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Old 12-21-2015, 03:45 AM
Bazinga Bazinga is offline
Default Waiting area for Professor Primeaux

As you walk down the third floor corridor you will come to a section of red couches that are up against the one side of the wall. These couches are very comfortable, but please don't let Julien catch you asleep on them. It will not go over very well. Some charm magazines and books are in a book rack next to one of the couches for your reading pleasure. Please take note of the sign that is hanging on the door.

Originally Posted by Sign

I do not go barging into your dorm so please do not do it to my office. Just like my classroom I expect respect, responsibility, and being safe. So please knock on my door and have a seat. I will be with you as soon as I can. I might be with another student or staff member, so do not become impatient. If patience is an issue then kindly walk away and come back when it isn't. Thank you and have a good day.