Thread: Rules and Tips
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Old 01-21-2008, 04:26 PM
Nabs Nabs is offline
Default Rules and Tips

Here are listed the rules for Hufflepuff House and its Common Rooms. All Hufflepuff students are expected to abide by these rules, both here in the common room and throughout the school. Rule breaking will be punished and can also lead to the lost of house points.

1. The SS Board Rules apply so please read them now if you have not already done so.

2. The dormitories are only to be entered by those who belong in them. In other words, boys are not allowed in the girls dorm and visa versa.

3. No PDA (Public Displays of Affection). The occasional hug or peck on the cheek is acceptable, but anything more and you will face detention, suspension or expulsion.

4. Drugs and alcohol are forbidden. If you are found with any such item you will be expelled.

5. There will be no illegal activities in this House. This includes the discussion of illegal muggle activities such as the illegal downloading of music and software.

6. OOC comments should be kept to a minimum. If you need to tell someone something send them a pm, don't leave them an ooc comment.

7. These rules will be enforced by your Head of House, House Moderator, House Prefect and other school staff. You are expected to show proper respect to all members of the SS School RP staff, this includes prefects.

Despite all these rules, you can still have yourself a jolly good time, so go out there, have fun and try to win the House Cup!