Thread: Girls' Dorms
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Old 10-13-2016, 05:31 AM   #24 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Dora had literally been gone from school for aN entire MONTH. Like... the whole time. Not just there in the day and not sleeping in the dorms, or vice versa. Professor Newton had been bringing her the homework she had been missing. He and Sam and her family had been the only people to even reach out. No one had noticed she was gone for a whole month. How was that for validation?

Crap. That's what it was.

But as Noelle slipped into her bed she buried her face in a nearby pillow to be sure she wasn't seen with tears in her eyes. Nope. Not Dora. She didn't cry anymore, ya know. Not ever!

"I got Vanishing Sickness. Whole arm disappeared. Spent a month in Mungo's. Me and my girlfriend broke up. I am not so sad anymore... and you abandoned me for different friends. I always counted on you to be here for me. The others are too caught up in themselves... but you were actually a great friend. I also ran away over summer hols. I have been grounded for... forever. " Muffled, muffled, muffled.
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