Thread: Law Enforcement: Magical Forensics Lab
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Old 01-19-2019, 06:15 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Magical Forensics Lab

The Forensics Lab might look old and outdated but it has cutting edge magical equipment. All the workstations and chairs are charmed to be impervius to any type of contamination. These charms are reinforced frequently. They are also charmed to be unbreakable but not completely indestructible. There are areas set aside for potion related work, magical crime scene forensics, muggle artifact adjustments, counterfeit magic identification or even restoration.

Everything a lab tech or an Auror could possibly need.

If you are a part of the CMEC Analysis and Assessment team, you will spend a lot of time in this room. So will those of you who are in the Bureau for the Confiscation of illegally modified muggle artifacts and Aurors who have undergone Forensics training.

If anyone from another department wishes to use the lab or any of the equipment inside the lab, they must seek permission from the Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement as well as permission from their own department head and cosigned by the laboratory supervisor who is a part of the CMEC division.

At the far side of the lab is a door leading to the Department darkroom. This is a restricted area. Please do not enter when the light is on.