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Honeydukes Register (Finished Fanfiction)Here you will find all the completed works of fanfiction and poetry belonging to our talented SnitchSeeker authors.
Hello, I'm Lulu and this is my first story written on SS. This story is about my school charrie, Stephen Fanelli who's on the search to find his birth parents. Accompanied by his best friend, Lexi De Luca and later on by Tyler Way and Leonard Fanelli , the gang travel around Europe with some unexpected surprises.
Stephen, Leonard and Tyler belong to me. I have permission from Manda to use Lexi in this story. The world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.
It was finally seventh term at Hogwarts for Stephen Fanelli and his best friend, Lexi De Luca. Both their trunks were packs early in anticipation to leave the school as soon as they can. But that meant leaving everyone they've met here behind so quickly. Stephen didn’t want to say goodbye to Aimee just yet. Plus, she had another term left at school. But as of right now, Stephen was sitting by the lake, staring into the water and not really thinking about anything in particular. Standing up to see his reflection, Stephen gazed into his own eyes. The green eyes he had always wondered about.
Who had them? Was it his birth mother or father? Or did both of them have green eyes? And which one had black hair or both did? These were just a few questions Stephen was never going to get the answers for. His current mom had told him his birth parents died sometime after he turned five. But Stephen didn't know that for sure.
"Stephen!" Someone called out behind him, but Stephen paid no attention to them. "Stephen!!...STEPHEN ROGER FANELLI!!!" This time a shoe hit him on the head. Enraged, Stephen stood and quickly turned towards the person behind him. Only to find Lexi and one of her shoes missing. "Why don't you look up when I'm calling you?" she asked, taking her blue heel from the ground and setting it back on her foot. "Now I ruined my good shoe,"
"I was admiring myself in the water," Stephen replied, with a small laugh. As for the shoe thing, he was still rubbing the fresh bruise on his head and no one told Lexi to throw her shoe at him.
"Whatever," Lexi said and began digging into her bag. "I have something for you from your mom. She said to make sure you’re relaxed when you read it. So are you relaxed?"
"Not really after-"
"Good. Now if I can just find it…" Lexi continued digging into her Fendi bag, which always made Stephen wonder why she would bring her expensive bags to school. They were mostly going to carry books and her makeup. Nothing more or nothing less. "Oh, here it is!" she chimed and handed over a letter to Stephen.
"Did you read it?" he asked, and Lexi shook her head no. Stephen eyed her a bit but just shrugged it off. The parchment had wrinkles all over it. Meaning it was probably in her bag for a while. Opening up the parchment, Stephen began to read what his mom had written:
'My green-eyed monster,
I feel horrible about keeping a secret from you since the day we found you on our doorstep and brought you into our home. First, I want to say what you mean to me. I love you just as much as I love your brother Leonard. Even though you are not my biological son, in my heart you are. From watching you take your first steps, your first words and first disasters to now seeing a full grown wizard in front of me. Now that you're of age, I have to be honest with you. When we told you your birth parents had died, we lied. We just didn't want you to keep asking about them and where do they live. It was sad to think that your parents didn't want a wonderful kid like you. But please Stephen, don't go looking for them. We have no idea where they could be or what type of people they've grown into. We don't want you to have expectations of what they're like and then having those shattered.
Hope you're excited to come back home and we can't wait to see you.
- Mom'
Finishing the letter, Stephen didn't know whether he should feel upset, angry, sadden, betrayed or confused. But all of that wasn't going to change what he was about to do.
"What did it say?" Lexi asked.
"Make sure you pack plenty of things for the summer. We're going on a road trip," Stephen stated, putting the letter into his pocket and heading back inside.
"Wait, what? What do you mean road trip?! Where exactly are we going? Stephy, answer my questions! Why won't you answer me?!" Lexi followed behind her best friend, still getting no answer for everything she was asking.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
I can't believe I've been missing this. Like, SERIOUSLY.
It kinda makes me sad Stephy needs his Lexi in the RP.
I WILL COME BACK. For you And I will stalk this fic until THE DAY I DIE. Because it is AMAZING. And I wanna read MOAR.
I'm the king of my own land,
facing tempests of dust, I'll fight until the end. creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me,
now and forever, I'm your king.
I absolutely adore this, it's beautifully awesome.
Thank you, Bestieeee <33
Originally Posted by _Ginny_
I can't believe I've been missing this. Like, SERIOUSLY.
It kinda makes me sad Stephy needs his Lexi in the RP.
I WILL COME BACK. For you And I will stalk this fic until THE DAY I DIE. Because it is AMAZING. And I wanna read MOAR.
But yay! Lexi's coming back!
ily (:
Originally Posted by HG_forever
IT'S UP!!! x3
Omg, woman, I love it! I'm excited to find out who Stephen's parents are
I can't wait for more! (:
Thanks, woman! Lol
Originally Posted by Shanners
*flails* YOU! You need to tell me when I have things to stalk, woman!
This was so beautiful, I actually cried. And my inner Lori wibbled, and wanted to squish his face off ^____^
I can't wait for more! LOVEYOU<3
Awwwhs, don't cry, Shanonnnn! Lol i didn't know you were interested in my monster's story
Chapter 1: Goodbye For Now
"Why isn’t anyone home?" Lexi asked, sitting on Stephen's bed as he packed something they'd need for the trip this summer. Lexi's usual brown waves were tired up today as her blue eyes gazed side to side at the fashion magazine she was reading.
"They went to some event thing around town. Probably won't be back till later," Stephen answered. This was a good thing considering he still had to write them something to mention where he was going. Packing the last bit of stuff into a bag, Stephen zipped it up and placed it with the other bags.
"Why didn't you go?" She asked, flipping the page of her magazine.
"It was a family event," Stephen answered emotionlessly. Though he was part of the family, it all felt different to him now. He was going out to look for his real parents after his mom told him not to. But when did he ever listen to adults? Only on rare occasions he did.
"But you're part of the family too. Just because you're adopted doesn't mean you're not. So stop being stubborn," Lexi commented, throwing the magazine at him.
