Thread: Waiting Room
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Old 10-05-2016, 11:52 AM   #12 (permalink)
Joy Miller
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Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Walking into the hospital wing from the freezing cold hallways, Jonas was greatfull for the warmth that the hospital wing offered. Clutching his hurt arm, he signed the book with his right hand. Thankfully it was his left arm and not his right arm. When he was done, he sat down and waited...his arm seemed to be hurting more now that it got exposed to the cold air and stuff.

When he was done, he sat down and waited clutching his arm to his side.
There went the dinging around the office again. Healer Joy set down the container of fish food she had in her hand and exited her office. Her eyes fell upon the young boy cradling his arm close to his chest. Broken wrist possibly was the first thought that entered the women's head. Glancing at the sign-in book it was easily confirmed that the child was injured. "Let's get you into a room and fix that arm, yeah?" she spoke softly giving him a warm smile. Joy gestured towards one of the empty rooms. "Go on and get yourself comfortable, lay down if you like and I'll be right in." She was just going to go get a potion or two for him first.

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