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Old 06-26-2016, 01:27 PM
Bazinga Bazinga is offline
Default Great Charms Challenge Third and Fourth Years

As you come up to the door to the Ever Changing Practice Room you will notice that the door is locked and for good reason. A list of directions are on the door:

Originally Posted by Directions
As you enter the room watch out there will be objects (foam balls so they can't not hurt you just slow you down) flying towards you. You will need to use a shield and then slow the balls down or stop them completely. Once slowed you can grab them and place them in the basket. There are some balls that have been randomly stuck to the room. They will need to be unstuck and placed in the basket as well. You have thirty minutes to complete this challenge.

SPOILER!!: rubric
5 = Performs all tasks correctly including incantations and wand movements; excellent RPG effort.
4 = Performs all the tasks correctly including incantations; outstanding RPG effort.
3 = Performs tasks with reasonable detail; average RPG effort.
2 = Performs most tasks; good RPG effort.
1= Performs hardly any tasks in little detail; poor RPG effort.
0 = Failed to complete the practical portion of the exam.
*there can be bonus points for a persons score for extra creativity*

You have until Sunday, July 10 to post in this challenge. [/COLOR]