Thread: Character: Breakdown - Sa16+
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Old 01-23-2018, 10:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 13

Lunch couldn’t have come soon enough. Ron practically apparated to the cafeteria, filling his plate to capacity and ravenously devouring it. Harry had followed close behind and the two sat in silence as they shoveled food into their mouths. They had finished their test when Harry sneezed loudly and Angelina reacted with a binding charm. The sneeze was not in fact Harry’s, but a “dark wizard’s” who had used polyjuice potion, and Ron found Harry tied up in an office drawer under an extendable charm. “Enjoying your day off, are you?” Dean teased as he sat down next to Harry.
“HEY-YID-WUZZN-DUH-GLIMRUS-TYME,” Harry retorted, mouth completely full. He swallowed. “I was tied up in a drawer, wasn’t I? It was very uncomfortable and all I knew was that I could be there for hours, defenseless. I felt like Mad-Eye.”
The table took on a somber tone.
“You reckon we’ll have to go through half of what he did as an auror?” Neville asked, with mild anxiety and sincere curiosity.

Ron's mind went to the night before the Weasley post-war celebration, and he, Harry and Hermione had stayed up talking in Ron and Harry’s room. They were all sharing a fit of laughter over each other’s less-than-proud moments.
“Oh! Oh! I have—“ Harry bellowed.
“Shh-shh-shh!” Ron whispered between snorts.
“I have one!” Harry whispered, trying to hold back another fit. “It was sixth year— Hermione knows this one— sixth year, Quidditch tryouts.” Hermione’s laughter picked up again— though she begged him not to continue, and Ron chuckled in anticipation, his interest officially piqued.
“Shh-shh, she knew you were better than Cormac.”
“Of course I did, I watched you play. Hell, you two made me play with you when numbers were short.”
The memory of that made both Harry and Ron burst.
“O, shut up! Shut up. I am not that bad.” She pushed them both. “And beside the point! I knew you were better, and I knew you were nervous—“
“—and you were in love with him,” Harry teased.
Hermione flashed him a look, though a smirk quickly followed.
“She cast a confundus charm on him as he was lunging to make a save.”
Ron’s heart lifted and the heat rose into his cheeks. He stared at her absolutely dumbfounded, and he could see her eyes widen with concern. “Oh, wow…”
“Ron, I—“
“—you really had it bad for me!” He saw Hermione immediately relax and he broke into a new fit, Hermione and Harry joining in.
It was the lightest he had felt in weeks. While the end of the war had brought much relief, the pain and mourning that came with it had left everyone feeling heavy. They all seemed to acknowledge the weight that had temporarily lifted, and the heaviness settled back in.
“We’ve been through a lot, we have,” Ron finally broke the silence. He looked at his best friends, marveling at their resilience and bravery and heart. He was proud to walk among them, and to call them family. They had certainly been through more than most, and lost a lot. He thought of Sirius, of Mad-Eye, of Lupin and Tonks, of Fred…all the family they fought for and now mourned together. Hermione took his hand and squeezed it.
“Yeah, mate. We have,” Harry replied softly, smiling back at him. They sat in a warm, comfortable silence, Hermione’s hand resting in his.
Harry left to use the bathroom and get ready for bed. They were told they’d be waking up bright and early to help mum with decorations, so they wanted to get some sleep.
“It’ll get easier. We’ll all get better, in time. And together.” Hermione was looking at him with an intensity he couldn’t quite describe, but made him feel—well—loved.
He smiled and gave her a nod, holding his arms out to her. She nestled into him, the frizz on the top of her head tickling under his chin and the weight of her body leaning into his.
“Well— goodnight,” she said softly as she slowly pulled away. Ron held tighter. She looked up at him, her cheeks turning pink as they locked eyes, and he remembered he didn’t have to hold back his feelings for her anymore. He bent his head down and kissed her softly. It was the fifth time they had kissed— not that he was counting— but it was the first time he realized that they truly did have time. For once, there was no impending danger, no time running out. There was a tomorrow, there was a future and there was a now, and at the moment he was indulging in something his heart had been aching to do for years.
He begrudgingly pulled away, if only to make sure that he was, in fact, snogging Hermione Granger. He felt heat in his cheeks and he smiled as he opened his eyes to find her perfect face, smattered with freckles, eyes still closed and a smile mirroring his.

He snapped his head to see the call had come from Angelina. He ducked just in time before the bludger headed straight for his head made contact. “Thanks, Ang,” he grumbled as he straightened up.
“You’re gonna end up in the healer’s ward if you don’t snap out of it!” she called back before hopping over some vines that looked and behaved suspiciously similar to the ones he encounter in his first year, in devil’s snare. Hermione had saved him from that.
Focus, Ron. He followed Angelina, narrowly avoiding a jinx sent his way. They found Dean stuck in a swarm of Cornish pixies, and Ron was forced to push Hermione out of his mind. It was maddening. Not to say that he had successfully or even healthily healed, but Hermione’s presence had ripped the wound open and freed it of any progress he had made these past two and a half years. He was angry, and the way he saw it, it was her fault.

“Why in the bleeding hell are you here? Why now?!” He burst into the Healer’s Ward, red faced and sweaty.
Hermione’s eyes widened and she looked at the other two healers who were in the room. “Erm…Ron. Can we take this outside?”
“No, no, it’s fine. You two stay. We were just packing up anyway,” Jasper interjected. Jasper Maxwell was the Head Healer at Scrimgeour Academy. A tall and well-composed man of about 53. He had a thick mustache and large, round spectacles that were beginning to fog up at the moment— a sign of his discomfort. He and the other healer, Alice, made a quick, fumbling exit. And then they were alone.

Last edited by Episky; 01-23-2018 at 10:51 PM.
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