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Old 02-14-2013, 04:36 AM   #58 (permalink)
Bjorn Berg
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Default Reynolds, you're in here at the bottom as well.
Slick Dealer

SPOILER!!: Lissy_Longbottom/Kissy_Lissy
Originally Posted by Kissy_Lissy View Post
"Ah, nice to meet you Mr. Berg," Nolan said, extending a hand for a shake. So this was the man behind Erik's success. Or was he really? Nolan had a hunch he was behind the SCHEMING part of Erik's plan to win votes, but Erik seemed to pretty much have the whole thing under control. If only HE had such a great campaign manager, his hadn't shown up in ages...

"I guess I should congratulate you on your candidate's success," he said with a chuckle. "I'll admit it was a tad embarrassing getting dunked but I'm looking forward to redeeming myself tonight," he explained.

In case Berg and Erik didn't already know, he was NOT going down without a fight.

"So, enjoying the evening so far?" he asked the whole group.

At least the fellow had enough sense to not make an excuse for himself. Because Bjorn was not amused by ridiculous excuses.

"Thank you, Mr. Reynolds. We are indeed pleased with Erik's performance in Hogsmeade." Would it be too much to mention the place he got? Yes. Yes it would. "Second place is definitely nothing to complain about, though I would've preferred first..."

And then the not-so-subtle reminder. "I suppose I should just be content he stayed dry, eh, Reynolds?" he finished, elbowing him jovially and flashing him that famous winning smile. "Oh yes, plenty of time to make up for all blunders--perceived or otherwise." And yes, he did intentionally imply that your mistake was not merely perceived, but real, Reynolds.

"Oh yes, the British always throw excellent galas. Though perhaps not lively enough for my taste." Where was the ballroom dancing?

SPOILER!!: Erik Vinteren
Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
"At least vhere's no dunk tank here to fear, eh?" Erik chimed in on his manager's and Nolan's conversation. He gave his fellow candidate a manly clap on the shoulder, which probably hit him harder than he'd intended it to, and winked. He could schmooze with the best of him...and it was even easier when the people he was running against were nerds like Nolan.

It seemed Erik wasn't the only one being distracted this evening. His gaze trailed Roxanne's over to the sombre looking man with a woman on his arm. Hmm, this could get interesting, he thought...

"Good for you," he replied simply, his mind whirring elsewhere even while he was talking to the blonde. "Not sure vhose idea it vas, but apparently the British Ministry doesn't know vhat a holiday is..." This sort of event should have been held on a Saturday, not a Monday. No one liked bloody Mondays.

Erik was well-trained in the art of spying, so much so that when he felt eyes on the back of his neck, he almost always knew who was staring at him. He felt the familiar hair-raising feeling now and turned his head, taking note of a suspicious character in round glasses and a dark hat. He was standing too close to their group for Erik's comfort.

"Excuse me, Roxanne, Nolan...Bjorn." He dismissed himself from the group with a bow of the head and started across the hall, seemingly going for the dining and seating area with his chin tilted up slightly and his eyes focused straight ahead.

Hardly on his way there, however, he made a too-close pass to the man in glasses and a hat. His pass turned into a bump...almost an intentional shove, if anyone had been watching...that should have knocked the smaller man over.

"Beg your pardon," he apologized immediately, stopping and feigning surprise at the sight of the dishevelled man. "I didn't see you there."

Bjorn nodded approvingly as Erik interacted with Nolan. Any onlookers would notice his in-charge body language, whether consciously or otherwise. And laughing at a witty comment Erik made was a good idea, so Bjorn helped him along via an appreciative chuckle. "I suppose we shouldn't gang up on Mr. Reynolds too much, Erik," he said somewhat dramatically.

"Oh of course, of course," he said upon Erik's departure. "I was just thinking of visiting the refreshment table, myself. Mr. Reynolds, I feel as if I may have overstepped a bit, giving you too hard of a time, perhaps." Which of course was to undermine his confidence, but he need not broadcast that intention. "Will you allow me to bring you anything?"
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