"I know that, it just feels weird now because we're about to leave here to find people who didn't want me in the first place," Stephen commented, not noticing Lexi was throwing things at him. "Would you stop throwing things at me! I'm already fidgety enough," Lexi sighed and laid down on his bed. Looking at the clock on his wall, Stephen realized his parents would be home soon.
"They'll be here soon. I guess we should start leaving,"
"Okay, are you going to leave them a note or something?" Lexi asked, making all their luggage small so they'd only have to carry it in their pockets. But Lexi placed them in her purse. "I'm sure they'll be worried sick for both of us,"
"I don't think so. They'll be worried no matter what. Did you leave your dad a note saying something?" Stephen asked, setting a map into his pocket and putting on a jacket. Lexi gave him that 'Are you seriously asking me that?' look and he knew perfectly well that her dad wouldn't really notice until way later. Stephen shrugged and nodded his head towards the door.
"I think it's better if we quickly walk out the house. That way it doesn't seem like we're running away," Lexi said speeding through the passageway of Stephen's room and into the decoy room. Stephen just nodded and closed the door behnd him. Leaving the decoy room, he made sure nothing was left to give away what they were doing. Closing that door too, Stephen walked downstairs and towards the front door.
"Be a good boy, Rocky. I'll see you soon," Stephen petted his dog who was wagging his tail at his owner's touch. Sighing, Stephen walked out the door with Lexi and locked it behind them. "C'mon, let's hurry up,"
Lexi nodded, taking out Stephen's birth certificate and looking through it. "It says here you were born in Rome, so off to the train station we go!" She sang, taking Stephen's hand and power walking to the train. Who knew how long it'd be before their parents saw they were missing. Sure Lexi and Stephen were both eighteen now but they were always going to be their parents little babies. Purchasing the tickets, the best friends walk towards the train platform and waited. "How long do you think it's going to take to get from Terni to Rome?"
"Not sure. Probably a couple of hours on the express train. Did you buy those?" Stephen asked. Lexi nodded and handed him the tickets from her purse. "Good, so most likely a couple of hours. Though we should check into a hotel when we get there and go to the hospital in a few days,"
"Sounds like a plan," Lexi pointed towards the arriving train. Standing up and dusting off her blue summer dress, Lexi's hand interlocked with Stephen's as they walked together. Getting onto the train and gave their tickets to the ticket person who punches holes into them. Once they got their tickets back, Lexi and Stephen chose a seat by a window and sat down. "This is going to be a long summer,"
Four Days Later
"Hello, I would like to know if there was a Marco Ricci born here?" Stephen asked the receptionist at the desk.
"I will check in our records for you," The receptionist nodded and smiled. Stephen nodded back and turned towards Lexi, who was now fond of a Roman Fashion magazine. Stephen just watched the television that was hanging over the windows. The white walls were maing the room seem brighter than expected, causing Stephen to squint his eyes a lot. "Sir," the receptionist called out, "The boy you are look for was born here eighteen years ago to Diana and Raul Ricci. This is their address, but I'm not sure if they've moved or not,"
"Okay, thank you," Stephen took the information and walked away. "Well, we have their address, or maybe their old one. C'mon, let's go bef--" Stephen was cut off by Lexi tugging at his arm.
"In other news, two teenagers from gone missing from their homes in Terni. A girl named Alexis De Luca with brown hair in slight curls, blue eyes, slim figure and about five-five in height. Here's a recent picture of her," Lexi's picture popped up on the screen and she squeezed Stephen's arm. Stephen's heart began to race faster as his information popped up next. "And a boy named Stephen Fanelli with black hair, green eyes, built figure and five-nine in height. Here's a recent picture of him. If you have any information on these children, please call the number below or your local authorities," The news went onto a break and the friends looked at each other.
"Let's go," Lexi whispered and pushed Stephen towards the doors. But then they heard someone calling out to them.
"Hey! You two! Stay where you are!" Security guards yelled at them and began to run their way. Lexi quickly used magic to change her heels into sneakers and broke into a run with Stephen. Pushing everyone out of the way, the best friends had no idea of where they could go, or hide for the moment. "Stop those kids!" Someone yelled. Stephen quickly looked back and saw that the police were now involved. How lovely. Stephen grabbed Lexi's arm and flung her onto his back, heading another direction now.
"Where are we going to hide?" Lexi asked, but Stephen didn't answer her. He was focusing on that same thought. But for now, they needed somewhere to disappear into. Spotting an alley way, Stephen quickly darted that way and hid behind a dumpster.
"We'll wait here until they disappear far from here," he whispered and Lexi nodded. They saw flashlights flashing away in the alley and tried to keep cool. There was some mumbling going on and the police left. Lexi and Stephen waited a few more minutes before getting up and heading the other way, only to find that they had no idea where they were. "You still have the ployjuice potion on you?"
"Yup," Lexi answered, digging into her bag and taking out two vials. "This one has your dad's hair in it and this one has your mom's hair. We'll change into them, find a hotel to stay in and head out?"
"Exactly," Stephen nodded and took the potion from her. "You have extra just in case, right?" Lexi nodded and drank down her vial. Stephen did the same and transformed into his dad. "Alright, let's go find a hotel," he smiled, taking Lexi's hand in his and walking out the alley.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Omigooooshhhh. I think you're portraying Lexi better than me. I'm a failure *_*
I'm the king of my own land,
facing tempests of dust, I'll fight until the end. creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me,
now and forever, I'm your king.
A-mazing! lol I really can't wait to read the rest
I wanna know what happens already!
Great job, hun <3
Why thank you, Gissel <3 You'll find out soon lol.
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Lulu! This is soooo exciting! I loveeee it<33
Awwhs, thanks ^____^
Originally Posted by _Ginny_
Omigooooshhhh. I think you're portraying Lexi better than me. I'm a failure *_*
You will have more, Blondie.
