Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Before she knew it, Lisa had made it to the end of their yoga practice. Feeling much more relaxed herself, she moved to a kneeling position. "To end today, we'll come into child's pose. Go ahead and kneel, with your knees apart, and bend forward to rest your torso. If you want a stretch, you can reach your arms overhead and rest them on your mat, otherwise you can keep your arms by your sides, reaching toward your feet."
Instructions given, Lisa demonstrated the pose, using the moment to stretch her own arms toward the far end of her mat. It was a nice feeling of lengthening her back, in her own opinion. This was probably her favorite pose, but it was a bit difficult to guide breathing or anything in the position. Her voice just wouldn't carry.
After a minute, she pushed herself back to an upright kneeling position so she could speak. "Focus once more on your breathing. Inhaling, and exhaling. I invite you to relax in this position for as long as you'd like," she said. She shifted herself once more to sit cross-legged on her mat, just as she was when they'd all begun. "When you are ready, you may return to your day, and take with you the centered and groundedness of our practice." She smiled softly, then added. "You are all welcome to return to practice yoga here anytime, the mats will always be available. And thank you for coming."
After one last good inhale and exhale, Lisa stood up and began rolling up her mat. There would be lots of mat cleaning to do after this session. |