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Old 07-18-2018, 08:37 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ally Rory
First Year
Stay Free

SPOILER!!: Professer

Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post
SPOILER!!: Individual Replies

SPOILER!!: Emmalyn, Ronan, Daisy

”Good morning, Miss Walsh,” Celestia replied. She felt her lips curve up into a smile as the Hufflepuff offered her a muffin and politely told the girl, ”No, thank you.” It was not until Mr. Carter had entered the room that Celestia noticed the muffins’ smell was of pumpkin, but Miss Swann attracted Miss Walsh’s attention before she could and the matter was soon settled. Thank Merlin! Celestia had not been looking forward to a trip to the hospital wing.
”Good morning, Miss Swann, and thank you for reminding your Housemate,” Celestia told her with a smile. Mr. Carter also received a bright smile from the professor at his query and she replied quickly, ”That’s correct, Mr. Carter. Take five points for Gryffindor!” Her noble House had fallen to an embarrassing third place in the race for the House Cup, and Celestia had been shamelessly looking for any excuse to reward the lions with points as a result.

SPOILER!!: Maddie

Miss Kemp seemed to be in her usual, cheery mood. Celestia shot the Hufflepuff a smile and replied simply, ”Good morning, Miss Kemp.” As the girl’s cushion gave a small bounce -- yes, because of the floor -- Celestia’s thoughts strayed to daydreaming about certain students falling in an...undiginified way on the floor as a result of the spell. Miss Kemp would not be among that group in her daydream, as Celestia was quite fond of any students that showed the aptitude for and enjoyment of her subject. Still, the idea of troublemakers getting a little trouble themselves was quite appealing.

SPOILER!!: Slate

Mr. Ryker was the first student to visibly take notice of the floor’s new surface. Celestia shot the Slytherin an approving smile -- it was best to go cautiously if something seemed off about a wizard’s surroundings, and his prudence would surely pay off in the future. ”Morning, Mr. Ryker,” Celestia replied evenly, giving no sign that she had noticed his cautious steps or that anything was out of the ordinary.

SPOILER!!: Septimus

Mr. Hadley-Nairne was next to arrive and he, too, received a smile from the professor as she noted his surprised expression upon entering the room. All would be revealed soon enough; Celestia wasn’t about to offer an explanation every time a student entered the room, so they’d all simply have to wait until their classmates filed in. She returned the Ravenclaw’s greeting with a simple, ”Good morning, Mr. Hadley-Nairne.”

SPOILER!!: Stasya

Miss Dalgaard-Volkova seemed a bit pensive as she entered the room. Celestia took this to mean that the prefect was being cautious in a changed environment and easily returned the Gryffindor’s smile. Celestia’s tone of voice brimmed with approval as she replied, ”Good morning, Miss Dalgaard-Volkova. Nothing involving creatures today!” She felt that the reassurance would help put the prefect at ease -- which would be essential as she would need all of her student leaders on their game for this lesson.

SPOILER!!: Hattie

One of the Hufflepuff prefects was the next student in the door, which made Celestia feel more relieved. Prefects in general weren’t the type to skip classes, but life and exams were bearing down upon the fifth and seventh years quickly. She’d certainly need help from the student leaders today and so she bestowed a warm smile on the Hufflepuff and replied, ”Good morning, Miss Paton.”

SPOILER!!: Jessa

Yet another prefect had arrived! Celestia gave the Ravenclaw a smile and returned her greeting easily, ”Good morning, Miss Cambridge.” Perhaps today’s lesson would be more interesting to the poor girl since it would be rather active -- but Celestia felt a squirm of mental discomfort as she doubted it. She had seen Miss Cambridge perform spells taught late into the seventh year with apparent ease, and her heart went out briefly to the Ravenclaw and some of her more academically inclined peers. At least the girl was sure to be able to go into whatever career she wanted to, as her N.E.W.T.S were bound to all have high marks next year.

SPOILER!!: Rylee

Celestia grinned at Miss Prichard as the young Gryffindor bounced her way to a cushion. She was glad to see that the girl seemed to be in her usual cheerful mood, as many students started dreading exams and becoming bogged down with homework at this time of year. She replied with a smile, ”Good morning, Miss Prichard.”

