Thread: Training Area
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Old 04-23-2021, 02:40 PM
Felixir Felixir is offline
Default Training Area

The Training Area is where Flying classes are usually held, but is otherwise open to anyone at any time, curfew and individual restrictions permitting. While flying is possible here, this area is not a pitch and should not be treated as such. There is space for practicing flying technique - tricks, control, even casual racing - just be mindful of those around you both in the air and on the ground. A large running track circles the centre green, where there's plenty of space for whatever non-flying training takes your fancy; if you need any specific equipment, Mr Kazmi may be able to arrange that for you. Sitting here to relax is also fine, as long as you don't get in the way of anyone using the area for its intended purpose. Benches are spread evenly around the outside of the running track; sit here if the centre green is busy.

Every square foot of ground in the Training Area has been bespelled with a neat little charm which cushions the ground in the event of a sudden, high velocity impact; this prevents serious injury in the case of a fall during classes or free-flying, but shouldn't affect running or other grounded exercises. The charm is effective, but not foolproof, so... don't behave like a fool.

A high fence surrounds the entire area, so that the only way inside is through the proper entrance. As the flying information board can be found here, this leaves few excuses for using the Training Area without being aware of the rules. Namely: respect each other, be sensible, don't put yourselves in danger, tidy up after yourselves, and, should there be any incidents, find and inform Mr Kazmi (or another member of staff) as soon as possible.

Mr Kazmi's office overlooks the training area from its high up vantage point, but it's difficult to tell exactly when he's got eyes on you, if he's not already out here supervising. Probably a good idea to behave regardless.