Thread: Character: Just Matt - Sa16+
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Old 07-22-2011, 12:46 AM   #59 (permalink)
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OK, so this is half of what I had planned to be the last post. I haven't completed writing it all so I am posting this for now. This is the penultimate part of Teddy and Victoire.

The first thing I saw was her hair, how it was able to sit perfectly when she had confessed to me that she can never be bothered brushing it was mesmerising and I caught myself pulling out of a trance. It was after I rubbed my eyes for a moment that I noticed she was speaking to someone. I recognised the face but I couldn’t put a name to it. I was sure their house was Hufflepuff and I was pretty sure they had annoyed me in a couple of classes. Alex looked pretty busy, it seemed like a pretty full conversation. I approached the end of the corridor where Alex and her friend were standing. The friend looked up and met my eyes, it looked like they gulped nervously then glanced at Alexa and nodded in my direction.

‘Matt! Hi, what can I do for you?’ Al asked happily. She seemed pretty hyper which was quite common these days.

‘Well, I actually wanted to ask you something in private. You know, uh, where no one else can see us.’ I sounded like an idiot but it was now or never.

‘Sure, OK. But first I would like you to meet my new boyfriend. This is Paul, Paul this is Matt.’

‘Al, I wouldn’t say new. It has been 23 days already.’ This line made me vomit in my mouth but it made Alex giggle like a six year old who had just met their favourite fairytale prince. And believe me, Paul was no Prince Charming. ‘Hey Matt, how you doing?’

‘Yeah, eh good thanks.’ It was all I could say to the guy. I turned to Alex and looked for any sign of a joke.... Nope, nothing. ‘Oh, 23 days. Wow, that’s erm great I guess. Bit of a shock if I’m honest. You didn’t tell me anything.’

‘Matty, don’t be silly. I talk to my girl friends about that kind of thing.’ Alex smiled up at Paul who was possibly a head taller than her. ‘Oh and Matt, Paul knows about us. Don’t have to worry about him saying anything about this conversation.’

‘Oh, you told him, oh alright. We haven’t ever actually told people before, right, erm, OK. Well, I guess I should, err, get going. Leave you two alone, you know.’

‘No Matt, you wanted to speak to me about something. You can say it in front of Paul. Don’t worry his lips are sealed.’

‘It doesn’t... it doesn’t matter anymore Alexa. Just leave it, never mind. I’ll see you later OK?’

‘Actually I’m hanging about with some Hufflepuff people at dinner tonight. Then we are studying in the library together. You could come if you liked.’

‘Oh no, it’s fine. You go and erm have fun, you know, studying.’

I walked away and it wasn’t for a few days that I spoke to her again. I wasn’t angry at her or jealous or anything. I was just humiliated, and heart broken.


6th Year – 1st September

My OWL results had come in and they were pretty good. They were better than both of my sisters which I was elated by. Not that my parents noticed or anything. James and Christie did, which was nice to know, they gave me some money as a reward which I saved for trips to Hogsmeade throughout the year.

The train was the same as it was every year. Things were different with the family now though, Tom was at Hogwarts and the twins were working. If you can call it that. They share an apartment in London, which of course is paid for by my parents, and they work in Madam Malkins at the money till. I knew they weren’t the quickest snitches but seriously, Madam Malkins? What about the Ministry? Working at a desk sorting letters for ministry officials was better than that.

Alex and I rarely spoke, an occasional ‘how are you?’ or smile in the others direction but nothing more. Paul was still around and I couldn’t face him. Something about him was off and I just hated seeing them all loved up. It was obvious he cared about her a lot and she was head over heels for him.

The devastating part was that I knew she would never feel that for me and I couldn’t ever do things with her that Paul did.
There were rumours circling around the year that they were the power couple and that they would last outside of Hogwarts. It was rare for this to happen but every gossiper was betting on it.


Last Day of 7th Year

There were many girls crying and hugging one another while I stood there like a total idiot, I didn’t know where to put myself. Darren and Josh were over the other side of the Entrance Hall kissing their girlfriends, comforting them which really meant that it was all for the guys’ pleasure. They were very scheming boyfriends; they knew that if they ‘comforted’ the girls now they would get really good thank you kisses later. I didn’t have a girlfriend, sometimes I felt lucky because the guys would always winge about how clingy they were or how they always wanted presents. Most of the time I felt like a loner; I had little self esteem and whenever a girl spoke to me my hair went bright red. What a turn-on!

‘Matt, wakey wakey.’ Alex giggled from behind me.

‘Sorry, I, erm, daydream.’

‘Yeah, can I speak to you?’

‘Sure, what’s up?’

‘Well, it’s just that... actually could we go somewhere quieter?’

‘Yeah, this way.’

We headed towards an empty classroom and I sat down in a seat. Expecting to see her right next to me I looked up to find Al still standing at the door. She had tears in her eyes and was murmuring something.

‘Can we, can we go to the Room of Requirement please? I miss it, I haven’t been in such a long time.’ She was able to say clearly before she came towards me and held my hand and pulled me along the corridors to the Room.

‘Alex, what is it? Are you alright?’

