THE awards ceremony night, the final night, will be on April 24th 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. And you will be able to view the awards night VIA WEBCAST on the Childnet Website. Further information for the Webcast will be givem later this night. This come as a very surprising fact that BBC have gotten their reporters up to see how the
CHILDNET 2003 awards events is going on!
BBC Newsround cover some of the culminating event I got a chance to attend to this past weeks, they also make their very own polling survey to see which website will appeal more for kiddies!
As per stated on my recent article on
MOM, that a fellow Harry Potter Fan Webmaster was nominated for the awards this year, Heather Lawver from USA has achieved such a surpassing recognition after being nominated for the prestigous award. BBC start their own ChildNET Awards section
BBC Newsround start their own ChiuldNet Awards section. for peeps to vote for their favorite site listed in there.
Recently, we have gone through some of london's tourist spots and some schools, seminars and more exciting curricular activities and met new and knowleadgeable people to talk about the Internet.
More stories and diary of the awards week is available here
So get your fingers cross and wait if our fellow HP book fanatic will make it!
::The voting at the CBBC Newsround willnot affect thejudging on the ChildNet Award's decision