SPOILER!!: Josephine

Celestia greeted the third year girl with a warm smile. ”Good morning, Miss Livingston,” she replied evenly. It troubled her that the young Hufflepuff seemed to retreat to a cushion away from her classmates once again. There were always some students who were unnaturally quiet or in other ways seemed plagued by worries, and Celestia had a mental list of them all. She had hoped that Miss Livingston would be interacting with her classmates more by now, or at least sitting nearer to them, but she reminded herself sternly not to intervene. Forcing the girl to move closer to the other students would only intimidate her more, though today’s lesson would involve interacting with other people. The professor made another mental note to watch out for the young Hufflepuff before flicking her gaze back to the room at large.


Not much time passed before a Slytherin came barrelling into the room next. Celestia frowned and raised an eyebrow at Mr. Carden, but refrained from saying anything about his apparent rush. She supposed that his hurried entrance was better than being late, and he hadn’t actually run into anything. The professor returned Mr. Carden’s nod as he found a seat.

SPOILER!!: Skylar

The professor’s eyebrow climbed up her forehead a bit as the Slytherin Quidditch Captain entered the room in the nick of time. Yes, her classroom was far from the Great Hall, but it was late April and surely the students were used to the many stairs they had to climb to close the distance by now. Nevertheless, Miss Diggory had avoided being late and Celestia always appreciated promptness. She flashed the Slytherin a smile and responded, ”Good morning, Miss Diggory. Your essay was well done,” she added reassuringly. The professor understood how much strain her fifth and seventh years must be feeling by now, with their exams looming over them.

SPOILER!!: Skyler

Celestia frowned slightly at the look on Miss Queen’s face as she entered the room. Any signs of a stern facial expression for cutting her arrival so close fell from the professor’s face, as it appeared that the young girl was possibly blinking back tears. Celestia forced a warm smile onto her face -- she did NOT like to see a second year upset -- and called, ”Good morning, Miss Queen.” Yes, the girl’s smile definitely seemed to be a bit off; perhaps Celestia would get to the bottom of this once she had the class working on their assignments.

At precisely 9:05 AM, Celestia lazily waved her wand towards the classroom door and allowed it to slowly CREEAKK shut again. The professor got to her feet and moved carefully around the Disillusioned items that were currently hidden behind her desk until she faced the class as usual. Recent events -- namely, those mysterious coins that the lake seemed determined to periodically dredge up -- had left the Transfiguration professor feeling very uneasy. There was nothing wrong with any of the objects, of course, and Celestia recognized that this lesson’s topic was most likely born from a sense of paranoia, but she felt that she had to do it. The events of the Muggle Studies field trip from last term hung at the back of her mind and only increased her determination to broach this topic now.

”Good morning, class,” Celestia began. ”Today, we will be learning some new spells that should be of great use to you if you ever find yourselves facing a wizard’s duel, a Dark creature, or some other such encounter. Obviously, these will be Transfiguration spells so I would like you to please name one Transfiguration spell that you think could be used against an opponent and give one possible scenario where this spell would come in handy during a duel.” She knew that there was going to be some opposition to this, and the activity that was to follow, since this wasn’t a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson -- but she had Professor Hirsch’s blessing as far as teaching spells in this context went. However, Celestia’s determination to teach students practical uses for the spells she taught them also steered her away from caring about such criticisms.

OOC: Thank you guys so much for coming! There’s a lot of things going on in the RP at the moment, so I’m combining the usual 2 questions into one post for you. In other words, we’ll move on to the activity right after this rather than having you make an additional post for question 2. To get full credit, Q1 = Name a Transfiguration spell that could be used in a duel and Q2 = Give an example of how you would use that spell in a duel -- so just identify the spell and give an example. I’m still following the grading rubric in the rules post, so remember that your kid doesn’t have to answer correctly or out loud at all to get full points for these. You have 48 hours to get your answers in. We’ll move on at 12 AM CDT on July 20. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Skyler sniffed and rubbed her eyes. Why was she feeling a need to cry? She sighed and tried an answer after raising her hand.

"I forgot the spell professor but maybe one that can turn your enemy into an animal? You know, you can turn them into a rabbit or something so you can run away?"
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