Sorry for the long wait, but school started and I've been tired lately. But here it is (:
Chapter 2: Unwanted Company
"Now that we're all clean, let start heading out," Stephen mentioned. It was about 10am and the two of them were still tired from all the running the other day. Especially Stephen since he was running with Lexi on his back through a crowd of people. But he had a feeling something completely unexpected when going to happen today.
“I know that look on your face,” Lexi mentioned as she prepared more polyjuice potion for the trip. “That’s the face you make when you’re thinking too much. So what’s going on?”
“Nothing. I just have this feeling that something might happen today. So we have to be extra careful,” Stephen answered. Lexi nodded and handed over a vial and drank hers. Stephen drank his without hesitation and prepared a few more things before leaving.
“Alright, let’s go!” Lexi chanted and pulled Stephen towards the door. Quickly grabbing the luggage, Stephen made them smaller and stuffed them into Lexi’s bag. Heading to the front desk, Lexi handed over the room key, signed a paper and walked out with her green-eyed monster. Her green summer dress swayed as the wind blew through her short blonde hair and around her. Stephen put sunglasses on, knowing that if the potion wore off; his eyes would be recognized from miles away. Feeling a bit uneasy, Lexi took out her compact and pretended to put makeup on. “Stephy, I think we’re being followed,” Stephen stood in front of Lexi, trying not to seem obvious.
“By whom?” he asked, looking around at the sites as if he were a tourist. But everyone seemed pretty normal looking here.
“Someone with black hair, sunglasses, tall, a plain white shirt and jeans. It’s kind of freaking me out,” she said and put her compact away.
“I’m sure you’re just feeling like that because the police is looking for us anyway,” Stephen said, taking Lexi’ hand in his and walking towards an alley way to look like themselves again. Before leaving, he caught a good glimpse at the person Lexi had described. The uneasy feeling had now taken a toll on him and Stephen kept turning around, seeing the man following them. Seeing an alley up ahead, Stephen bent a bit towards Lexi and said, “When we reach that alley, I’ll push you in and we start running, okay?” Lexi just nodded and Stephen could tell that she was nervous by the sweat coming from her hands. Speeding up the pace, Stephen kept looking back and seeing the person was getting closer to them. “Run!” Stephen pushed Lexi into the alley and ran behind her. “Expelliarmus!” Stephen yelled as he took out his wand and aimed towards the man that was following them. The man went flying back a few feet and landed on his back, moaning in pain. Hovering over the person, annoyance now grew in Stephen and he kicked the person on the floor.
“Ow! Why would you do that after you hit me with a spell?!” The person complained and sighed. “Kids are so rude these days,”
“Why are you here?” Stephen asked.
“Your mom called and told me you ran away. I’m thinking you wouldn’t actually runaway so I came out here to help,” Tyler Way mentioned and sat up. “Plus, it was pretty easy to know it was you two who we found. Considering I just came from your house and your parents weren’t wearing that,” he chuckled.
“STEPHEN!” Lexi screamed from behind him. A tall, skinny man was holding onto her with his wand to her throat. Rolling his eyes, Stephen walked over and looked up.
“Let go of her,” he said, but the man did nothing. “Let go,” he repeated again, growing impatient to this little game. And when the man didn’t let go of Lexi, Stephen stomped on his foot and grabbed her. “Out of all people to bring with you, you brought HIM!?” he asked, taking his brother’s mask off. “Why are you here, you abnormal giraffe?”
“I was bored at home and decided I needed to go out and see the world a bit more,” Leonard Fanelli laughed and stood back up. “Plus, I think you should call mom and tell her you’re alright and so is Lexi. Maybe that way she’ll finally be able to sleep one night,” Leo handed his phone to Stephen and picked up his things. Taking the phone, Stephen dialed his house number and waited for someone to answer.
“Hello? Mom?” Stephen asked.
“Stephen?! My baby! Are you eating?! Are you safe?! Are you hurt?! Where are you?!” Adriana’s frantic voice was yelling on the other side of the line.
“It’s okay, mom. Lexi and I are safe, well fed, aren’t hurt and we’re in Rome right now,”
“Alright. I’m not going to force you to come back home. I know you want to find your parents and ask why they left you with us. So your dad and I are letting you do that, just stay with Tyler and Leonard. I can’t take any chances here,”
“I promise we’ll be safe and bring you back something,” Stephen chuckled at the last part.
“You better!” Adriana laughed. “Call me soon. I love you,”
“I will and I love you too,” Stephen ended the call and sighed. Walking back to the others, he handed Leonard his phone back and leaned on the wall.
“Mom said she’ll let us find my parents, as long as Leonard and Tyler are with us,”
“That can be a good thing. Maybe we’ll get around faster and save money if Tyler brought his car with him,” Lexi mentioned and turned towards Tyler. “You wouldn’t mind, right?”
“Nah, gives me something to do besides being home too much,” Tyler answer with a small smile. “So if you’ll please follow me, the car is this way. And walk fast, the potion might wear off soon,” Stephen and Lexi had completely forgotten about the polyjuice they drank this morning to walk out of the hotel. Hurrying to Tyler’s black car, Stephen and Lexi hopped in the back seats, just in time to change back into themselves. Leonard and Tyler next got in and closed to the doors and windows were rolled down. “Okay, so where are we going first?”
“The lady at the hospital gave us this address of where Stephen’s parents used to live, maybe we can start there,” Lexi spoke up as she dug through her blue tote and looked for the paper.
“Okay, since I don’t know my way around Italy, someone’s going to have to tell me how to get there,” Ty looked at the three Italians in his car, feeling like the odd one out since he was half Mexican and Spanish.
“Well, lucky for you, I brought a GPS with me,” Leonard grinned and took it out his backpack. “It’ll make things a lot easier for you,”
“Seems like you’re finally using your head,” Lexi laughed and handed Tyler the address to type in. “Stephy, why are you so quiet?”
“I was just wondering what it’ll be like when I do find my parents. Are they going to be upset that I looked for them? Or are they going to somewhat glad that I found them?”
“Well, we’ll find out once we get there,” Tyler nodded and started his car. Driving out onto the street, the car ride had become quiet until they reached their destination.
