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Old 03-26-2023, 06:35 PM   #16 (permalink)
Gernumbli Gardensi
GNOMES!'s Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 224

The gnomes had picked THIS garden in particular because they knew their presence irritated the grumpy old man to no end. They had not anticipated the grumpy man to get a bunch of students to help get rid of them, though. That was ok - they outnumbered them! They'd definitely be able to give them a run for their money!

A stout little gnome with a particularly round potato shaped head noticed not one but TWO of his friends begin flung by that stinky old Herbology professor (Tapio) so he charged RIGHT at his ankles, tiny little gnome teeth out in a ferocious (for a gnome) growl.

Amongst the chaos, another gnome spotted a friend in danger - and the boy (Milo) was going on about wanting to harvest his saliva?! How rude! He must save his friend! He ran straight at him, taking his tiny gnome fists and smacking his shin over and over in an attempt to get him to drop him.

Another one made for the fence where some of the older students were gathered - only to comically stop DEAD in their tracks at the sight of an OWL (Celeste) (wasn't it daytime?! What was an owl doing here?!) and immediately turned tail and headed the other direction. Nope. Not today, Mister (or Misses?) owl! He instead turned his attention to a younger girl (Aurora) who was screeching as she flung his companion over the fence. Aha. Target acquired! He raced towards her, arms flailing as he did his best to scare the girl with his very fearsome SNARL (nevermind the fact that this particular gnome was the runt of the group and hardly bigger than a golden snitch).
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