, testing the name on her tongue. It felt like the start of something intriguing. "I love the name!"
Startled, Reign turned to find a striking woman standing beside her. How had she not noticed her approach? The stranger had an air of quiet confidence, and Reign couldn’t help but smile. "Hi," she said warmly, her British accent lilting. "It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Reign—though my family calls me Ree." She quickly added, "You can call me that too, if you’d like."
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Reign was lost in the endless possibilities of the bookstore, her fingers trailing along the spines of novels like they held the secrets of the universe. A new year was coming, and with it, the promise of new adventures—at least, in the pages of a good book. But what to read? She sighed, her mind swirling with indecision, when a soft hello pulled her back to reality.
The woman’s eyes sparkled as she introduced herself as Wednesday. "Wednesday," Reign repeated, testing the name on her tongue. It felt like the start of something intriguing. "I love the name!"
Startled, Reign turned to find a striking woman standing beside her. How had she not noticed her approach? The stranger had an air of quiet confidence, and Reign couldn’t help but smile. "Hi," she said warmly, her British accent lilting. "It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Reign—though my family calls me Ree." She quickly added, "You can call me that too, if you’d like."
" It's a pleasure to meet you' She said, extending her hand for a handshake. Wednesday, was happy to meet someone new. She spent most of her time at home with her cat. It was nice to get out and about for once.
Her stomach started to growl with a low hum. She didn't always eat breakfast because of her new job. "Do you know anywhere to grab a bite to eat?" she wasn't really from London. She grew up in Scotland with her mother and two sisters.
" It's a pleasure to meet you' She said, extending her hand for a handshake. Wednesday, was happy to meet someone new. She spent most of her time at home with her cat. It was nice to get out and about for once.
Her stomach started to growl with a low hum. She didn't always eat breakfast because of her new job. "Do you know anywhere to grab a bite to eat?" she wasn't really from London. She grew up in Scotland with her mother and two sisters.
Reign couldn’t believe her luck. Could this really be the start of a new friendship? She had spent so many days tucked away at home, her only companions the pages of books and the hum of silence. But now, here was Wednesday, standing before her with a warm smile and an invitation. Reign felt a spark of hope ignite in her chest.
As their hands met in a firm shake, Reign’s stomach gave an audible growl, reminding her just how much she needed this—both the company and the food. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until now, too caught up in her quest for the perfect book to notice. But suddenly, the idea of sharing a meal with someone new felt like the most exciting adventure in the world.
“I would love to get something to eat!” Reign exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. “I am absolutely starving.”
Reign felt a surge of happiness. Maybe today wasn’t just about finding a new book—it was about finding a new friend. And that was even better.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Reign couldn’t believe her luck. Could this really be the start of a new friendship? She had spent so many days tucked away at home, her only companions the pages of books and the hum of silence. But now, here was Wednesday, standing before her with a warm smile and an invitation. Reign felt a spark of hope ignite in her chest.
As their hands met in a firm shake, Reign’s stomach gave an audible growl, reminding her just how much she needed this—both the company and the food. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until now, too caught up in her quest for the perfect book to notice. But suddenly, the idea of sharing a meal with someone new felt like the most exciting adventure in the world.
“I would love to get something to eat!” Reign exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. “I am absolutely starving.”
Reign felt a surge of happiness. Maybe today wasn’t just about finding a new book—it was about finding a new friend. And that was even better.
"Where's the best place grab something to eat" she asked. Her stomach was growling even louder. Wednesday was not sure where to go because she hadn't been to Diagon Alley since her Hogwarts days. " I could buy some books another day." she said smiling wide.