Thread: Accidents & Catastrophes: Work Areas
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Old 03-29-2021, 11:05 PM   #20 (permalink)
Sian Llewellyn
former department head
current MLE detainee
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Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 127

Dante Zabini had never looked more scrumptious beautiful than he did right now. The face, yes, always did wonders. A true sight for sore eyes on any normal day, but today his appearance meant an added level of safety. Sian hustled over to him, huddling in behind his shield charm, and clutched his arm. (She had to. It was a very nice arm.)

"Rogue employees, Zabini." Had he caught that part? She might have been too subtle. "An unprovoked attack. Bain will want to take them all into custody." That's right, they were going to be A R R E S T E D. ALL of them, just to be safe. Hopefully Goldwasser was thirsty ready for a whole mountain of paperwork. Sian squinted through the shield, taking note of names she knew and committing the other faces to memory. At least two were her own employees, the rest scattered across levels. And a duck, apparently, judging by the racket. Who was turning people into ducks at a time like this?

And... no. The penny had not dropped yet. Stressful situation and everything. What reason would she have to believe something had gone wrong in their plans, in any case? Even the ROGUE EMPLOYEES didn't seem to know why they were attacking, for the love of Grindelwald!
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