“You have reached your destination,” The GPS’ voice went off.
“Do you really think this is it?” Leonard asked, looking at the house in the suburban area of Rome. Taking the paper from Lexi, Leonard looked at the address and the houses’ numbers. “I think it’s that one right there,” he pointed to a red-brown 2 story house directly across the street from where the car was parked.
“Alright, I’ll be back,” Stephen said and get out of the car, closing the door behind him. But not before Lexi stopped it.
“I’m coming with you,” she said and jumped out. Stephen just nodded and crossed the street with her. Approaching the door, Stephen was hesitant to ring the doorbell. “Do you want me to do it?” Lexi asked but he just shook his head. Sighing, Stephen rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. About thirty seconds passed until the door opened and revealed a lady with green eyes, black hair and a slim figure.
“Hello, how can--?” she stopped in mid-sentence once she laid eyes on Stephen. “M-m-marco?!”
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
AND OMG :0 I can't wait to know what his parents are gonna be like...
And WAY to go brining in Tyler haha, Telewubbyyy.
I'm the king of my own land,
facing tempests of dust, I'll fight until the end. creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me,
now and forever, I'm your king.
LULU!BESTIE. I TOLLLLLD you that I'd be first to comment, did I not?
TYLERRRRRRRRRRRR. Yay! Me and Adam are jumping up and down now because TYLER WAY IS AWESOME.
So is this whole story though. Did I mention that I love it? And you too? Well I do, mmmkay?
Update again soooon, please?
YES, you did (:
Well the update is finally here
Originally Posted by _Ginny_
AND OMG :0 I can't wait to know what his parents are gonna be like...
And WAY to go brining in Tyler haha, Telewubbyyy.
Originally Posted by HG_forever
Love, love, love, LOVE!
You write it all so well and I just loved it
Great job! (: <3
Can't wait for moooore!
Typical Gissel smiley ->
Here's some more for you (:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii
Well, you just had to wait another hour before signing off on me!
Chapter 3: One Side of the Story
“Uhh, yeah…? But I go by Stephen now," Stephen looked at the lady in front of them.
“Oh, of course you do and how rude of me to not introduce myself. I’m Cristina Marino, sister of your birth father,” she said and stuck out her hand. Stephen shook it and gave her a surprised look.
“So you must’ve been there when I was born,” he stated, though it came out more like a question. Feeling a nudge on his side, Stephen’s head turned towards Lexi who was now glaring at him. “This is my best friend Alexis De Luca. Back there is my brother Leonard and our friend Tyler,”
“It’s nice to meet you, Alexis,” Cristina smiled. Turning back to Stephen, Cristina gave him a soft smile. “Please come inside, you may bring your other friends too,” She stepped away from the door and walked inside. Stephen motioned to Tyler and Leonard to join them. They both eyed each other and walked inside with the others.
“I’m not really sure about all this,” Tyler whispered lowly as they walked behind Cristina and into a living room. Lexi put one finger over her lips, signaling that she felt the same way.
“Please, sit down,” Cristina insisted as the group of friends sat round the living room, examining the place. “So I’m guessing you want to know about your parents and why they didn’t raise you,” Cristina spoke up, causing everyone to slightly jump. Stephen just nodded and looked at her. There was suddenly a long pause in which everyone just stared at each other. The gang would’ve thought that Cristina was going to say something but she just stood quiet as well.
“Can you please tell us why your brother didn’t want my brother?!” Leo spoke up, rather loudly. Stephen kicked him in the leg for getting rude. But Leo just ignored it.
“Well, your parents were pretty young when they had you. They couldn’t take the responsibility of taking care of you, so they gave you up for adoption,”
“Gave me up for adoption…? THEY LEFT ME ON A DOORSTEP WHEN I WAS THREE DAYS OLD IN THE WINTER! HOW WAS THAT ‘LEAVING ME UP FOR ADOPTION’!?” Stephen yelled not realizing he was now standing up, hovering over Cristina. Tyler and Leo were both holding onto each of Stephen’s arms as Lexi moved to another seat, slightly scared.
“Wait. My brother left you on a doorstep?!” Cristina asked, shocked at what Stephen had just obviously told her. “That doesn’t sound like him. Are you positive about this?”
“My PARENTS wouldn’t lie to me about something that I’ve always wondered about. Nor would they make it that drastic,” He said, shaking his arms out of Tyler’s and Leo’s grip. “But do you know where they live now?”
“I’m not sure. But I can get you the last address to where they lived at,” Cristina said and went off in another direction. Stephen just nodded and rubbed his face as she walked away.
“Well, we now know one thing for sure. Your real dad is a very good liar. To make his sister actually fall for that lie, that’s some skill,” Tyler mentioned, sitting back down next to Lexi.
“What if they don’t live in Italy anymore? Like if they moved to Germany or the United Kingdom?” Lexi asked, a bit shaky from Stephen’s last retort.
“Then that’s where we’re heading next,” Stephen smiled, hugging Lexi as in an apology for how he reacted. “But hopefully they’ll be in London or something. That way we can stay at Tyler’s for a bit, visit Glitter and Aimee. Also, we should check how Lucy is doing with being pregnant with another generation of this thing,” he poked Tyler in the temple, only to have him pout.
“Here’s the last address I have of him. I’m not sure if he moved since we haven’t talked much lately,” Cristina said when she came back into the living room with a paper in her hand.
“Thank you, for everything. And I’m sorry about the outburst earlier. I have to control myself sometimes,” Stephen apologized.
“No worries and I completely understand. Good luck on your trip, Stephen,” she smiled and shook his hand. Stephen smiled back and walked out the door with the rest of the gang.
“Guys, we’re going to London,” he smirked, eyeing Tyler.
