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Old 02-16-2023, 11:30 PM
renmarie renmarie is offline
Default The Association Game

Welcome to the Association Game!

This game may seem simple, but you will have to be good at connecting the dots. Each person must connect the 3 people, places, things, or beings from the post above them. They must then leave the name of 3 people, places, things, or beings for the next member to connect. Seem easy?

Here is an example of how the game is played:

Member One:
Tonks - Forest of Dean - Gringotts
Member Two:
1. Tonks' dad was in the Forest of Dean on the run.
2. The Golden Trio was also in the Forest of Dean.
3. The Gold Trio broke into Gringotts.

Dudley Dursley - Thestrals - Merpeople
Think you can connect the dots?
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