Thread: Stone Gargoyle
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Old 09-17-2016, 10:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
Mohamed Sahnoun
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Snakeskin? The man stifled a chuckle, wondering what made her think that he would choose 'snakeskin' as the password to his office. His gaze told her 'nice try, but try something more complicated.' Unless the students knew a few words of Swahili or could manage to persuade one of the professors to leak the magic words, Sahnoun knew that they wouldn't be getting the gargoyle to move any time soon.

He slowly nodded his head while Miss Franks-Mundie spoke. A schedule was very much needed from her, and Sahnoun was glad that she had delivered it herself. The second thing the girl mentioned brought a smile to his face. "I am interested to hear what you have to propose dis year," the African stated earnestly, always willing to do whatever he could to highlight the varying talents of his pupils.

"Oh, no, Miss Franks-Mundie. After you," he replied, stepping to the side and letting the stairs be accessible to her first. "Ladies first."
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