“Alright, let’s head to the airport and head back to MY house since you people decided to live all the way south of Europe!” Ty retorted and huddled everyone into the car. Driving back to Rome, everyone was just talking about how Tyler’s child was probably going to be better looking than him. Ty just laughed and told them if one more joke slipped out, they’ll have to walk to London. “We’re here. Now please hold hands and don’t let lost. I do NOT want to be blamed for your stupidity,”
“Oh, so rude, Mr. Way!” Lexi laughed and took Stephen’s hand as they walked behind Tyler to buy their tickets. Once that was done and they passed security, the gang waited for their plane and the two and a half hour journey. But the ride didn’t seem so long, considering they all fell asleep as soon as the plane took off.
“Wake up, munchkins!” Tyler slapped Lexi and Stephen with a pillow. “Hurry up! My wife won’t be too pleased if we’re late. Then again, when is she ever pleased these days,” he sighed, getting off the plane and towards the bag claim. After the long wait for three bags, the gang headed outside and hailed a cab. Again, they began with the jokes about Tyler and his child. He was relieved when they finally arrived to his house, bu of course the jokes didn’t stop there. As soon as Tyler opened the door, he heard his name being yelled. “Here we go,” he huddled the rest of them inside.
“TYLER ALEJANDRO WAY! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be away this long?!” A pregnant Lucy threw a shoe at him, which Tyler casually dodged.
“I did call, didn’t I?” He asked as she walked over and kissed her. “These munchkins are going to be staying here for a while. We’re still looking for Stephen’s parents,”
“Okay, no problem,” she smiled and hugged each of them. “Make yourselves at home here. Just ask if you need anything,”
“Well I need something!” Someone else had entered their house. “I need a hug from my best friend!” Lori Bristol ran towards Tyler and jumped on him. “Mr. Never Let’s Anyone Know What He’s Up To So They Have To Find Out Through His Wife!” she smacked him on the back of the head and sat her feet back on the floor.
“Why must I tell everyone what I’m doing?” Tyler asked.
“Because Tyler Way is so mysterious,” Stephen laughed.
“Little Stephen is here!” Lori hugged him tight. “Ugh. Why must you be taller than me now?!”
“I was always taller than you,” he laughed and hugged her back.
“Lori, why must you run off like that while the car is still in motion?!” Adam Stemp now walked through the door, casually running his hand through his hair.
“Because I was excited to be here!” she answered.
“Alright everyone, to the living room. The gang has a story to tell us!” Lucy chimed and pushed everyone, besides the Italians towards the living room.
“That awkward moment when everyone is talking and the Italians are just standing here like nothing,” Leo laughed.
“You got that right for once,” Lexi teased and followed behind Lucy, who came back from the living room, with Stephen and Leo. Story time should be fun.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
OMIGOSH ADAM FEELS SO SPECIAL WOO. Even if him and Stephen never did get onto such great terms, he doesn't like the idea of him being left on a doorstep. Neither does Lawraa though D;
Loved it Lulu.
⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Well, you just had to wait another hour before signing off on me!
"Also, we should check how Lucy is doing with being pregnant with another generation of this thing,” he poked Tyler in the temple, only to have him pout.
Thing?! Oh maaaan
So THIS is why you needed his middle name! I shoulda known!
A pregnant Lucy threw a shoe at him, which Tyler casually dodged.
causually is the key word there hehehe!
“Lori, why must you run off like that while the car is still in motion?!” Adam Stemp now walked through the door, casually running his hand through his hair.
I found this really funny
But now you have to hurry and write the next chapter!!! Cause you know how impatient I am! And for goodness sake, link this in your sig or something, it takes me forever to find it!
OMFG! Lori says she should totally just be the star of this now ;D
My inner Lori cried when Stephen yelled about being left on a doorstep in the winter.
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley
Adam... hair... Adam... hair... Adam... hair....
OMIGOSH ADAM FEELS SO SPECIAL WOO. Even if him and Stephen never did get onto such great terms, he doesn't like the idea of him being left on a doorstep. Neither does Lawraa though D;
Loved it Lulu.
Originally Posted by Nimmiii
Thing?! Oh maaaan
So THIS is why you needed his middle name! I shoulda known!
causually is the key word there hehehe!
I found this really funny
But now you have to hurry and write the next chapter!!! Cause you know how impatient I am! And for goodness sake, link this in your sig or something, it takes me forever to find it!
ily <3
Originally Posted by HG_forever
I need more!
I reeaally loved it Lulu!
Quite funny, if I may so myself
You guys are soo lovely And thank you for the comments <3
I'm really sorry you had to wait over 2 months for the next part :/
Chapter 4: Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts
Once the Italian trio entered the living room, everyone else finished their small conversations and turned to them.
“So tell us what happened?” Adam asked. Stephen was about to answer when his brother interjected.
“Basically, Stephen real parents told his ‘aunt’ that they had given him up for adoption since they couldn’t handle having a child. But we obviously know that’s not true. Nor did the aunt know about the truth,” Leonard answered, messing with Stephen’s hair. Stephen tried to shoo him away, but nothing worked.
“You’re still going to look for them?” Lori asked, with a slight worried face. Stephen just nodded. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to keep looking for them,”
“It’s his choice, Lori. We can’t tell him what to do. He should decide on his own whether or not he wants to keep looking for them,” Tyler spoke, eyeing the three that had now just sat down on a couch. Everyone now stayed quiet for some time, not knowing what to say next. But Lucy broke the silence.
“Since it’s almost lunch, do you guys mind help me set up?” she asked everyone. Well, a pregnant woman wouldn’t be able to do it all herself. Feeling pity for Lucy, everyone nodded and headed to the kitchen. Except for Stephen and Tyler.
“Do you mind me borrowing your car? I want to go visit Aimee for a bit,” Stephen asked, hoping yes was going to be the answer.
“Sure,” Tyler chuckled, taking his keys out of his pockets and handing them to Dino. “Just please don’t destroy it or else I’m coming after you,” he added.
“Don’t worry. I’m a very careful driver, thank you very much. I’m only going to Hertford which is like an hour away,” Stephen said, taking the keys and heading for the door. Well, that was easier than he expected. But he has managed to get his license last summer and was finally going to put it to good use. Entering the car and turning it on, Stephen checked the mirrors and put his seat belt on. Not because of safety, but because he was used to having his brother drive that a seat belt was definitely needed every time. Putting it into ‘Drive’, Stephen slowly moved the car and began to head out.
