View Full Version : Term 28: May - August 2011

  1. Train Corridor
  2. History of Magic Top Historians
  3. Flying Final Exam
  4. Herbology Final
  5. Abandoned Mermaid Lagoon Awards Table
  6. Charms III: Pop Quiz
  7. The Greenhouses: Herbology Lesson Three
  8. Divination 3
  9. Transfiguration Three: Animagus Theory
  10. Gobstones Championship Match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
  11. Three: Uses of Runes
  12. Potion - FINAL (Polyjuiced)
  13. Charms II: Diffindo
  14. Gobstones Consolation Match: Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw
  15. Arithmancy Lesson Three: Heart's Desire, First Vowel, Cornerstone, & Capstone
  16. The Abandoned Mermaid Lagoon
  17. Fun Under the Sun
  18. The Luau Buffet
  19. HOM & Muggle Studies-A Night of Magic
  20. 3 - Polyjuice Potion
  21. Prefect Meeting!
  22. Meeting with the Prefects
  23. House Meeting in the Common Room
  24. Game 4: Gryffindor vs Slytherin
  25. Game 3: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
  26. Gobstones Preliminary: Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
  27. CoMC #2: Winged Horses
  28. Divination 2
  29. The Greenhouses: Herbology Lesson Two
  30. Game 2: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw
  31. Arithmancy Lesson Two: Pinnacles & Challenges
  32. Broom Games
  33. 2 - Ingredients
  34. Cat Corridor - Transfiguration
  35. Transfiguring More Stuff: Meow
  36. HOM Lesson 2: Jolly Roger Flags and Pirate Stories Show 'n' Tell
  37. Gobstones Preliminary: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin
  38. Lesson Two: A Pirate Life 'fer me!
  39. Another Empty Classroom
  40. The Stands
  41. Two: Runes and their meanings
  42. Charms I: Glisseo
  43. Astronomy 1
  44. Temporary Healing Room Ten
  45. Temporary Healing Room Nine
  46. Temporary Healing Room Eight
  47. Temporary Healing Room Seven
  48. Temporary Healing Room Six
  49. Temporary Healing Room Five
  50. Temporary Healing Room Four
  51. Temporary Healing Room Three
  52. Temporary Healing Room Two
  53. Temporary Healing Room One
  54. The Old Ship: Herbology Lesson One
  55. Gryffindor Locker Room & Practice Thread
  56. Hufflepuff Locker Room & Practice Pitch
  57. Ravenclaw Locker Room & Practice Pitch
  58. HOM Lesson 1: Crests and Houses Show 'n' Tell
  59. Flying Basics
  60. Muggle Studies Lesson 1
  61. Divination 1
  62. CoMC #1: Riddle Me This
  63. History of Magic: Lesson One
  64. Arithmancy Lesson One: Paragrams {Pythagorean-style}
  65. Transfiguring Stuff
  66. One : An Introduction To Runes
  67. Aparecium Term 28
  68. Observatory
  69. Professor Risu Antares' office
  70. Office of Tristan Christiansen
  71. DADA Office
  72. Gryffindor House Pride (Graphics Thread)
  73. Meet the Gryffindor Lions (Bio Thread)
  74. Gryffindor Common Room
  75. Gryffindor Study Tables
  76. Gryffindor Boys' Dormitories
  77. Gryffindor Girls' Dormitories
  78. The Practice Pitch
  79. Office of Professor Vindictus
  80. The Broomshed
  81. Library Reading Lounge
  82. Library Bookshelves
  83. Library Reference Desk
  84. Stained Glass Windows
  85. The Restricted Section
  86. : Mr. Chad Stryker's Hut
  87. The Old Ship
  88. The Giant Treehouse
  89. What in Merlin's Beard? Term 28 (2074-2075)
  90. Professor MacFusty's Hut
  91. Bench Outside Professor MacFusty's Hut
  92. The Stable
  93. Magical Creatures Nursery
  94. The Hufflepuff Herald
  95. Hufflepuff: Who's Who?
  96. Hufflepuff Common Room
  97. Girl's Dormitory
  98. Boys' Dormitory
  99. Room One of the Hospital Ward and Healing Area
