Thread: International Cooperation The Office of Gidyun Yenorin
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Old 02-19-2014, 11:37 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by siriusly_demented View Post
Hmm lets see..Stephen debated within himself, he kinda liked the idea of calling him chief but on the other side how many ministry employees could call there boss in such a casual way?...hmm..Ok, he decided he would alternate.

Something clicked Stephen somehow hadn't registered that someone else was in the office as well. he looked and noted one of the rookie employees. It would appear they were talking about getting back in the ministry.

Well while it was one of his top priorities to get back to the Wizarding world ministry, This also was a priority he had been meaning to talk with Gidyun about.

"So I'm thinking that it was time I got myself a swanky office like yours only better,you know?" Cubicles just weren't cutting it for Stephen he was a guy with rich taste and a cubicle area wouldn't be enough to express that. "So I was thinking of using the all the unused area to kind of make myself a office/gym/library/theater?"

"Also I've reached out to my contacts for anyway they think we could get back in,i should be hearing from them soon"
His attention was drawn to Stephen again and he just stared when he said he thought he should get some swanky office like his only better. "An office, gym, library and theatre. Really now?" he asked a hint of amusement. Sitting back in his seat he shook his head "Well, I think you can do amazing things with your cubicle, whatever you can fit in that space you can absolutely put in it. Even take a window cubicle and have a lovely view of the St. Mungo's Association building." If he could put a library, gym, and theatre in there go for it.

"The foreign relations officer, is an important officer, but you still have 2 other people that you work side by side with. And I think you would better fit precisely where you are, with your coworkers. I have a bigger office, due to the meetings I need to have with people and need some privacy." When he said about his contacts, he nodded "Wonderful. As soon as you hear I'd love to hear of their ideas."

Originally Posted by HogwartsStudent11 View Post
This was the same man who'd rescued her from the Testing room. She appreciated it in her own Cynthia way, but who was he kidding now? An office/gym/library/theater? It annoyed her the way he said "chief" so casually.

And as for her boss, she was disappointed that her idea wouldn't work. She'd expected as much, since it was a simple, logical way that (if it worked) would already have them back to the ministry. She wouldn't call her boss Mr. Yenorin if he didn't like it. Cynthia thought that Gid was just too informal for her taste. She settled for Gidyun.
"Yes, Mr. Gidyun, sir," she said. She was aware that he probably didn't like "sir" either, but it was too late now. "I should have realized."
"Don't worry about it. I wish I could say that something like that would work, and we'd be back in our normal offices. Just be thankful you weren't the one flooing, or try...." Hearing a crackle on the phone he didn't go on, "Just be thankful you haven't tried to enter that building. So far, it's not working, we just need to keep thinking on more ideas."
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