Thread: SS: A Future Revealed
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Old 12-13-2015, 12:08 AM
Holmesian Feline Holmesian Feline is online now
Default A Future Revealed

A Lion and a Badger


Two best friends, first real close during school and now inseparable as they start the rest of their lives together.
Benjamin Atreyu and Aditya Rehman are now on their own outside the normalcy and safety of the walls of Hogwarts.
Wizarding University and the great wide world await the boyfriends as they explore what its like to really be adults in the wizarding and muggle worlds.


Benadi Apartment: Two bedroom apartment in the outskirts of Edinburgh. Their first very own home close to school.

Cassiopeia's Cafe: A friendly cafe owned by Benny's mother

Rehman House: The childhood home of Adi, home of Saieed and Indira Rehman

Wizarding University: Edinburgh Campus of the school, where Benny and Adi take classes towards their degrees.

Scene 1 : Cassiopeia's Cafe

Ben's mom's cafe was chosen as the location for the ritual meeting of the families. Aka the first full Atreyu-Rehman get-together. The one where the boys tell their loved ones the truth about their relationship and see just how they react.

Ben, Cassiopeia and Lukas Atreyu (Holmesian Feline)
Adi, Indira Rai- Rehman and Saieed Rehman (FearlessLeader19)