not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Hayden was very hungry. VERY hungry. She had fallen asleep on the train and hadn't gotten a chance to get food from the food trolley. So she hadn't eaten since her breakfast that morning. She had a few lollipops in her bag, and she had eaten one, but that didn't do much to curb her appetite. Hayden couldn't help but get to the Great Hall as fast as possible, even though she knew she wouldn't actually be able to eat anything until after the speech. "Hi Norah!" She took the seat across from her fellow Hufflepuff fourth year. They were getting so old she could hardly believe it. Look! There were a lot of people at the table already. "Hi Adi!" She had seen him over the summer, but there were people she hadn't seen. "Hey Kace! Are you looking forward to the year?" He was a seventh year. A SEVENTH YEAR! At the end of the year he would be leaving, and that was sad. Hayden was finally getting old enough that she had friends who were seventh years and would leave her at the end of the year. It was so sad.
And there were also little firsties coming to Hogwarts for the first time. Hayden grinned at two of them enthusiastically. "Hi guys! I'm Hayden, what are your names?" |