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Old 07-14-2022, 03:34 PM
Felixir Felixir is offline
Default Hogwarts in its Element

What: Hogwarts' Spring Dance Event

When: 7pm onwards, Saturday 12th May 2108

Who: Any student who wishes to attend*

Where: The Grounds

Dress Code: Formal wear is encouraged. The theme is ELEMENTS (water, fire, air, earth, aether). Attendees are encouraged to theme their attire accordingly, though this is not a requirement. Those who have difficulty acquiring formal wear for this event can discuss this with the headmaster or another member of staff in advance, so that something suitable might be sourced. Please be assured that no one will be turned away for attending in casual wear. Attire should be school appropriate, and no health and safety hazards; the theme may be natural elements, but open flames are not suitable accessories.

Additional note: There will be plenty of food provided (dinner will also be served in the Great Hall as usual, for those who choose not to attend the event). Curfew will be temporarily extended for all students for this night only; everyone must be back in their common rooms by midnight.

* OOC: You may play any of your own Hogwarts characters at this event, in addition to your sorted primary and secondary characters. More information in the next post.