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Old 06-04-2021, 11:29 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Middle Level Corridors

Ah, the smell of teen perspiration, wet dog that a hint of pine? Long and wide, the mid level corridors are not as complicated as their lower level comrades but they certainly carry a unique odor. You can always tell which employees work here for they hardly seem to notice. On occasion you may find a nervous teenager standing in the hall wringing their fingers as they await to be called in for their apparition licensing examination. Also, it may be a good idea to keep a close eye on your ankles as some pests (be it creatures or plants) get a little irate when brought indoors or in close proximity to people and may just slip out of their confinements for a bit of a stroll.

The only corridors that seem immune to the various stenches are those in the immediate proximity to the Department of Magical International Cooperation, instead boasting refreshing smell of absolutely nothing. Cannot have our international visitors being greeted by the smell of dung in its various forms now.
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