Thread: Lair of Despair
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Old 12-19-2021, 03:36 AM   #20 (permalink)
Bain Goldwasser
N O T● S O ● M I S S I N G ● P E R S O N
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Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 190
Law Enforcement

The Ministry’s Law Enforcement team had always been arrogant. It had been one of the first things Bain had noticed when he had taken over. It had also been one of the things he had planned on literally beating out of them in training. Training he had never gotten to implement because of mistakes that his colleagues in the Alliance had made. So Carter’s comments didn’t really surprise him. If he’d still been responsible for the auror, he might have pointed out that Unspeakables were probably more talented than Carter knew. They had to be in their line of work.

But since the two were clearly annoying each other, he didn’t. No need to help build bridges there. The more the three fought the less fighting he had to do and the quicker he would get to his dinner. Perhaps they would even take each other out.

His attention was pulled to the baby third man in the room. Bain watched him for a moment as his spell bounced off a shield spell that looked like it might have taken a lot of the other man’s energy. He shot Incendio Duo at the Auror and Unspeakable because, if Carter wanted fire, then he’d give Carter fire. AND before they could regroup he shot Flippendo at Brody.
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