Thread: Transportation: Office of Department Head Simone Krafft
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Old 03-07-2021, 03:20 PM   #29 (permalink)
Simone Krafft
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Posts: 137

As the door open Simone turned and headed back behind her desk. "Thank you for coming Bain." She gave Dante an approving look before focusing back on Chloe, "My employee here has decided that she might be a good example for the rest of the ministry on what happens when you say that your boss owes you or wants to go against the greater good." A disapproving look went towards the woman, though it was only a moment before Simone's calm relaxed normal look was back.

Taking her seat she looks towards the young visitor, "It was a pleasure Miss Hickinbottom and in all honestly I do not blame you from trying to hide a name such as one linked to mudbloods, but in this area you will not be able to hide it unfortunately. Some advice since you have been well mannered, work for the greater good purpose and do what you are told. You will see it will benefit everyone in the end. I will be sure to keep your name available if we are in need of someone of your kind." She might be a good example to have for others that thought not working towards the greater good was the best way.

"I think you can see yourself out since I have other business here." With that she dismissed the young lady and turned her attention back to the problem in the office. "If you could show Chloe out of my department Bain and into one of your cells, I was hoping you might show her what could be if she were to step out of line again." Giving the woman a once over she started to shuffle the papers on her desk. "I will be marking in your file that you have been warned of what happens with questioning and not respecting your superiors. If this happens again you will be fired.... or worse." A smile did play on her lips with the worse part.
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