Thread: Law Enforcement: Employee Break Room
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Old 06-02-2021, 09:28 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Employee Break Room

Being overworked and overwhelmed is no good for any Ministry employee, and members of Magical Law Enforcement are no exception, much as they might like to think otherwise. When the time comes to take a breather in the middle of the work day, the break room is the best place for Level Two employees to do so. Once you make sure there's nothing urgent that needs your attention, you're encouraged to take breaks and utilise this space to refortify when necessary, and to mix with your fellow employees.

There are some tables, some chairs, a couple of sofas for lounging (or napping, if you want to risk it), and a counter for preparing hot drinks. Careful when making your coffee if you're not used to the stuff on Level Two; by popular demand, it's strong stuff. As well as drinks, there are snacks available on the shelves, magical appliances for drinks and food prep, and two vending machines - one with snacks (put in a request if you want it stocked with something specific, but know it'll be very low down on the list of priorities) another with water and soft drinks, magical and muggle alike.

Shelves and cupboards are installed above and below the counter - charmed to keep food at its optimal storage temperature - for those not yet too suspicious to store their lunch here unattended. Make sure to label anything you bring in; if someone nicks it at least you can say you did that much.
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