Thread: Moribund's Pub
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Old 04-16-2019, 03:17 AM   #20 (permalink)
Gringotts Goblins
Gringotts Bank
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 124

Originally Posted by Jack Roller View Post
SPOILER!!: Goblins O'Plenty

It appeared that the Goblins were finishing up their business. So if he wanted to do this, then now is the time. He chugged the rest of his gross beer, clunked it back onto the table and then turned around.

He knew the goblins were probably going to try and pull one over on him. He just needed to use them to get his big money making plan into action. With a roll of the shoulders, he walked over.

"I have a way you can get your mits on thrice that kinda money," he said sliding into a seat across from the goblins.
Originally Posted by Korpsit View Post
Korpsit sneered in disdain at the man that walked over, not surprised by his unintelligent greeting. “He may be worthless.” He informed his companion. “Walking up, not seeing figures but assuming he can triple it. How do you triple what you don’t know? If this parchment said 3 galleons? Why would I be interested in your 9? That’s still child’s play and we’re in the big leagues.”

The very big leagues.

The goblin pocketed the list of teams that needed “support” a plan already setting in motion to accomplish as much.

“Go on then. Say something to have made your interruption worth more than flobberworm dung to my ears.” Could he?
Felnott matched Korpsit's sneer with a loud laugh of his own. Foolish wandwaver was clearly unfamiliar with Korpsit. Felnott, however, preferred to be anonymous. It was easier to maintain certain useful connections that way.

His dark eyes scanned the wandwaver. A slight twitch of the nose indicated he was searching for any hidden gold. It didn't take him long to estimate how much could be hidden in pockets.

Go on and speak then, wandwaver. They were vaguely listening.
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