“HAI STEEEEEPHENNNNNNNNNNNN!” Someone inside the car yelled. Stephen jumped, jerking the car into a stop and placed it in park. Looking into the rear view mirror, he saw Kat, grinning from the trunk.
“I’m going to kill you!” he yelled, taking his seat belt off and jumping to the back of the car.
“What are you doing here?! Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else where you won’t bother people?” Stephen asked, hitting her on the head with a pillow he randomly found.
“I was bored, like always so I decided to hide away in my uncle’s car. But then I fell asleep until I felt the car move and I thought I was being kidnapped!” Kat started to freak out, biting her nails in anxiety. Stephen rolled his eyes, sighing in the process as well. Leave it to Kat to make someone almost have a heart attack while they’re driving. Making his way out the car, Stephen saw Tyler and everyone else at the window, watching the scene outside. He just pointed to the trunk, where he opened the door and Kat popped out, waving. Everyone just shook their head, chuckled and went back to their own business. Stephen closed the door, and went to sit in the driver’s seat again. “So where are we going?”
“We? I’m going to visit Aimee, you’re heading back inside with everyone else,” Stephen answered her. Turning the car back on, he checked the mirrors and saw Kat’s face again. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. Stephen never liked to see any girl cry, even if they were strangers. It was something he probably learned from being raised by people who went out their way to help others.
“But she’s my friend too..” Kat sobbed, only to make the guilt in Stephen grow. Sighing and rolling his eyes, Stephen caved in.
“Alright, you can come. But you have to behave or else I’m going to leave you stranded there!” He warned her. Kat beamed and sat in the passenger seat, buckled and all exhilarated for the trip. Putting the car into ‘drive’ once again, he drove off onto the road. “Put this address in so we won’t get lost,” he said to Kat, handing her a piece of paper as she took the GPS into her hands.
“It says make a left turn 4 blocks up,” Kat spoke, who seemed to be so focused on the GPS. At least she wasn’t causing a ruckus right now. The ride was about an hour long, where Kat decided to nap and snore a bit. Stephen couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. Once they arrived, Stephen slapped Kat on her arm, making her jump. “I swear the sheep did it!” She called out, looking all daze from suddenly being awakened. “Oh, this is it? She has a nice house,” she mentioned, looking around at everything else. It was pretty quiet outside except for all the children playing in the streets.
“This isn’t her house. We have to park a few houses up so her brothers won’t see me,” Stephen explained, turning off the car and getting out. Kat followed behind him and closed her door. Locking the doors, Stephen looked for Aimee’s house, which was noticeably down the block.
“Her family doesn’t know you’re dating her?” Kat asked.
“I think they do. But her dad doesn't ‘approve’ of me because I’m a wizard. He doesn't approve of the wizarding world in general. Her brothers are always getting her into trouble so I might have to sneak in,” he said, walking on the sidewalk where more children were coming outside to play. At 12:30, who wouldn't be outside enjoy the nice weather they had today?
“So how are you going to sneak in without anyone seeing you?”
“That’s where you come in,” Stephen smirked. “I need you to pretend you’re selling something to distract her brothers. Make sure you get very dramatic, that way both of them come outside to see. Then, I climb through her window and invite her out with us. She’ll obviously use the front door, unless her brothers aren’t there. Deal?”
“That sounds like fun!” Kat clapped her hands together and walked faster towards Aimee’s house with Stephen. To their luck, when they arrived, there was somehow a ladder near Aimee’s window in which Stephen could use to get up there. Quietly walking towards it, he nodded to Kat for her to begin her small mission. Kat cleared her throat and knocked. One boy, with similar blonde hair to Aimee’s answered the door. “Hi, my name is Kitty and I’m a girl scout. Would you kindly buy some cookies from me?” Kat said to him.
“I don’t see any cookies anywhere. Plus, you’re not wearing a girls’ scout uniform,” Aimee’s brother retorted.
“It’s dirty and I obviously haven’t had much time to wash it since I’m trying to sell cookies. So would you please buy at least one box?!” Kat yelled, loud enough that probably the entire neighborhood heard her.
“No! I won’t buy a box of cookies you don’t even have! Now, go away!” The brother yelled. Stephen looked through the window that seemed to be part of the living room, but saw Aimee’s other brother there too. Sighing, he poked his out to Kat and mouthed ‘Come on!’, signaling her to try harder. Slightly nodding, Kat sighed and prepared herself.
“Listen to me, twerp! You will buy a box of my cookies whether you like it or not! Or I will keep coming back here until you buy 5 or more boxes! Do you really want me to keep coming back?!” Kat yelled, her fist close to the boy’s face.
“What’s going on here?” asked one of the twins. Stephen couldn’t really tell them apart just yet but he referred to them as mushrooms. He took this opportunity to fix the ladder in front of Aimee’s window and quickly climb up. He tried hard not to laugh at the continuous yelling and arguing Kat had begun with the twins. Luuckily, Aimee had her bedroom window open, where she was dancing and singing inside. He climbed inside, watching his girlfriend singing along to some song on her stereo.
“I see the ‘dance lesson’ at the wedding didn’t work quite well,” Stephen spoke, watching Aimee tripping over her own feet many times.
“Stephen!” The blonde girl beamed, dropping her comb, which she was using as a microphone and attacking him with a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“Then there’s no point in surprising you,” he laughed. The pair shared a kiss and parted when Stephen had something else to say. “I had to bring Kat with me, hope you don’t mind,”
“Not all at! She’s fun to be with,” Aimee smiled.
“Alright, so would you like to hang out with us today? Don’t waste such a nice day indoors, singing into your brush and dancing like there’s fleas on you,” Stephen commented, laughing at the pouty face Aimee just made.
“Sure, I’ll just tell my brothers I’m going to the bookstore or something,” Aimee commented, turning off her stereo and putting the brush on the dresser.
