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Old 10-06-2019, 11:39 PM   #29 (permalink)
Giselle Desmarais
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 29

”I did not grab anyone by ze neck. I took firm ‘old of ze girl’s robe collar. If you ‘ad been paying attention instead of brashly raizing your wand, you ‘ould ‘ave known zat.” Giselle chided the Ravenclaw sharply, not appreciating the lie. “And don’t sink I didn’t realize you slipped off to your common room when you were told to come straight ‘ere. Disobedience iz never tolerated.” Was Malachi listening? She was done doing so. Honestly, the woman didn’t know why she’d allowed the trial to go on as long as she had.

“ ‘ould have apologized. Sought about apologizing. None of zhose are apologies.” This time she looked directly to the Headmaster, ignoring Mathys and his suggestion it was an accident.

“zhey may not ‘ave meant to burn my roziz or drench me, but raising wands iz very deliberate and very inappropriate. I want zhem gone and I won’t say it again. Perhaps not ze two accidents—but I do require apology and zat zhey never enter my roze garden again. Ze ozer two, ze ones wiz ze gall to attack me, zhey are to be out wizin ze hour.”

That was not negotiable.

“Ze say YOU are teaching zem zhis behaviour wiz your “constant vigilance” well perhaps you should ‘ave taught zhem common sense to go along wiz it. Attacking off instinct. Defensive reflex in ze absence of real danger. Zhey clearly have much to learn and I will have zhem disciplined. ‘Ow doez one not know that you do not attempt to threaten or attack a ‘eadmistress? Zat is common sense and zhey lack zat.”

THAT was her verdict.
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