Thread: Secret Passage
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Old 09-08-2016, 10:22 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Henry had done plenty of exploring the castle the first couple of years he was at Hogwarts. The moving staircases and following his inquisitive kneazle were always good ways to be taken somewhere new and find something he hadn't before. Now that he was older, he felt that he had outgrown that somewhat, not to mention he did spend more of his time outside than he did inside, especially when the weather was nice.

He was fairly certain he knew where everything inside the castle was anyway, that is until yesterday when he was on his way to potions class. The fourth year didn't remember seeing that particular doorway when he was on he walked through the dungeons before. Had he been that unobservant, or was it new? Whatever it was, he had grown fairly curious about it though he couldn't really do anything about it on the way to class at the risk of being late or after class at the risk of being late to his next class. It would wait till later.

Of course, he forgot about it till the next day when it was raining and looking for something to do. Remember there was a new, secret doorway - or at least to him - he headed down the stairs and into the dungeons. It took him a minute to find it again, but when he did he headed inside, big brown eyes taking in everything. It was something different that he hadn't yet seen, but there was really nothing else interesting. At least not yet. Henry had faith that it would lead somewhere cool and he headed down the first windy turn.
Sam could have sworn she'd seen Henry go down to the potions corridor. Having been too far away to call out to him, at least, not without gaining the wrath of any nearby professors, she'd simply quickened her step to follow him.

...but then, he'd just seemed to have disappeared.

Confused, she retraced her steps, alert eyes scanning the stone walls. And there she saw it. A door, previously hidden to her. Well, that was pretty cool. And just begging to be explored, whether Henry was behind it or not.

Light on her feet, she started her on her way down this new corridor, excitement playing on her lips. Having been grounded for most of the late summer, she'd been rather lacking in adventures recently. This opportunity was one too good to miss.
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