“Awesome. We’ll be in a black SUV up the block from here. I’m gonna tell Kat to just go back to the car,” Stephen nodded, climbing back out the window quickly. Still seeing Kat arguing with the twins, he ‘psssted’ and nudged his head to the left.
“Fine! Don’t buy my cookies! I wouldn’t want your dirty hands on them anyways!” Kat said, walking away from them. But not before hitting both the twins on the head with a pebble and breaking into a run. Stephen heard their sigh of frustration and saw them walk back into the living room. He then himself broke into a run towards the car and got in. “That was fun! Let’s do it again sometime!”
Stephen laughed at Kat’s comment. “When you get a boyfriend, we’ll do this too,” he said. Kat shrugged her shoulders and sat in the back seats of the car. The two chatted while Aimee finally arrived to the car.
“Hi, Kat!” she greeted her and hugged. “So where are we going?” Aimee asked, putting on her seat belt and waiting for an answer.
“Let’s go shopping!” Kat cheered and gave Stephen a pleading looked. He sighed, mouthing a ‘fine’ and driving off.
Am I first? :O
Lulu, love! I loved it!
It's too bad Stephen has to go shopping
Maybe he can buy...a barret?!
I cannot wait for more! (:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii
Hahah, I love it! Great job!
Thank you, guys <3 :tackle:
Chapter 5: Strange Times
Not really knowing much of Hertford, or London for that matter, Stephen let Aimee guide him to the nearest mall or shopping place. “Hey Stephen, do you ever think about getting married?” Kat grinned, and giggled. Stephen just looked at her from the rear view mirror. “Imagine little Stephens running around! Actually, don’t get married. One Stephen is enough of a hardship,”
Stephen just busted out laughing, not much else he could do. “I can say the same for you. No one wants more Kats running around causing even more trouble,” he answered. Kat huffed, crossing her arms and kicking the back of his hair. Stephen just glared at her and focused back on the road.
“Oh, look! We’re here!” Aimee pointed to a circular building with many windows, which the sun’s rays were glaring off of. Finding a parking spot, Stephen turned off the car and headed out with the girls. Entering the shopping center, Stephen had already lost Kat.
Getting a bit frantic, Stephen yelled in frustration. “Why must this child run off like that?! Now I lost Katlyn Way!” Feeling a nudge on his side, he turned towards Aimee, who was pointing towards a fashion store.
“Look, it’s me!” Kat shrieked and pointed towards a blow up picture of her. Stephen gave her an extremely strange look but nodded.
“You look very beautiful in that picture,” Aimee smiled.
“Are you trying to say that I only look pretty in pictures?!” Kat defended. “Well, I’ve never been so insulted in my life!”
“I didn’t—That’s not what I meant..” Aimee’s voice became fainted as she lowered her head.
“Sure you have! How about the time I told you your hair can be used to block out the sun and save the earth?” Stephen smirked, laughing nonetheless as well.
“I don’t like you anymore, Stephen! I’ll see my way out of the mall!” Kat flipped her hair and walked away. Not even twenty feet away from where she was standing, some guy had approached Kat.
“Hey miss. How are you doing today?” the guy asked. He seemed to be in his late teens, with blonde hair and brown eyes. Stephen and Aimee just stood watch and enjoyed what was happening.
“Well, my day is going pretty bad,” she pouted. “My friend, Stephen, he attacked me this morning and now he’s yelling insults at me. Even after, I helped him sneak his girlfriend out of her house!”
“Someone shouldn’t treat a pretty girl like you that way,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“I know. You wanna be my friend?!” Kat asked, excitedly.
“I was thinking of something more than friends,” the guy winked.
“Best friends?!” Kat cheered. Stephen smacked his face and laughed. Was Kat really this clueless? Of course. The guy hitting on Kat would hopefully notice that she had a loose screw somewhere in her head by now.
“Not exactly,” the strange guy sighed. “If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents” he smirked, rubbing Kat’s arm. Kat gave him a questioning look. “Are you a parking ticket, because you got FINE written all over you!”
“Wait, what? What did you just say to me?! I WILL TURN YOU INTO A TURTLE!” Kat yelled, reaching for her wand. Noticing this, Stephen rushed over to Kat and pulled her hand away.
“Okay, she’s not interested. Run along now and go wash your hair or something,” he said, pulling Kat away from the guy and towards another store. Rejoining Aimee, he rushed along with both of them before the guy had a chance to follow behind them. “Okay, so now what?” he asked.
The girls smirked and ran off to different clothing stores, leaving the green-eyed monster by himself. Rolling his eyes, Stephen wandered off, not knowing what other type of shops there were here. About half an hour later, he found a guitar store. Enlightened to have found something he was actually interested in, Stephen walked inside. There wasn’t much he needed anyway, but just to kill some time. After some time, Stephen bought some new picks, a capo, strings for his acoustic and electric and a new strap. Paying and heading out, he spotted Kat and Aimee chatting away.
“About time you got out!” Aimee laughed and grabbed his hand in hers. “Come on. Kat wants to go buy some baby clothes for Tyler’s baby,”
“Maybe then he’ll pay more attention to me again,” Kat sighed and walked towards the baby store.
“But his child is going to be his main priority. He’s not going to love you any less than what he already does. He just has to focus on his family more now,” Stephen explained as him and Aimee followed behind Kat. Saying that, it made him think of the time his brother moved away to another country. No, he moved away to another CONTINENT. Leonard didn’t want to take Stephen, and he thought it was because he stopped loving him and didn’t want to see him anymore. But it was better to leave Stephen in Italy with his parents, for now.
“Whatever,” she mumbled and entered the shop. Stephen would probably have to get something too, just to be nice. Plus, it was to their house where he went after his brother left. Lucy was kind enough to make him feel better and let him stay for a bit.
“This is so cute! Look, Stephen! Do you think they’ll like it?” Aimee asked, holding up a blue pajama with a tree on it, saying “I’m wild like nature” on it. Wait, how would they know if their baby were a boy or girl?
