Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 05-08-2010, 12:27 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
After crawling a bit for a while--Evan actually never tried to get up, he, for some reason, always thought of the tunnels as places so low that you must crawl--he finally got out in the kitchen, one of his favourite places in the school. He looked if the guy was still following. Then, when he appeared, he smiled greatly and opened his arms to the both sides. "Ta-daa." Now, wait for the admiration and 'How did you find out?'s.
Jimbo looked around, stunned. "Oh," The key to the magical feasts. This explained a lot. And Jimbo never even questioned the feasts magical abilities. Because, well, it's the Wizarding world, right? He never thought there would be anything like THIS behind it all. *sigh* Now he felt stupid for not knowing about this sooner, or even just suspecting that it was here.

He looked to the boy and frowned a little. He probably knew about this place for a long time. What year was he in anyway? Hopefully he was older that way Jimbo had some sort of excuse for not knowing this place exsisted. But the boy didn't look any older. In fact, he looked about his own age. "How long have you known about this?"
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