Thread: Law Enforcement: Work Areas
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Old 06-14-2020, 06:23 PM
sarahlooo sarahlooo is offline
Default Work Areas

On one end of the department you can find the work areas for MLES, Aurors and Security employees. Most don't spend too much time at their desks as they are likely out on assignment or patrol duty. Each of the division's heads has an office should you need to stop by and have a word with them. If you can't find who you're looking for, ask Muriel over at the reception desk to help you.

During major investigations the area is flooded with employees and perhaps witnesses who have been brought in to wait. On one wall there are many pictures and documents pinned with information from current investigations. Another wall and above many of the desks are moving posters of the most wanted criminals in the Wizarding World. When they are caught they are magically marked with a large red X.

Every Auror, Hit Wizard and MLES Officer has their own desk here. YATIs do not and will earn them once they have completed the training. It's slightly different for the Security employees. The Head of Security, the Event Security Liaison Officers, and the Internal Investigations Liaisons have their own permanent desks, while the Ministry Sentinels, Security Officers and Wand Weighers work between this office and the Security post in the atrium, and do not have a personal desk of their own.

Please be aware of your surroundings in this area. No one likes a snoop. You don't want to be top of the list if things go missing.

On the opposite end of the department is an even larger work area with wide open spaces and lots of what looks like natural light. The windows have a beautiful view that changes from time to time, as it is charmed. The divisions are in separate areas but are not too far of a distance from each other.

Each of the division heads has an office. Every member of the MMAO, CMEC, and IUMO has their own permanent desks. The Wizengamot are based here but spend much of their time down in the courtrooms. However, they each have their own secure locker and you may on occasion find one or two of them working at a spare desk or going through a stack of court files and case histories.

The Forensics lab, a large storage room, the Evidence and Pensieve rooms, as well as the direct floo access aren't all too far from here. The conference room and the Department Head's office are a bit more of a walk. Make sure to keep a map on hand in case you lose your way the first few times in this department.