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Old 10-02-2019, 03:19 AM   #23 (permalink)
Giselle Desmarais
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 29

He did not understand the severity of the situation. Clearly he did not or he would not be asking her to handle this calmly. The Headmistress’s face had gained tremendous colour by the time the man finished suggesting they sit but rather than create an entire scene of it, Giselle grudgingly accepted her chair the man had pulled out.

The woman sank gracefully in her seat, waiting for the doctored versions of the truth the students would no doubt spew from lying lips to save themselves.

When the rose burner spoke, it was all the woman could do not to grab her by her collar again. “I don’t believe it waz an accident.” Better to make that clear from early on, but what REALLY needed to be clear was the “help” the Slytherin spoke off.

Little wonder she remained vague.

Zhose two,” She spoke up again, pointing both to the one with the broken wand and the Ravenclaw, “drew zheir wands at me. Zat waz ‘ow zhey tried to ‘elp! Disrespectful! You do not draw your wand at ze Headmistress. You don’t at any Professor. What will stop zhem from doing it again? I want zhem out!” If no one else, those two specifically. Drawing a wand at her, was that how they helped? All they’d done was anger her further and land themselves in hot water. Now they needed to leave. “My studentz ‘ould never raize zheir wands at me! Zhey know better. And that one!” She pointed to the first Gryffindor who had begun to cry earlier. “She DOUZED me in water—no doubt trying to ‘elp az zhis one called it. Zat iz ‘ow zhey ‘elp each ozer. Zhey hurt my roziz and when I reacted, zhey all tried to physically attacked me. Zhey ar’ lucky I did not retaliate like my gargoylez. Zat iz why zhey were attacked. Ze gargoyles perceived zhem az threatz because of zheir rotten behaviour. Mathys can vouch for zhis.”

She did not tolerate children who were poorly behaved. No, sir.
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