“How would we know if the baby’s a girl or boy?” Stephen asked, seeing Kat joining them.
“It’s a girl, duh! She’s going to have Lucy’s pretty blonde hair and green eyes! She’ll look nothing like my uncle or else I wouldn’t talk to her,” Kat piped, giggling nonetheless. Stephen shrugged, going ahead and buying some baby girl clothes for, well, the baby. Though, she’d be born in December most likely. Picking out about 3 outfits, Stephen walked over to the register to pay. But then a shriek, which sounded like someone had screamed bloody murder, pierced his ears.
“KAT!” a girl yelled. After paying for the clothes, Stephen turned around to see none other than Lexi Denver talking with Aimee and Kat. Of course, who else would shriek Kat’s name to a point where someone’s ears were bleeding. “Hi Stephen, I didn’t know you were here too,” Lexi smiled, greeting him with a hug.
“Yeah, I’m looking for my birth parents and we ended up in London. So I’m staying with Tyler for a bit, then we came out here to visit Aimee,” Stephen explained. But why was Lexi in a baby store? “So why are you here?”
“I was shopping for a bit with some friends and decided to buy some baby clothes for Lucy’s child. But I’m going with a neutral color, just in case,” she nodded, holding up a white pajama with teal edges. “But I have to go soon, or else I have no ride home,” Lexi added, hugging everyone once more before heading to the register. “Oh, and Kat,” she started up, “I’m looking forward to the tour!”
“OH YAY!” Kat cheered and waved goodbye. “Okay, it’s an hour back to London so maybe we should eat something quick and go, go, go!” she added and quickly bought her items, along with Aimee. After the purchase, the trio headed towards the food court, were most of the food was candy. Seeing as there wasn’t really anything vegetarian for Stephen to eat, he decided to skip lunch. This meant he was probably going to pig out back in London.
“Oh, oh! No matter where I go! Oh, oh my unpredictable girl!” Aimee and Kat sang along loudly to the song playing on the radio. Yeah, these two girls couldn’t have too much sugar. Especially if they were together with Stephen. The ride back to Aimee’s place consisted of singing, candy eating, trivia, Hogwarts, and more candy eating.
“Okay, we’re here,” Stephen sighed, knowing he’d have to say goodbye again.
“Thanks for an awesome day, guys! Don’t forget to owl me whenever you can so we can hang out again,” Aimee smiled, hugging Kat and the back seat and saying goodbye. “And don’t YOU lose touch with me or else,” she added, giggled and hugging Stephen.
“I won’t,” he chuckled hugging her back and kissing her.
“Umm, awkward! Okay, guys, let’s go before we miss dinner and feel the wrath of a pregnant lady!” Kat said, quite loudly that both Stephen and Aimee jumped. Nodding, Stephen smirked and waved goodbye as Aimee got out of the car and into her house. “Stephen, what if there’s no veghead food at my uncle’s place? What are you going to eat?! OMJ! YOU’RE GOING TO STARVE AND DIE! DON’T WORRY! I’LL FEED YOU GRASS SINCE THAT HAS NO MEAT!”
“Did you just--? Never mind,” he grumbled and began driving back to London. Thankfully, Kat fell asleep after the sugar rush had crashed. Traffic was light, which made the drive smoother than arriving to Hertford. Driving into the Way driveway, Stephen turned off the car and shook Kat awake. “Wake up, Kitty! We’re here,”
Mumbling something and turning around, Kat fell to the car floor. “Such a rude awakening,” she hissed, getting up and out the car. Stephen laughed, following behind the deranged Way with the big hair and heading inside. “We’re back!”
Heading into the kitchen, Stephen saw Lucy struggling with making pasta. “Stephen, you’re Italian! Come help me with making pasta!” she chimed, pulling the dinosaur towards the stove.
“That’s such a stereotype! But since I’m hoping it’s my food, I’ll help,” he smirked, turning the fire down.
“Well, it is. So how was the trip and surprise of finding Kat in the trunk of the car,” the red head laughed, knowing Kat was there since Tyler came back from the airport with them.
“It was fun, seeing Aimee and Kat driving me insane. You know, the usual stuff,” he laughed, putting some salt into the pot and stirring the pasta. “Can I ask you something, Luce?” Stephen asked, seeing Lucy nod from the corner of his eye. “How do you deal with Tyler being away most of the time? He’s usually in New York with his mom doing the modeling thing and special parties and stuff. Don’t you get lonely not seeing him as often?”
“To be honest, I keep a picture of him under my pillow, so I won’t feel as alone,” Lucy laughed, knowing that reason was pretty silly. “I also call friends over to stay with me so I don’t think about him being away as much. It helps, but only for a certain time. Plus, we talk on the phone so that I always know he’s okay and not trapped in a basement by some veela,” she laughed, Stephen just nodded. “Is this about your brother?” Stephen nodded again.
“I’ve been so used to him being there all the time, good and bad. Now it’s just weird not having his crazy pranks and him bothering me all the time,” he answered.
“It’s not like he doesn’t care about you. He just wanted to figure things out for himself a bit. I’m sure he will take you with him one day soon,” Luce smirked and turned off the pot.
“Thanks,” Stephen smiled, hugging her. “You know how to make a dinosaur feel a lot better,”
“You’re welcome,” she grinned, hugging him back and ruffling his hair. “Dinner’s ready!” she called out to everyone else in the living room.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Wait, how would they know if they baby were a boy or girl?
MSN, Lulu, MSN! I've never forget it!
Let's see, I already told you about the ticket thing, that was hilarious. And Kat's stupidity, that was something. And I love how you added the thing about the picture under Lucy's pillow, gawwwsh! But it's nice to know Lucy and Dino are actually getting along.
“You know how to make a dinosaur feel a lot better,”
Lulu, Lulu, Lulu!!
This one made me smile lol
I couldn't imagine getting hit on by some guy in the mall like that
I really loved this post
I can't wait for more hun!!!
the class clown, a jokester, you like to make people smile,
you're uplifting, easy-going, and can get a laugh out of anyone, you are...