  100. Room Two of the Hospital Ward and Healing Area
  101. Room Three of the Hospital Ward and Healing Area
  102. Room Four of the Hospital Ward and Healing Area
  103. Waiting Room for Patients and Visitors
  104. The Office of Healer Lilyan Moretti
  105. Waiting Room for Healer Moretti's Office
  106. Observation Ward
  107. The Courtyard
  108. The Corridor to the Courtyard
  109. The Pathways
  110. The Whomping Willow
  111. The Front Gate
  112. Corridor outside Professor Bishop's Office
  113. The Office of Professor Renée Bishop
  114. of Jared Descoteaux
  115. Who's Who in Ravenclaw
  116. Girls Dormitory
  117. Boys Dormitory
  118. Ravenclaw Common Room
  119. History of Magic Announcements, Praises, & Brags...oh my!
  120. History of Magic Homework & Assignments
  121. History of Magic Rules & Etiquette
  122. Comfy Couches Oustide of Professor Gemma Cerulean's Office
  123. Office of Professor Gemma Cerulean
  124. CoMC Rules and Guidelines
  125. Herbology Notice Board
  126. Outside Professor Bentley's Office (knock here)
  127. The Greenhouses
  128. The Student Garden
  129. The Terrace
  130. Professor Seren Bentley's Office
  131. Office of Professor Jeremy Zookara
  132. Corridor Outside Professor Zookara's Office
  133. Proceedings of the Wizarding Astronomical Society (Archive)
  134. The Crystal Ball: Announcements and Notices
  135. Divination Code of Conduct
  136. Potions Laboratory
  137. of Professor Hecate Scarlett Lafay
  138. Slytherin Common Room
  139. Slytherin Girls Dorms
  140. Slytherin Boys Dorms
  141. Slytherin Intros: Attendo Thea Vipera
  142. Defense Training Room
  143. DADA Announcements and Assignments
  144. Defense Against the Dark Arts Rules
  145. Muggle Studies Classroom Rules
  146. Muggle Studies Announcements
  147. Staff Table
  148. Staff Table
  149. Slytherin House Table
  150. Slytherin House Table
  151. Ravenclaw House Table
  152. Ravenclaw House Table
  153. Hufflepuff House Table
  154. Hufflepuff House Table
  155. Gryffindor House Table
  156. Gryffindor House Table
  157. Fourth Floor Corridor
  158. Hospital Wing Rules and Guidelines
  159. Lost and Found
  160. Potions Storeroom
  161. Professor Josephina Hadley's Suite
  162. Headmaster's Seating Area
  163. The Stone Gargoyles
  164. Headmaster Tate's Office
  165. Seventh Floor Corridor
  166. Sixth Floor
  167. Fifth Floor Corridor
  168. Third Floor Corridor
  169. Second Floor Corridor
  170. Talking to the Portraits
  171. First Floor Corridor
  172. Classroom Eleven
  173. The Kitchen
  174. Kitchen Level Corridor
  175. Dungeon Corridor
  176. Middle Cars
  177. Middle Cars
  178. Back of the Train
  179. Back of the Train
  180. Secret Passage
  181. Ravenclaw House Table
  182. Hufflepuff House Table
  183. Gryffindor House Table
  184. Slytherin House Table
  185. The Staff Table
  186. The Food Trolley
  187. The Food Trolley
  188. Front of the Train
  189. Front of the Train
  190. Prefects' Compartment
  191. Prefects' Compartment
  192. The Tapestry
  193. The Spirit Room
  194. Dungeon Five Entrance - Detention Check-In
  195. Criminal Cell
  196. Hooligan Hole
  197. Lachlan the Lanky
  198. Barnabas the Barmy
  199. Room of Requirement
  200. Visit with your Owl
  201. Send an Owl Post
  202. Boys' Bathroom
  203. Statues
  204. Prefect's Bathroom
  205. Mirror
  206. Armor Gallery
  207. The Trophy Room
  208. Humpbacked Witch Statue
  209. Moving Staircase
  210. Suits of Armor
  211. Girls' Bathroom
  212. House Rules & Advice
  213. Broom Cupboard
  214. The Hourglasses
  215. The Entrance Hall
  216. The Staff Room