Thread: Waiting Room
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Old 10-10-2016, 12:12 PM   #14 (permalink)
Joy Miller
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Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Tenacius zooooomed through the 3rd floor corridor and --whoops nearly missed the door there-- entered the Hospital Wing. Where was the Healer? "HEALER MILLER WE GOT AN EMERGENCYYYY" he yelled out, flipping on his hoverboard back and forth, antsy to get going.

Oh theres a log book thing innit? But no bell thing? Wasnt that a Hospital thing or was he just too used to how they do things at the hotel? Anyway might as well fill that form while he waited....

There was a strange noise coming towards her wing. No, nope wait.

The strange noise was IN her hospital wing. What in the world was that?! Joy rose from her seat in her office at the same moment the young boy burst into the hospital shouting at the top of his lungs. Dear Merlin it was a good thing she didn't have any children in here asleep or he would sure be getting a piece of her mind right then.

Her warm hazel eyes laid sight on him taking in every inch of him to see that he appeared to be in one piece minus that contraption he was riding in her hospital wing. An emergency had he said? Where? What was happening?

Joy's eyes quickly dropped to her sign-in book glancing at the few words there. "Thank you, I'm on my way and please be careful with that...that thing..." she replied gesturing to his hooverboard. Accidents on the moving stairs involving more then one person. This couldn't be good. The women was already pulling out her wand and casting 'accio' bringing a bag of supplies straight to her before rushing out. "You may accompany me back there or continue on to do whatever it was you had been doing Tenacius." It was up to him seeing as he wasn't harmed at all.
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