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Old 04-14-2015, 02:37 AM   #14 (permalink)
Casey O

Fan Club Officer

Join Date: Jun 2012
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Second Year
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

*reminder for casey to PV here* Marigold was definitely looking forward to this trip, because staying at home all summer was NOT a nice option, though volunteering at the animal shelter was so far AWESOME. She had to take a leave of absence for this trip, which made her guilt twinge just a little at the thought of so many kittens and puppies going unnamed without her, but the thought of actually seeing people she liked - not that she didn't like Moo or baby!Mouse, but they were just two people - made her excited.

People were already here! Was she late? She bounced in, standing on her tiptoes because everyone was just TOO darn TALL. She recognized an even smaller flouncy person and tickled Norah in the side, before giving her and Sophie Brown a side hug. "Hi, friends!" she said, then gave a big ol smile to Zander. Hello, also!friend.
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