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Old 11-15-2019, 03:02 AM
hermygirl hermygirl is offline
Default Potions Lesson 2 - the Kuznetsov indicator

It’s a warm spring day outside, and the morning sunshine streams over the lush green mountainside and through the windows of the potions classroom, even with the white fabric blinds lowered to reduce the glare. On the benches in front of the windows, trays of glassware shine and sparkle in the light. Several of the trays house familiar shapes, at least to the older students – test tubes, conical flasks and measuring cylinders – whereas another contains a pile of long, thin demarcated columns with strange looking taps.

The Potions professor is at the front of the class, extracting the juice from a lemon with his wand. Beakers of other liquids line the desk, alongside several brown bottles and what looks to be a bowl of sugar from the kitchens. “Hurry up and find your seats,” he says, gaze steady and tone as no-nonsense as ever. “Chop chop!”