‘Yeah, umm, I just have to ask you something and tell you some stuff. I’ve told Paul but all he does is kiss me and he expects everything to be fine.’

‘OK, well, I’m sure it’s not that bad.’

‘Well, it kind of is.’

‘Right, go on then.’ I said as we flopped down onto the couch.

‘Well, my mum is dead, so is my Granda. Mum killed herself and she wrote me a letter saying that she should have never had me. I stressed her out supposedly. I’m old enough to live on my own now obviously but I feel lonely. My friends won’t speak to me, they said I ignored them because of Paul.’

‘Do you ignore them?’

‘I guess, but not on purpose.’

‘Right, is that all you need to tell me? I, erm, need to go. Are you OK?’

‘I feel better Matt. Thanks, Paul was saying I was grumpy and he got upset when I wasn’t excited this morning.’

‘Excited? About what?’

‘He asked me to marry him.’

First Day of Work

I hadn’t slept since the last day of school, I was in complete shock. Not just because she was engaged but it was because I had missed a whole chunk of her life. A massive chunk – I should have been there to help her. When her Granda died she needed me but I didn’t have the guts to speak to her and then when she read that letter she would have been hysterical. I just couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. Hearing that Paul hadn’t been much help made me angry. He obviously had no problems – his life must have been perfect.

I felt sick as I walked down the street towards the Ministry. I was going to start Auror training and I had also gotten myself a job handling paperwork for the front entrance of the Ministry. As the training didn’t pay I had to find a way to pay rent on my basement apartment just outside of London. It was part time but it was enough. Granny Molly had left me a little bit and I had many savings from babysitting and working in the joke shop. I had converted some so that I was able to pay my Muggle landowner.

I decided to call James and ask about how he was so that I didn’t think about myself. He eventually picked up and talked about how Mia was driving him insane. Chris had to go to work early and Mia, being almost eight, had begged him to play princesses like her mummy usually did. I couldn’t help but laugh which made Jay very displeased. He had said he still had glitter hanging from his eyelashes so that his vision was blurred. Of course this made me laugh even more until James had to ask me how I was.

This made me open up. I opened up everything. I told him about Alexa and who she was, I told him I loved her, I told him she was engaged, I said that she had spoken to me and that I felt like a complete fool for giving up all those years ago.

‘Matt, have you ever told anyone about her before?’

‘No, never. I considered telling you before but I wasn’t sure if you would be mad. She’s forbidden, totally off limits. I just couldn’t help myself, couldn’t stay away.’

‘I’m not mad that you love her and were her best friend, I’m angry that you never told your parents that you were friends with this girl.’

‘I couldn’t exactly walk into the living room and say ‘Alexa Fiddle is my best friend’, could I?’

‘That’s exactly what you could have done.’


The Next Week

‘Dad, I need advice.’


‘Yeah, I know it’s the first time so don’t worry if you don’t want to.’

‘No, no, go ahead. What is it?’

‘Well, I know you and Mum had a rough story and I was wondering, how did you get her back?’

‘Well, I, I just showed and told her how much I loved her I guess. She realised how much she had missed me and she loved me. But remember that doesn’t happen for everyone.’

‘I know Dad. So you just told her you loved her?’

‘Kind of, it’s more complicated than you might think.’

‘You’ve never told me what happened. You haven’t ever told me anything.’

‘Don’t be so silly, of course I did.’

‘Yeah, yeah. Must have been pretty bad memory loss I had Dad. You know what, I don’t want your stinking advice, just leave it.’

‘Fine, you give up on any type of relationship we could have had. I wanted to be a good father, I did. But you know what? I messed up. Your sisters didn’t have a proper Dad. I was an awful parent to them, they were my little angels but I didn’t know how to tell them so I got them things. I made them happy with material things.’

‘What about me? You left me out! It has nothing to do with the fact that I’m a boy! Don’t give me that muck! Tom’s fine! I got forgotten about!’

‘We didn’t forget you, how can you forget your own kid?’

‘Look in the mirror and say that again! Staring back will be the person with the bloody answer!’

I made my way to the front door with my fists clenched. I could never hit my Dad but I would certainly damage something if I couldn’t keep my temper to myself. I could hear his footsteps following behind me and I had to use all of my might to shout again. He was catching up to me quite quickly so I attempted to take longer strides in order to get out of there quicker. It didn’t work.

‘Matthew, slow down. Let me say something.’

‘Let you? LET YOU? I have been waiting for years for you to ‘say something’ so don’t bother.’ I was on the point of breakage, anger and frustration was building but for the first time in a while I felt like I would explode with tears. ‘I finally try to open up to you and all you can do is lie to me. ‘I told you everything son’, ‘I was a bad parent to your sisters too’...yada yada yada. In case you haven’t noticed they’re fine! Confident and too far up their own-’

‘Don’t you dare! I don’t care what age you are but you do not talk about your sisters like that and most definitely not under my roof.’

‘Oh excuse me.’

‘I was just going to say that this girl you want back better be worth it.’

‘Oh believe me, she is.’ By this point I was outside the front door and I was free. ‘In fact I think you know her – Alexa Fiddle. Ring a bell?’

And I disapparated with a pop.

Hope it was alright
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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